
jī fèn
  • be roused to action;be stirred into activity
激奋 [jī fèn]
  • [be roused to action;be stirred into activity] 振奋、激动

  • 群情激奋

激奋[jī fèn]
  1. 主席尽力平息人们的激奋情绪。

    The chairman tried to take the heat out of the situation .

  2. 群情激奋。

    Feelings are running high .

  3. 好消息传来,人心激奋。

    When we heard the good news , everyone felt encouraged .

  4. 演讲者很快便使听众群情激奋。

    The speaker soon whipped the crowd into a fever of excitement .

  5. 围绕皮亚诺的Paddington项目的群情激奋似乎表明伦敦将出现转折点,就像此前人们对纽约摩天大楼遮挡中央公园阳光的担忧表明纽约出现转折点一样。

    The furore over the Piano project in Paddington seemed to indicate a turning point in London just as the concern over the shadows being cast over Central Park did in New York .

  6. 激昂的音乐使听众的情绪激奋。

    The stirring music acted on the emotions of the audience .

  7. 以及读和写东西中感到激奋了。

    Along with really writing something for too many years now .

  8. 现在全国对核电站群情激奋。

    There is now strong national feeling against the nuclear plant .

  9. 我们受到群情激奋的感染。

    We were caught up in the excitement of the crowd .

  10. 有些抗议者群情激奋,其中一名被射杀。

    Some protesters did Sally out ; one was shot dead .

  11. 人们听了演说人的话群情激奋.例句:

    The people were whipped up into a frenzy by the speaker .

  12. 演讲者试图通过呼吁采取行动来激奋人群。

    The speaker attempted to rouse the crowd with a cry for action .

  13. 意大利国内对此格外群情激奋。

    In Italy , the mood is especially fractious .

  14. 不管支持哪位候选人,宾州的选民显然都被激奋了。

    No matter who they support , it is clear Pennsylvania voters are energized .

  15. 我没有意识到这一问题能引起群情激奋。

    I didn 't realize the intensity of people 's feelings on this issue .

  16. 股票交易所充满了激奋的情绪。

    The stock exchange was buzzing with excitement .

  17. 人们群情激奋,城市恐怖活动四起,商店被劫,家园被烧毁。

    Emotions run high . Towns are terrorized , stores robbed . Homesteads burned .

  18. 她在二十年代德国左翼处于激奋状态的知识分子圈内活动。

    She moved in the exciting intellectual circle of the German left of the 1920s .

  19. 罢工者群情激奋(随时准备采取激烈行动)。

    The strikers were in a militant mood , ie ready to take strong action .

  20. 融入人群的激奋;陷入了丑闻。

    Caught up in the excitement of the crowd ; caught up in the scandal .

  21. 他几乎是一种激奋的化身,有了他,便不可能有停顿。

    He was a sort of almost irritating ubiquity ; no halt was possible with him .

  22. 至于人民,昨天还很激奋,可是今晨却没有动静了。

    As for the populace , it was seething yesterday , to-day it is not stirring .

  23. 他演讲结束时,群众激奋起来,开始热烈欢呼。

    At the end of his speech , the crowd caught alight and began cheering widly .

  24. 广大人民从容地应付着战争,既没有群情激奋,也没有歇斯底里。

    The mass of people took the war in stride , without emotional excitement or hysteria .

  25. 事态急转直下法庭群情激奋夏洛克被判无罪洗脱所有嫌疑

    Amidst unprecedented scenes , there was uproar in court as Sherlock Holmes was vindicated and cleared of all suspicion .

  26. 他们喜欢在工作上和他人建立的那种成人的关系,并由于工作上的要求及挑战而感到激奋。

    They enjoy the adult relationships with others at work and feel stimulated by demands and challenges of being employed .

  27. 因此,美国国内群情激奋,民众和政府将这一恐怖行径视为对美国的宣战。

    Therefore , the United States greatly excited , the public and the government regard this terrorist act as the war against the United States .

  28. 我已经好多年都不能从听音乐,写音乐以及读和写东西中感到激奋了。

    I haven 't felt the exitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now .

  29. 你会回忆起来我提过在当时有一个宗教上的激奋,在抛迈拉地区和约在我们的小斯密约瑟弟兄的十五岁左右。

    You will recollect that I mentioned the time of a religious excitement , in Palmyra and vicinity to have been in the15th year of our Brother J.

  30. 行走在越轨边缘,或许甚至出轨:好女孩喜欢品尝跟着她的坏男孩一起出轨时那种纯粹的激奋感。

    Traveling to the edge , and maybe even over : the good girl relishes the pure thrill of traveling to the edge with her bad boy .