
  1. 空间作战飞行器测控指挥任务建模与仿真研究

    Study on TT & C and Command Mission Modeling and Simulation of the Space Operations Vehicle

  2. 分为直接执行炮兵射击任务的机器人、执行炮兵侦察指挥任务的机器人和执行炮兵后勤装备保障任务的机器人。

    The robot artillery includes the robot which direct operating the artillery shooting task , the robot which executing artillery detection command task and the robot which executing artillery logistics equipment support .

  3. 他们甚至可以脱离舰队指挥执行任务。

    They also have the capability to operate off vessels .

  4. 雷达兵旅(团)指挥所任务分配方案评估分析方法

    Method of Evaluation and Analysis to Task Assignment Project of Brigade ( regiment ) Command Post of Radarman

  5. 分布式指挥系统任务调度是研究如何实现处理机资源高效合理可靠的利用,它的目的是最大化利用现有处理机资源,同时最小化各处理机间的通信和减少任务的周转时间。

    Its purposes is in order to maximize the use of the existing computer resources , while minimizing the communications between the processors and reducing the turnaround time for the tasks .

  6. 在伊拉克,多国部队在联合国的指挥下执行任务。

    In Iraq , multinational forces are operating under a mandate from the United Nations .

  7. 联合火力打击指挥控制系统任务计划建模研究

    Research on the Mission Planing Model of the Union Fire Striking Command and Control System

  8. 该局还与美国特种作战司令部合作研制用于诸如空中作战指挥一类任务的装备。司令部下令说要作好准备,进行一级战备侦察。

    The agency has also worked with the US Special Operations Command on equipment for missions such as combat air control . The word from headquarters is to stand by for war patrol number one .

  9. 这个指挥部的任务是遣散剩余的部队和处理大量剩余物资和武器,同时对即将撤离的苏军驻德集群提供帮助。

    This command 's mission was to deactivate surplus units , to dispose of the tons of surplus mat é riel and weapons , and to help support to the soon to be withdrawing Soviet GFSG .

  10. 基于extend-CTT对指挥空间进行了任务分析,给出了构建指挥空间中知识库和交互任务模板库的方法。

    According to the extend-CTT , we make a task analysis to command space , give a method of setting up the knowledge base and the interaction task template base for command space . 3 .

  11. 作战指挥系统的重要任务之一就是对获得的或/和探测到的目标空间位置数据进行处理(称为位置探测数据处理,滤波和数据融合等都属于这方面的技术)。

    One of the most important tasks of combat systems is to deal with the information about the targets positions from sensors .

  12. 信息技术运用于军事领域,其核心目的是为了解决认知山的那一边的问题,从而拨开战争迷雾,以减少指挥控制和遂行任务的不确定性。

    The core aim of applying information technologies in military is to get knowledge of " the other side of the hill ", release the fog of battle field , and finally reduce the uncertainties in the command and control and task implementing .