  • finger
  • fingerbreadth;digit
  • point at;point to;bristle;indicate
  • 手伸出的支体(脚趾亦作“脚指”):手~。巨~(大拇指)。~甲。~纹。~印。屈~可数。

  • 量词,一个手指的宽度:下了三~雨。

  • (手指或物体尖端)对着,向着:~着。~画。~南针。~手画脚。

  • 点明,告知:~导。~引。~正。~责。~控(指名控告)。~摘。~挥。~日可待。

  • 直立,竖起:令人发(fà)~(形容极为愤怒)。

  • 意向针对:~标。~定。

  • 古同“旨”,意义,目的。


(手指头) finger:

  • 拇指


  • 食指

    index finger;

  • 中指

    the middle finger;

  • 无名指

    ring finger;

  • 小手指

    the little finger


(一个手指头的宽度) fingerbreadth; digit:

  • 一指宽

    one fingerbreadth wide; a digit wide;

  • 下了四指雨。

    We had about three inches of rain.


(对着; 向着) point at; point to:

  • 指天盟誓

    swear by the heaven and sun as witness;

  • 他指了指村子所在的方向。

    He pointed to where the village lay.

  • 用手指指人是很失礼的。

    It's rude to point your fingers at people.


(头发直立) bristle:

  • 令人发指

    make sb. bristle with anger


(指点) indicate; demonstrate; show; point out:

  • 指出地图上的位置

    indicate the position on a map;

  • 指给他寻问的去处

    show him the way he asked;

  • 指出他的缺点

    point out his shortcomings;

  • 可否把你的行李指给我们检查?

    Would you mind pointing out your luggage for inspection?


(意思上指着) refer to; direct at:

  • 那句话不是指她说的。

    That remark does not refer to [direct at] her.


(仰仗;依靠) count on; depend on; rely on:

  • 就指着工资生活呢

    depend on the wages for living;

  • 单指一个人是不能把事情做好的。

    You can't just count upon one single person to get the work done properly.

  1. 一颗钻石在她的无名指上闪闪发光。

    A diamond glittered on her ring finger .

  2. 你看我们能够把这些指痕统统去掉吗?

    Do you think we can clean away all these finger marks ?

  3. 他的拳头慢慢地捏紧,直捏得指关节都发白了。

    His fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white .

  4. 我也许给他们指错了方向。

    It 's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions .

  5. 我们驱车前行时,他指给我们看各种各样的地标。

    He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along .

  6. 一支乱扔的烟被指为引起这场火灾的罪魁祸首。

    A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire .

  7. 警方被指隐瞒关键证据。

    The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence .

  8. 这些数字指的是去年的销售额。

    These figures appertain to last year 's sales .

  9. 他从指缝偷看她。

    He was peeping at her through his fingers .

  10. 医生测量体温的一个原因是免得被指玩忽职守而遭受索赔。

    One reason doctors take temperatures is to cover themselves against negligence claims .

  11. 他紧紧握住方向盘,握得指关节都变白了。

    He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened .

  12. 一名年轻女子给他们指了去车站的路。

    A young woman directed them to the station .

  13. 你知道我指的是谁。

    You know who I 'm referring to .

  14. 用拇指和另一指拿住这个材料。

    Hold the material between finger and thumb .

  15. 那条鱼从我指缝中一甩身溜走了。

    The fish wriggled out of my fingers .

  16. 报章指她是伪君子。

    The newspapers branded her a hypocrite .

  17. 芒罗,用登山术语来说,是指超过3000英尺的苏格兰山峰。

    A Munro , in climbing parlance , is a Scottish mountain exceeding 3 000 feet .

  18. 我指的不是字面意义上的“小”人。

    I am not referring to ' small ' people in the literal sense of the word .

  19. “奥林匹亚在美国,K唱片公司就是在那里创立的。”——“不可能!你不会指那个大名鼎鼎的K唱片公司吧?”

    ' Olympia is in America , where K Records was founded . ' — ' No ! Surely you don 't mean THE K Records ? '

  20. 中世纪时,drab(“本色布”)一词指的是一种农民用来制衣的非常普通的羊毛织物。

    In the Middle Ages the term ' drab ' denoted a very simple type of woollen cloth which was used by peasants to make their clothes .

  21. 他们被指故意干扰信号传输。

    They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions .

  22. 我把最后两指宽的波旁威士忌都倒进自己杯中。

    I poured two final fingers of bourbon into my glass .

  23. 在波兰,信仰的含义向来不仅仅指宗教。

    In Poland , the faith has always meant more than mere religion

  24. 他双手十指交叉放在腹部。

    He linked the fingers of his hands together on his stomach .

  25. 他要求对这起暴力事件的幕后指使者作出惩戒性判决。

    He demanded exemplary sentences for those behind the violence .

  26. “消化不良”是个笼统的术语,可以指各种胃部不适。

    Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress .

  27. 英国广播公司因被指具有政治偏见而遭到猛烈抨击。

    There were fierce attacks on the BBC for alleged political bias .

  28. 他指了指空瓶子,女服务员立即重新拿了一瓶。

    He pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it

  29. 这是他的主意,我是指戈登。

    It was his idea . Gordon 's , I mean

  30. 身体健康不仅仅指不生病,还包括更多。

    There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease