
  1. 看在你妈妈的面子上,我放你一马。

    I will spare you for the sake of your mother .

  2. 所谓的推心置腹、只不多玩剑灵过是看在钱的面子上。

    The so-called confide , just look at money in the face .

  3. 不过看在楼主的面子上,我顶了!

    But look at the face of you , I withstand the theme !

  4. 看在旧曰关系的面子上,请帮我这一回。

    For the old time sake , please give me a hand this time .

  5. 晚餐吃得很奢侈浪费只是为了面子上好看。

    Spent lavishly on dinner just for effect .

  6. 还有看在我的面子上。

    And for the sake of humoring me .

  7. 你不能对一个男人这么说,叫他面子上过不去。

    You can 't come down that hard on a man and leave him his balls .

  8. 论到这种事呢,照老派说,好像面子上不好听;

    This kind of thing , according to the old standards , would make you lose face .

  9. 即便国际足联主要收入不靠门票,但是面子上也太难看啊。

    Even if FIFA does not rely on ticket revenue , but also on the face so hard to see ah .

  10. 记住,你的室友不需要成为你最好的朋友。你只需要一个面子上的过得去的关系。

    Remember though , that your flatmates don 't have to be your best friends , you just need a working relationship .

  11. 近年他虽然万分拮据,面子上可还遮得过;

    Although he had been having a hard time the past few years , he had been able to keep up a front .

  12. 他威胁两个罪魁祸首,除非你们编造个故事让我面子上好看,不然我全抖出来!

    He threatens to tell everyone the truth unless Chandler and Monica can come up with a story that makes him look good .

  13. 老兄,这事你得帮我看在我的面子上叫你来就是干这个我一个人也许干不了。

    My friend , you 'll help me in this thing for my sake that 's why you 're here I mightn 't be able alone .

  14. 他写信向儿子提及此事,儿子回信说道:“看上帝的面子上,千万不要翻松花园里的泥土,我把一些钻石埋在那儿了。”

    He wrote to his son about it , and received this reply . " For heaven 's sake , don 't dig up that field . That 's where I buried a handful of diamonds . "

  15. 那不勒斯的女人尤其是一群粗声粗气、满嘴粗话、落落大方、好管闲事的女士,一副专横、气恼的架子,看在上帝的面子上,拼命要帮你这白痴的忙。

    The Neapolitan women in particular are such a gang of tough-voiced , loud-mouthed , generous , nosy dames , all bossy and annoyed and right up in your face and just trying to friggin ' help you for chrissake , you dope - why they gotta do everything around here ?

  16. 然而,许多创业者把时间都花在面子工程上,结果盛名之下,其实难副。

    Yet so many entrepreneurs spend all their time building an image that the track record doesn 't support .

  17. 在面子系统上,男女之间常常使用不同的面子策略,使双方在谈话中处于不同的地位。

    From face systems , men and women usually adopt different face systems and lead into their hierarchical status .

  18. 学生在处理与外籍教师和中国教师冲突时仅在自我面子关注上有区别。

    There is difference in self-face concern when Chinese foreign language learners handle conflict situations with their Chinese teachers and foreign teachers .

  19. 在中西两种文化当中存在着“面子观念”上的差异,从而导致使用礼貌策略上的不同选择。

    There are differences in the concept of " face " between Chinese and Western cultures which lead to the different choices of politeness strategies .

  20. 聂赫留朵夫脱去衣服,把方格毛毯铺在漆布面子的沙发上,放好皮枕头,躺下来,头脑里重温着这一天的见闻。

    Nekhludoff undressed , put his leather travelling pillow on the oilcloth sofa , spread out his rug and lay down , thinking over all he had seen and heard that day ;

  21. 此外,调查还表明,在处理人际关系和人情面子等问题上,中国人的利益意识和法制观念正在逐渐取代传统意识,从而越来越倾向于用法律和正式的手段解决分歧和冲突。

    The investigation also demonstrated that in human relationships , the Chinese substitute an awareness of interests and legal knowledge for traditional ideas , and are more inclined to settle disputes by legal means and through official channels .