
  1. 责任会计及其激励职能的实现

    Duty Accountancy and Realization of Its Encouraging Mechanism

  2. 金融危机、工资激励职能与我国企业可持续成长

    The Relation Between the Incentive Function of the Wage and the Sustainable Growing of the National Enterprise

  3. 比如说,协调和控制职能对组织目标的实现来讲是非常重要的,而交流和激励职能则是履行控制职能所必不可少的。

    For example , coordination and control are essential to achievement of the organization 's objective , and communication and motivation are indispensable to control .

  4. 完善竞赛体系,增加比赛次数,提高参赛层次,充分发挥竞赛监督、激励职能。

    Perfect competition system , increase the number of competition , improve the level of competition , give full play to the competition supervision , incentive functions .

  5. 施工企业的经营管理素质主要是竞争能力、应变能力、技术开发能力和扩大再生产能力等、施工企业的经营管理水平和计划与决策、组织与指挥、控制与协调和教育与激励等职能有关。

    Management quality of construction enterprises includes competitive ability , emergency ability , technology developing ability , expanded reproduction ability and so on . Management level of construction enterprise is related to plan and decision , organizing and commanding , control and coordination , education and motivation .

  6. 本文从二级设计部门分配方式、设计人员的激励方式和职能管理人员的激励方式三个方面,分析了勘察设计单位树立战略性薪酬管理理念的必要性。

    The article analyzes the necessity of setting up a strategic income distribution system from that 's for secondary sector , for design staff , and for administrative staff .

  7. 董事报酬是一种公司治理的强化机制,当董事会保持独立时,其报酬结构能更好的激励董事履行监管职能。

    Our results imply that director compensation is a reinforcing mechanism . When the board of directors keeps its independence , the economic benefits of the shareholder can be protected better .

  8. 本文旨在通过实证研究,发掘影响企业职能管理人员的主要激励因素,探究企业职能管理人员对目前激励状况的满意程度,为企业激励职能部门员工提供建议。

    The purpose of the paper is by empirical study to explore the main motivating factors impact on functional managers and the satisfaction of current motivating status in order to make suggestions for enterprise motivating functional managers .