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zhǐ shǐ
  • instigate;incite;conduct;put sb. up to sth
指使 [zhǐ shǐ]
  • (1) [incite;conduct]∶指挥;支使

  • 任凭机遇指使,漫无目的地行动

  • (2) [instigate]∶煽动某人去做某事

  • 指使人推翻政府

指使[zhǐ shǐ]
  1. 第三章,既然不存在交通肇事的共同犯罪问题,那么对于此种指使肇事者逃逸的行为该怎样认定呢?笔者从构成要件方面对指使逃逸行为进行重新界定。

    The third chapter , since not exist hit-and-run common crime , then how determination for such instigate crumbled escape behavior ? From the constitutive requirements of letting escape behavior redefining .

  2. 指使者指使肇事人逃逸,致使被害人因得不到救助而死亡的,不能以交通肇事罪中的共犯论处,而是应当以包庇罪定罪;

    The persons who instigate the troublemaker to run away and cause the victim to die , can 't be punished as the accomplice in the crime of traffic accident , but should declare the crime of harboring criminal .

  3. 公司指使其职员挖对手的客户。

    The company authorised its staff to poach customers from the opposition .

  4. 他个性很强,为人精明且爱指使人。

    He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality

  5. 目前还不清楚星期天发动的企图推翻总统的行动的幕后指使人是谁。

    It is still not clear who was behind Sunday 's attempt to unseat the President

  6. 她的婆婆爱指使人,所以她搬出去住了。

    She moved out because her mother-in-law is too bossy .

  7. 汤姆没有权利指使我在此地干这干那。

    Tom has got no right to order me about here .

  8. 我听说他很爱指使人的。同义词“pusharound”;

    B : I heard that he love to boss people around .

  9. 图G的全染色数xT(G)是指使G全k染色的最小整数k。

    The total chromatic number x_T ( G ) is the smallest integer k making G total k-colored .

  10. 是否VandeKamp太太指使你毒杀其丈夫。

    Did Mrs. Van de Kamp ask you to poison her husband ?

  11. 按照IBM的定义,全球化是指使应用程序无缝地使用用户偏好的语言和文化的过程。

    As defined by IBM , globalization is the process of making applications work seamlessly , utilizing the user 's preferred language and culture .

  12. 经典理论认为,均衡汇率是指使宏观经济处于理想状态的汇率水平,包括购买力平价理论(purchasingpowerparity)、利率平价理论(interestrateparity)、汇率超调模型(overshootingmodel)等。

    The thought of the classic , which includes the purchasing power parity theory ( PPP ), the interest rate parity theory , the overshooting model of exchange rate , etc. , argues that the EER is the level that macro-economy is in desired condition .

  13. 持续负荷持续负荷是指使电流在3个小时或更长时间(根据NEC的定义)内需保持最大值的负荷。

    Continuous Load A continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for three hours or more ( as defined by the NEC for design calculations ) .

  14. 美国已经调查了一位受到指控的持有伊朗护照的美籍公民,名叫ManssorArbabsiar,他与本次事件有直接连系,并且是受伊朗政府里的某个人收买和指使的。

    S.citizen with an Iranian passport charged in the case , had direct links and was paid and directed by individuals in Iran 's government .

  15. 南哥不愤指使越南杀手追杀进。

    Brother Nan then asks some Vietnamese assassins to kill jin .

  16. 我该知道是你在背后指使康拉德

    I should have known you were behind this , Conrad .

  17. 指使他潜入我家偷了那件帽衫

    hired him to break in and steal it from me .

  18. 父亲指使弟弟的行动。

    Father has prescribed a course of action for my bother .

  19. “我有什么力量可以指使一个强盗呢?”

    " What influence can I possibly have over a bandit ?"

  20. 他用一种自信的、指使人的态度安排每件事情。

    He was managing everything in a self-confident and masterful fashion .

  21. 她不容别人指使她。

    She couldn 't stand to be told what to do .

  22. 指使你的人叫什么名?

    The man you work for . what 's his name ?

  23. 谁指使你的-是她吗那个金发女孩

    By who ? - Was it her ? The blond ?

  24. 他对被人指使感到厌烦的。

    He was sick of being told what to do .

  25. 我想知道是谁指使他的。

    We want the guy that put him into motion .

  26. 我听说他很爱指使人。

    I heard that he loves to boss people around .

  27. 你要知道,我是不会听你指使的。

    I 'm not at your beck and call , you know .

  28. 你有什麽权力指使我做事?

    What gives you the right to tell me what to do ?

  29. 就算是教宗指使的也有可能啊。

    Might as well been the Pope himself far as anybody knows .

  30. 而不仅仅是让我受你的指使。

    Not just trying to get me under your thumb .