
miàn yòu
  • Surface glaze;overglaze
面釉[miàn yòu]
  1. 本课题研究了微晶面釉(MgO-Al2O3-SiO2系统)的配方设计及烧成制度。

    The composition and sintering schedule of the crystallite surface-glaze ( the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system ) were studied in detail .

  2. 稀土在搪瓷面釉上应用的研究

    Research of Applying Rare Earth to the Surface Coat of the Enamel

  3. 锑钛混合乳浊面釉的研制

    Development of Titania-Antimony Opacified Cover Coat Enemel

  4. 低氟搪瓷钛面釉的研制

    Development of low-fluorine titanium coat enamel

  5. 工业搪瓷双元组合面釉中锆、钛和钴的扩散研究

    Study on the Diffusion of Zr , Ti and Co in the Industrial Enamel Consisting of Two Different Glazes

  6. 在搪瓷面釉中引入磷酸银抗菌剂,研制出了抗菌搪瓷。

    By adding silver phosphate as antibacterial into the coat glaze of enamel , the authors have prepared the antibacterial enamel .

  7. 其工艺基础为底釉、面釉分别制备,三次施釉,一次烧成。

    The process is based on producing ground glaze and surface glaze in difference , spraying glaze three times , firing one time .

  8. 通过将电气石磨加到铸铁搪瓷面釉中,并对铸铁搪瓷的制作工艺进行合理设计,获得了具有产生负离子功能的铸铁搪瓷。

    One kind of cast iron enamel with negative ion releasing property was prepared by mill addition of tourmaline powder into the cover coat .

  9. 本课题设计了底釉和面釉两种配方,底釉能够与不锈钢基体有效结合以缓解热膨胀系数方面的差异,而面釉则可以通过调整配方组成来达到耐磨、耐腐蚀的性能要求。

    The bottom-glaze can combine with the stainless steel effectively and alleviate the thermal-expansion coefficient differences between them , while the surface-glaze can achieve the requirement of wear-resistance and corrosion-resistance .

  10. 结果表明,在底釉、面釉中各加入1.5%磷酸银,烧成温度约940℃,可制得杀菌效果良好、耐久的搪瓷。

    These research results show that the better bactericidal effect and endurance can be achieved by adding 1.5 % silver phosphate in the ground and cover caot , and controlling the firing temperature about 940 ℃ .

  11. 涂层破坏的主要原因是和腐蚀介质接触的底釉层首先被腐蚀掉,然后面釉层在残余应力的作用下断裂、塌陷,被分解为小碎片。

    The main cause of the failure was that the bottom layer contacts with the corrosion solution was eroded first , which induced fracture of the upper layer under the action of residual stress and break into shivers .

  12. 人上颌切牙邻面牙釉厚度的X光片比较

    Comparison of Enamel Thickness of the Lateral Aspects in Human Maxillary Incisors on Radiograph

  13. 进行邻面去釉后,经过抛光及氟化泡沫再矿化处理的牙齿去釉面的龋患风险与去釉前的牙齿相当。

    If the surfaces are polished and treated with fluoride foam , the caries risk of enamel after orthodontic interproximal enamel reduction is the similar as that without enamel reduction .