
  • 网络cerebriform
  1. 口吸盘及周围无乳突分布,但在腹吸盘周围分布有排列整齐的指状突起。

    There were regularly arranged finger like papilla around ventral sucker .

  2. 另外,集合管上皮细胞之间含有细胞间隙,间隙内布满了指状突起。

    Collecting duct cell gap between cells is covered by finger-like projections .

  3. 担孢子梗:是大多数担子菌所具有的指状突起结构,其上着生担孢子。

    Sterigma ( pl. sterigmata ) A fingerlike projection upon which spores are formed in most basidiomycete fungi .

  4. 侧细胞间隙仅存在于雄性中间段上皮,间隙内分布有细长的指状突起,而在雌性中间段上皮中无细胞间隙。

    In the male side of the middle section of epithelial cells are also gaps within the distribution of slender finger-like projections , but not in female .

  5. 雌蕊比雄蕊长,由1枚心皮构成,子房上位,1室,含1个胚珠,柱头单一,其顶端的表皮形成指状突起,为湿性柱头。

    The length of pistil was more than stamen . The pistil consisted of one carpel . There was one ovule in the ovary which was epistasis with one locular . The single stigma with a lot of digitations on its surface was wet type .