
zhǐ yā liáo fǎ
  • acupressure treatment
  1. 结论指压疗法切按少商穴可以预防和治疗小儿气管拔管后喉痉挛的发生。

    Conclusion Pressing Shaoshang point with thumb can prevent and treat laryngospasm children after trachea extubation .

  2. 按摩脊柱的指压疗法能给背部有病的人解除很大的痛苦。

    Chiropractic , involving manipulation of the spinal column , can give great relief to people with back problems .

  3. 在起源于中国的指压疗法法中,通过挤压中国针灸的穴位获得疗效。

    In acupressure , a style of massage derived from china , pressure is exerted on Chinese acupuncture points for healing effects .

  4. 作为脊椎指压疗法的补充治疗,脊骨矫正后使用灵气,能够增加矫正脊椎的力量,能够帮助矫正后的脊椎变得更加坚固。

    And a complimentary medicine way Chiropractic would be inviable to have Reiki around'cause it really adds power to once the spine is align , Reiki helps that alignment to set in even stronger .