
  • 网络TCC;command center;mission control;CDC
  1. 现场指挥中心还可以通过本地的GIS系统时时监控现场各移动终端的位置情况。

    Local command center can ever and again watch the position of mobile terminals through local GIS system .

  2. 机场指挥中心(ACC)似乎正在根据已建立的程序发挥功效。

    Airport Command Center ( ACC ) appears to function according to established procedures .

  3. 这是地面指挥中心呼叫航天飞机“发现号”。

    This is Mission Control calling the space shuttle Discovery .

  4. 救援指挥中心的信息显示,当日下午1点左右,冰雹、冻雨和强风突然袭击高海拔赛段20至31公里处。因气温急剧下降,参赛人员出现身体不适。

    According to the rescue headquarters , at about 1 pm on Saturday , hail , freezing rain and gales due to the sudden drop in temperature .

  5. 其中一些最好的社交媒体指挥中心甚至不逊于美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的指挥中心。

    The glitziest of the bunch would give NASA a run for its money .

  6. 在8月份,CNN的桑吉·古普塔医生因为埃博拉疫情前往CDC指挥中心。

    In August , CNN 's doctor Sanjay Gupta traveled to the CDC 's command center for Ebola .

  7. 运输指挥中心老板DannyZamost说,这是公司第一次把比伯放在电子广告牌上。

    Command Transportation owner Danny Zamost said it 's the first time his company had put Bieber on its electronic billboard .

  8. 同时,借助GIS技术、数据库技术和网络技术建成了地震应急信息管理的计算机应用系统国家防震减灾指挥中心首长信息查询系统。

    Based-on GIS , database and network technology , we completed Commander Information Query System in National Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Command Headquarters , which was the computer application system of earthquake emergency information management system .

  9. 柔性制造系统(FMS)运行控制软件是保证FMS有条不紊运行并充分发挥其潜在能力和效益的指挥中心,而FMS运行软件的核心是实时调度软件。

    FMS controlling software is a command centre for guaranteeing FMS to carry systematically on production and bringing the potential power and efficiency into full play .

  10. 此外,本文还论述了GPS终端对数据的处理过程及基于GPRS技术的GPS终端和指挥中心的通讯方式,并最终完成了警务执勤通系统的设计与实现。

    In addition , the paper explains the data processing on GPS Terminal and the communication manner between GPRS-based GPS Terminal and Command Center . Finally , the PASS system is designed and implemented .

  11. 利用单片机控制GPRS手机收发短信和发送GPS定位数据,完成车辆与指挥中心之间的联络。

    Utilize the one-chip computer to control the GPRS cell-phone and receive and dispatch messages and send the data of GPS 's positioning , finish the contact between the vehicle and command centre .

  12. 本片前途无量的主演、阿代尔前同事帕特坎贝尔(PatCampbell)从休斯敦的指挥中心向《纽约时报》(theNewYorkTimes)表示,油井必须知道谁是老大。

    A promising lead character , Pat Campbell , a one-time associate of Adair 's , told The New York Times from a command centre in Houston that the well needed to learn who was boss .

  13. 针对防空C ̄3I系统指挥中心的二次航迹归一。提出了具有重置条件的人工神经网络模型来解决空中目标二次航迹的归一问题。

    In this paper , we present an ArtifiCial Neural Network model with multiple vigilance parameters to deal with the classification of the second flight trace in com-mand and control center of C3I system .

  14. 如今LED显示屏应用十分广泛,比如证券交易、金融、车站、体育场馆、道路交通、机场航班、调度指挥中心、商场、广告媒体、邮政、演出、展览会等各种公共场所。

    Widely used in securities trading , financial , station , stadiums , road traffic , airport flight , scheduling command center , shopping mall , advertising media , postal service , performances , exhibitions and all kinds of other public places .

  15. NADLER:我是说,是BP决定,还是国家政府决定,还是国家抗灾指挥中心?

    NADLER : Was it the -- BP who decided , or was it the national -- the government who decided , or the national incident command ?

  16. 战场上最重要的单位,ACU里搭乘着一位指挥官,并且是兵营和指挥中心的结合。

    The most important unit in the field , the ACU houses a Commander and is a combination barracks and command center .

  17. 指挥中心分析的数以百万计的庞大会话内容中不仅包括Facebook和Twitter上的内容,也包括视频网站YouTube、商务社交网LinkedIn以及博客等。

    Underneath the hood , command centers are wired to analyze millions of social conversations from not just Facebook and twitter , but YouTube ( GOOG ) , LinkedIn ( lnkd ) , blogs and more .

  18. 使得用户可以通过动力锂电池SOC动态管理系统内置GPS模块与GPRS无线通信网将位置、锂电池电池剩余量(SOC)数据等发送到后台的电动汽车应急指挥中心。

    Emergency Command Center allows users to power lithium battery SOC dynamic management system built-in GPS module with GPRS wireless communication network position , the remaining amount of the lithium battery ( SOC ) data sent to the background electric vehicles .

  19. 铁路局调度指挥中心作为整个TDCS系统的核心部分,其灾备系统的建设成为铁路信息化建设中的重中之重。

    The railway bureau dispatch command center is a core part of TDCS , its construction of backup for disaster has been the first priority of railway information system .

  20. 世界银行管理委员会(WODEBAKE)下设指挥中心大系统小系统世界各大金库的仓库保管员,资金保管员和资产监督人员。

    Command centers established under WODE BAKE – major system – minor system – storage keeper of every world gold storage , fund keeper and capital supervisor .

  21. 呼叫指挥中心,我是D17,发现失窃车辆

    Dispatch , Delta 17 reporting location of stolen vehicle

  22. 这种指挥中心里挂着成排的显示屏和监控器,可以追踪大量的实时状态和指标,比如从Twitter上的“提及”,到消费者的总体情绪和社交媒体的市场份额。

    Decked out with giant flat panel screens , sleek mood lighting and banks of monitors , the command centers track a dizzying array of real-time stats and indicators , from mentions on Twitter to general consumer sentiment and social media market share .

  23. 3号坑也是考古学家在1976年发现的,在l号坑西北方向25米处,该俑坑看上去像是军队的指挥中心。

    Archeologists came upon No. 3 Pit also in 1976 , 25 meters northwest of No. I Pit . It looked like the command center of the armed forces .

  24. 作为一款拼接产品,NSL-4601对于应急指挥中心、交通控制中心和过程控制等不同应用均是理想的选择。

    As a tiled LCD solution the NSL-4601 is ideal for Emergency Operations Centers , traffic and surveillance centers , and utilities and process control rooms .

  25. 我部门为本所联络资讯、调度协调、指挥中心。

    Working as the communication and command center of this Firm .

  26. 舰长,珍珠港潜艇指挥中心发来一条消息。

    Captain , a message from com sub PAC in pearl .

  27. 防雷电技术及其在消防指挥中心的应用

    Lightningproof technique and its application in the fire fighting command center

  28. 广州地铁三号线控制指挥中心装修设计体会

    Experiences of The Decoration Design of Guangzhou No.3 Railway Control Center

  29. 如果朝鲜指挥中心不知道海豹的存在。

    If the d.p.r.k.central command doesn 't know about the seals .

  30. 他的母亲在流动指挥中心。

    His mother is waiting for him at the command post .