
  • 网络Mask Dance;MASQUES;Reog Ponorogo;Gule Wamkulu;Wayang Topeng
  1. 对民间面具舞的价值观决择:淡漠或创用

    Attitude toward Values of the Masked Dance : Indifferent or Active

  2. 这种古老的面具舞在今日的许多民族中仍有遗存。

    The dance remains in many minority nationalities today .

  3. 土族纳顿面具舞解读(一)

    The Interpretation of the Mask-dances in the Tu 's Nadun ( Part one )

  4. 面具舞的借鉴势必拓宽现代民间舞编创的题材与思路。

    Learning from the masked dance is bound to broaden the way of creating the modern folk dance .

  5. 面具舞和舞蹈戏剧是节日中常有的传统节目,通常配以传统音乐。

    Masked dances and dance dramas are common traditional features at festivals , usually accompanied by traditional music .

  6. 它的很多节日与面具舞主要服务对象仍是本国民众,还没有演变成为服务外国游客的商业表演。

    Its many festivals and masked dances are still staged primarily for locals , and have not morphed into commercial shows for foreigners .

  7. 多贡族生活在西非的马里,以丰富的民间神话、面具舞、木雕和建筑闻名。

    The Dogon is an ethnic group living in Mali , best known for their mythology , mask dances , wooden sculpture and architecture .

  8. 如今中国民间舞的面具舞逐渐在艺术舞台上被人淡忘而民间舞编舞者在创作时总想创新借鉴现代舞的元素,但不愿古为今用。

    Presently , the masked dance in the Chinese folk dance has gradually faded away from people 's memory , and the creators of the folk dance usually like to innovate and borrow elements from the modern dance , refusing to make the past serve the present .