
  • 网络indicated value;ppm
  1. 三是指示值过大或过小等。

    The third is that the indicated value is too large or too small , etc.

  2. 总结了电机电流指示值的失真情况,分析了失真发生的原因,提出了解决方案。

    Problems about indicated value distortion of motor current are summarized , the causes are analyzed , and the solutions are proposed .

  3. 肿瘤放疗CT定位时CT标尺和扫描层间距指示值校正装置的研制

    The development of the device to proofread and correct the CT ruler and CT interval in CT simulation for radiotherapy

  4. 对北仑电厂2号机组DAS系统主蒸汽流量指示值出现偏差的原因进行分析,找出原计算模块中存在的问题。

    Causes of deviation of the main steam flow value indicated in DAS system for Beilun power plant unit 2 are analysed . The problems are found in the original calculation model .

  5. 以德国Kraichgau地区为研究样区,根据转化糖方法获得的野外实测温度数据,就植物群落温度平均指示值在景观尺度上对生境温度的指示效果进行了深入探讨。

    Effective temperature , measured by the sugar-inversion method at 113 measurement points from June to September , 1993 , was studied in relation to the indication value of plant communities to habitat temperature in the hilly landscape of the Kraichgau area in Germany .

  6. 一氧化碳血红蛋白可以看做一氧化碳暴露的指示值。

    COHb can be considered as an indicator of CO exposure .

  7. 数字显示;附有水溶液温度指示值。

    Digital display of pH value and temperature value of aqueous solution .

  8. 矿井监控系统甲烷传感器指示值问题的探讨

    Discussion on the indicate value deviation of gas transducer in monitored contorl system

  9. 因此,对驾驶者借以了解汽车行驶速度的车速表,其指示值是否准确及指示误差的大小必须加以研究。

    So the accuracy and indicatory error of the speedometer must be studied .

  10. 介绍了验证微量水、氧指示值的方法。

    A method to verify indication value of microamount moisture and oxygen has been introduced .

  11. 根据指示值确定7个主要群落的指示种。

    Indicator species of the seven major plant communities were determined by examining the indicator value .

  12. 待面板的直流电压表的指示值为0时方可进行操作。

    Operation can be conducted after the indicating value of direct current voltmeter of the panel is zero .

  13. 火焰检测器指示值偏低或误判的原因分析及解决措施

    Cause analysis for somewhat low indicating value of the flame detector or misjudgement of the value and resolving measures thereof

  14. 在此基础上,采用三段系数修正算法,将其流量函数进行线性化,使得流体的流量指示值与实际流量值相一致。

    Three-piece coefficient correction algorithm was adopted to linearize the flux function , and make the indicated flow of fluid to be concordant with the real flow .

  15. 建议厂家在样本上增加开启有效作用面积比的指示值,优化锁紧回路的系统设计。

    It is suggested that manufacturers would add guiding value for the area ratio of effective cracking in their catalogs for the optimization of the system design of locking circuit .

  16. 改造后,可以根据电流指示值对机泵运行状况做出准确判断,确保了生产的平稳高效运行。

    After improvement , the running situation of motor pumps can be judged correctly according to the indicated current value , so the stable and highly efficient operation is ensured .

  17. 绝缘电阻表以前是按标度尺弧长定义的弧长误差,现行国家标准规定以指示值的百分数表示。

    Formerly the arc length error for the insulation resistance instrument is defined by scale arc length . At present national standard determines that the percentage of indicated value expresses it .

  18. 通过对MF14万用表结构的理论分析,推导出了电视机行脉冲幅度值与万用表指示值的关系,从而给出了一种快速测定行脉冲幅值的方法。

    This paper derives the relation between the horizontal retrace impulse amplitude of TV and the indicated value of multimeter by analyzing the theory of structure of multimeter , thus puts forward a quick measurement method .

  19. 经实际水位升降试验检验,改进后的平衡容器能实现汽包水位的正确测量,汽包水位指示值不再出现飞升现象。

    Through inspection of practical water-level rising and lowering test , the correct measurement of drum-level can be realized by using the equilibrium container after retrofitting , the jump phenomenon of drum-level indicating value never occurred again .

  20. 介绍大型电站锅炉锅筒水位测量设备的工作原理,分析研究了就地水位计、电接点水位计和差压水位计的指示值各不相同原因。

    Working mechanism of drum water level measuring device for large capacity utility boiler is introduced , and reason for different indicated values in local water gage , electrode water column gage and differential pressure water level meter are analyzed .

  21. 在矿井三相供电系统中,中性点不接地系统中单相故障接地相的判断法:三相电压中以指示值最高相为依据,按相序顺序往下推移一相才是故障相。

    In the three-phase power supply system in mining wells , the method to detect the single-phase breakdown earth phase in the system of neutral point unconnected to earth is the next to the phase with the highest voltage in the three-phase voltage is the breakdown phase .

  22. 系统中,PLC可根据料位计传输过来的灰粉位置信号(高、正常、低)和仓泵上方的电接点压力表指示压力值信号,采取相应的处理措施。

    In the system , PLC can take corresponding procedures judged by the stuff - location signals ( high , nor - mal , low ) transmitted from stuff - location - meter and the pressure signals transmitted from electric - pressure - meter assembled above store - pumps .

  23. 应该更新标签字段以指示原始值现在为25。

    The label field should be updated to indicate that the raw value is now25 .

  24. 在算法中,利用基站的测距信息以及信标节点位置信息对遗传的基因进行约束,采用信号指示强度值作为遗传过程中适应度选择函数的参数。

    In this algorithm , we use distance information of base station and position information of beacon nodes to control " gene " during genetic process . RSSI is selected to be parameter in fitness selection function .

  25. 这两个值分别指示找到名称/值对的次数(gethits)和未找到名称/值对的次数(getmisses)。

    These values tell you how many times a name / value pair is found ( get_hits ) versus how many times the name / value pair is not found ( get_misses ) .

  26. 当您把游标定位到插入行之后,更新行的各个列以保存新数据值并调用insertRow()方法以指示应当保存新值。

    After you 've positioned the cursor at the insert row , you update the row 's columns to hold your new data values and call the insertRow () method to indicate that the new values should be saved .

  27. 了解控制指示器的指示和操作限值。

    Understand the indication and operating limit of control indicator ;

  28. 数字温度指示调节仪示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty about Indication Error of Digital Temperature Indicators and Controllers in Measurement

  29. 指示计数器的平均值。

    Indicates the average value for the counter .

  30. 离子选择性电极是一类电化学传感器,又是一种指示电极,它所指示的电极电位值与相应离子活度的关系符合Nernst方程。

    ISE is a sort of chemistry sensors also is a kind of indicator electrodes . The relationship between the potential value indicated by an ISE and the live degree of the corresponding ion is accordance with Nernst-equation .