
  1. 在生产组织的具体过程中,必须发挥好五个职能:即生产组织职能、生产指挥职能、生产协调职能、生产监督职能、生产服务职能。

    Production organization , command , co-ordination , supervision and service function should bring into full play in the specific production process .

  2. 不少大型设计企业仍然采取计划经济时期的生产组织管理模式,企业领导垂直指挥职能部门和生产部门,工作压力很大;

    The management mode of production and organization established in the planned economy period is still widely applied in many large architectural design enterprises .

  3. 但是,把电子计算机看成能代替全部指挥职能,那不可能,那样人的能动性也就没有了。

    However , the notion that electronic computers can take over all the command functions is absurd & then men would have no active role at all .

  4. 同时通过指挥平台的职能,来加快处理速度、提高服务效率,创造客户价值。

    The command platform takes a role of accelerating process , improving the service , and creating customer value .

  5. 同时,对于侦查指挥中心的职能根据最高检的要求明确为只进行宏观的指挥协调,而不进行具体的案件侦查工作。

    Also , for the investigation of command center functions according to the highest inspection requirements clear for only the macroscopical coordinated command , rather than specific case investigation .