- 网络elicitor;exciton;elicitors;elicitin

Hrp gene cluster encoding a particular gene product , that is an unique nature harpin protein elicitor .
And when the salt elicitor was added , the expression of PAL and LOX genes were enhanced observably in the cells treated with IPT and ABA .
Although the gene had a low level of constitutive expression , based on assays of control plants , its expression pattern and extents were affected differently by treatment with elicitors .
The defence response is induced by host-parasite interaction firstly . The studies of original signal - elicitors , were payed increasing attention .
Molecular and Transgenic Dissection of Plant Growth and Defense Signal Transduction Pathways Activated by Harpins and Riboflavin
As a result , when there was no elicitor , the treatment singly with IPT can induce the expression both of the PAL and LOX genes , while the treatment with ABA can simply induce the expression of the LOX gene .
As one kind of Pathogenesis-related protein ,β - 1,3-glucanase can hydrolyze β - 1,3-glucanase of fungal cell walls , and the degrading products are a source of elicitors for plant systematic defense response .
Study of Two Oligosaccharides Inducing Resistance to Tobacco Mosaic Virus
Characterization and Preliminary Isolation of Elicitors from IWF of Leaf Rust infected Wheat Leaves
Progress of Research on Oligosaccharide Elicitors and Mechanism of Plant Induced Resistance by Oligosaccharides
Relationship between active oxygen burst and shikonin derivatives formation in cultured Onosma paniculatum cells induced by Aspergillus elicitor
A bimolecular decay is used to explain the dependence of dynamics of the Kerr signal on the incident light intensity .
Elicitors are molecules that can bind to the highly specific receptors in plant plasma membrane and then induce defense response of the plants .
Oligosaccharides can be regarded as a biological elicitor that induces defense response , improves disease resistance of plants , which resist the infection of pathogens .
Referring to the present advancement , the kinds , elicitors , synthesis pathway , and chemical ecological function of airborne signal compounds are reviewed in this paper .
In this review , at first we described the classification of elicitors , and introduced briefly the receptor , conveying and responses of plant cell to elicitor stimulation .
The genetic basis of nonhost resistance is not clear though it was proposed that simultaneous recognition of a number of pathogen-derived molecules by multiple resistance genes is involved .
Treated resistant and susceptive clone of poplars with the two crude elicitors showed that the POD and PAL activity on the resistant clone were higher , but not on the susceptive clone .