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  1. 第八宫也是象征着资源整合和资产的宫位。

    The eighth house is also the house of joint resources and property .

  2. 第八宫掌管精神能量。

    The8th house deals with psychic energy .

  3. 黄道十二宫中的第八宫由天蝎座掌管,守护星是火星和冥王星。

    The Eighth House is ruled by the Sign Scorpio and the Planets Mars and Pluto .

  4. 你要知道,第八宫意味着我们需要更多的钱去资助大计划。

    This is the house where we go for large sums of money to fund big plans .

  5. 第八宫掌管睡眠,梦及灵界,即很多再生出现的地方。因此,第八宫强的人比其他人睡得更多。

    The8th rules sleep , dreams and the astral plane , where much of this regeneration takes place .

  6. 如果双方结婚,那么七宫和八宫的便是重点应该关注的。

    If a commitment to each other happens , the seventh and eighth houses come more clearly into focus .

  7. 于世俗上,第八宫掌管赌博,欠债,共同投资,遗产及继承权。

    On the mundane level , the8th house deals with debts , loans , joint finances , legacies and inheritances .

  8. 这一天,金星、木星、月亮合相第八宫,这意味着你将会得到更多的金钱。

    On this day , Venus and Jupiter will have their annual meeting , and for you this spells more ca-sh !

  9. 月亮进入你的第八宫分享资源宫,今天将会是一个进行财务投资的好时候。

    The Moon 's visit to your8th House of Shared Resources marks a good day to consider making a financial investment .

  10. 当然第八宫对应天蝎座,所以第八宫也代表了性,事实上,代表了释放身体能量的可能。

    Actually , it shows what might be loosly termed as biological " energy " . Sex is only one possible outlet .

  11. 周六,月亮移动到负责任的巨蟹座,你的第八宫亲密宫,届时你可能要对自己的一举一动一言一行付上责任。

    The Moon shifts into responsible Capricorn and your8th House of Intimacy on Saturday when you may be held accountable for your every word and deed .

  12. 财务上,5月27日的海木相合在你的第八宫将使你获得可喜的收入。

    Financially , you may reap a lovely commission on or near May27 when Jupiter and Neptune will meet in your eighth house of other people 's money .

  13. 在干氏八宫说语境下,揭示出自然之大化流行,勾勒出生动的整体宇宙图景。

    Under the context of Eight Square theory , revealed the nature of maximize popular , and fleshed out the vivid picture of the universe as a whole .

  14. 土星不得不移动到新的星宫,在你的星盘中将移动到你的第八宫,也就是代表着别人的金钱宫。

    Saturn has to move into a new house of the horoscope , and in your case will go into your eighth house of other people 's money .

  15. 无论现在是怎样的表现状态,第八宫的星体不断地再生,令更多正能量能释放。

    No matter what the present level of manifestation , however , planets in the8th undergo a constant regeneration , permitting their more positive qualities to shine through .

  16. 通常如果火星在你们的第八宫的时候你会破财或者引发例如涉及到一项承诺的纠纷或者离婚纠纷。

    Usually having Mars in the eighth house as you will have forces up expenses or could cause arguments , say , over a commission or a divorce settlement .

  17. 天蝎宫是第八宫,第八宫管辖“物质礼物“,因此天蝎们对“礼物赠予”的改变力有着其他星座无法比拟的理解。

    The8th house , which rules material gifts , is under the natural rulership of Scorpio . Thus , Scorpios understand the potential for gift-giving 's transformation power in a way no other sign can .

  18. 今天太阳会来到你的分享第八宫。现在在你的星图上与遵行纪律和组织的土星呈一个很好的角度。

    The Sun will be in your eighth house of shared resources today , at a fine angle to Saturn , the planet of discipline and structure , now at the top of your chart .

  19. 第八宫掌管运输,就你的情况,手术会带走你不再需要、带给你痛苦的那部分,让你重新成为一个健康的人。

    The eighth house is the house of transformation , so in this case , the surgeon will remove what you no longer need-the part making you sick-to allow you to transform into a well person again .

  20. 这种规则性联系既宏观地展现了天地之间阴阳二气的消长变化之道,又为构建八宫象数易学体系提供了必要的理论支撑。

    This connection displays not only the way of changing of Yin yang er qi of the world , but also provides a necessary theoretical foundation for the establishment of the system of the image-number philosophical school of the eight-fundamental Hexagrams .