
zhǐ huī jiā
  • conductor
  1. 节目的最后,我们来看一则新闻,美国作曲家兼指挥家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦去世。

    Finally in the programme , we come to the news that the American composer and conductor , Leonard Bernstein , has died

  2. 全国政协委员,指挥家,于海

    Yu Hai , CPPCC National Committee member and conductor

  3. 年轻的指挥家们在小乐队或小歌剧院里崭露头角。

    Young conductors earn their spurs in a small orchestra or opera house .

  4. 一个法官、一个教堂主教和一位指挥家正在进行一场辩论。

    A judge , a bishop , and a conductor were having a discussion .

  5. 指挥家哼了一声,说道:“我觉得你们都不如我。当我作为客座指挥走上指挥台的时候,人们都垂着头,用手捂着眼睛,说道,‘噢,我的上帝!’”

    The conductor snorted and said , " I think I got you both beat ; when I step onto the podium , as guest conductor , the people look down , put their hands over their eyes , and say ' Oh , my God ! ' "

  6. 关键问题在于,IMF能否最终承担起全球指挥家的角色,而不是任由其可信度进一步遭到侵蚀。

    The key question is whether it can finally step up to the role of global conductor , rather than suffering yet more erosion of its credibility .

  7. 就我看来,我不知道Gilbert是否是一个伟大的指挥家或者是一个好的指挥。

    For my part , I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one .

  8. 欧仁·伊萨依(EugeneYsaye,1858-1931)是十九世纪末二十世纪初重要的小提琴演奏家、指挥家和作曲家。

    Eugene Ysaye ( 1858-1931 ) is an important violinist 、 conductor and composer during 19th and 20th century .

  9. 数百名巴勒斯坦人,其中大部分是学生,涌入加沙地带的音乐厅,为了参加由指挥家丹尼尔(DanielBarenboim)率领的阿拉伯-以色列乐队举办的罕见的古典音乐会。

    Hundreds of Palestinians , many of them schoolchildren , packed into a hall in Gaza for a rare classical concert led by the Israeli-Argentine conductor Daniel Barenboim .

  10. 作为英国最著名的指挥家之一爱徳华的音乐生涯十分显赫,他曾多年领导BBC爱乐乐团,并与英国里家剧院合作长达50年。

    One of Britain 's most renowned conductors , Downes had a long and eminent carecr , which included years as head of the BBC Philharmonic and a five-decade association with Royal Opera House .

  11. 这句话是来自维克托·博奇(VictorBorge),他是丹麦美国混血,是喜剧演员、指挥家和钢琴家。他因那部戏剧《丹麦的小丑王子》而广为人知。

    Victor Borge ( 1909-2000 ) , who was born B ø rge Rosenbaum , was a Danish and American comedian , conductor and pianist , affectionately known as The Clown Prince of Denmark .

  12. 古斯塔夫·马勒(GustavMahler,1860-&1911)是十九世纪末二十世纪初的奥地利作曲家和指挥家。

    Gustav Mahler ( 1860 & 1911 ) is an Austrian composer and conductor at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century .

  13. 埃克托尔·柏辽兹HectorBerlioz(1803-1869)是19世纪浪漫主义时期法国著名的作曲家、指挥家和音乐理论家,在西方乐坛享有盛誉。

    Hector Berlioz ( 1803-1869 ) is a French famous composer , conductor and theorists in western music with great reputation during the Romantic period in the 19 century .

  14. 古斯塔夫·马勒(GustavMahler,1860&1911),奥地利著名指挥家、作曲家,19世纪末晚期浪漫主义音乐的代表人物之一。

    Gustav Mahler ( 1860 - 1911 ) was an Austrian composer and conductor . He is best known as one of the leading late-Romantic composers of the end of the 19th century .

  15. 日本首相鸠山由纪夫(YUKIOHATOYAMA)把自己比作一位试图在临时拼凑的管弦乐队(暗指新组建的内阁)中达到“和谐”的指挥家。

    YUKIO HATOYAMA , Japan 's prime minister , likens his role to that of a conductor trying to achieve " harmony " one of his favourite words from a pickup orchestra ( for which read , novice cabinet ) .

  16. 柏林爱乐表示比较了多位候选人,包括德国指挥家克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼(ChristianThielemann),一个同时受到观众拥护和乐手抨击的极端例子,安德里斯·尼尔森斯(AndrisNelsons),和里卡多·夏伊(RiccardoChailly)。

    The orchestra was said to have weighed numerous candidates , including the German conductor Christian Thielemann , a polarizing figure with fans and detractors among the players ; Andris Nelsons ; and Riccardo Chailly .

  17. 卡米尔·圣-桑(CamilleSaint-Saensl835&1921)是19世纪浪漫主义后期至20世纪初法国著名的作曲家、钢琴家、管风琴演奏家和指挥家,法国民族音乐协会创立者之一。

    Camille Saint-Saens , the famous French composer , pianist , organ performer and conductor in the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , was one of the founders of French national music society .

  18. 1951年夏,指挥家谢尔盖·库塞维茨基(SergeKoussevitzky)邀请他前往坦格尔伍德指挥波士顿交响乐团,他由此重新回到了指挥台。之后,他以富布赖特学者的身份,又前往罗马研究文艺复兴时期的意大利音乐。

    An invitation from the conductor Serge Koussevitzky to lead the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood in the summer of 1951 brought him back to the podium just before he headed off to Rome , on a Fulbright fellowship , to study Renaissance Italian music .

  19. 那年轻的女高音歌手受到一著名指挥家的提携。

    The young soprano is take up by a famous conductor .

  20. 好几百人出席了这位著名指挥家的告别音乐会。

    Hundreds of people attended the famous director 's farewell concert .

  21. 右一:意大利著名指挥家,乔。卢卡。

    Right one : The famous italian conductor , Gianluca Marciano .

  22. 指挥家等待着开始演出前那彻底的沉寂。

    The conductor waited for dead silence before commencing the performance .

  23. 她在国内第一流指挥家中名列榜首。

    She ranks foremost among the country 's leading conductors .

  24. 略谈指挥艺术与指挥家的修养

    Briefly Discussing the Art of the Conductor and Accomplishment of the Conductor

  25. 如今,指挥家们很少任职很长时间,因此不能对乐团的声音造成影响。

    Conductors today barely touch down long enough to influence the sound .

  26. 她爸爸仅是世界上最伟大的指挥家之一。

    Her father wasn 't only the greatest conductor in the world .

  27. 第三,领导者必须成为指挥家。

    Third , the leader needs to be an orchestrator .

  28. 唱片封套上印着的那位指挥家的照片。

    The photograph of the conductor on the record sleeve .

  29. 他是美国最好的指挥家之一。

    He is one of the best conductors in the United states .

  30. 那场音乐会将会由一位举世闻名的指挥家来指挥。

    The concert will be conducted by a world-famous conductor .