
rì yòng
  • of everyday use;daily expenses
日用 [rì yòng]
  • (1) [daily expenses]∶日常生活的费用

  • (2) [of everyday use]∶日常生活应用的

日用[rì yòng]
  1. 基于语料库的文学语篇分析&以《外婆的日用家当》为例

    On the Literary Discourse Analysis Based on Corpus & A Case Study of Everyday Use

  2. 包装用聚酯已被广泛地应用于饮料、食用油、调味品、啤酒、农药、医药及日用化工产品等方面。

    Polyester used in packaging has been widely , applied in the beverage , edible oil , flavouring , beer , pesticide , medicine and the chemical products of everyday use .

  3. 食物、燃料和其他日用必需品仍然很难得到。

    It remained very difficult to procure food , fuel and other daily necessities .

  4. 提供全套日用织品和毛巾。

    All linens and towels are provided .

  5. 日用百货一应俱全。

    All varieties of goods for daily use are available .

  6. 我们从井里抽水以供日用。

    We pump water from the well for daily use .

  7. 案上摆着各色日用小百货。

    Many small articles for daily use are displayed on a trestle counter .

  8. 进坞前,除日用油柜外,请将全部燃料油柜空出。

    Please empty all the fuel oil tanks except the daily service tank before docking .

  9. 介绍了城市日用水量预测的BP神经网络方法,分析了日用水量的变化规律和影响因素。

    The method of BP neural networks for forecasting municipal daily water demand is described .

  10. PLC可编控制器在日用陶瓷生产线上应用

    Application of programmable control in domestic ceramic

  11. 城市日用水量的自回归模型(AR)预测方法

    Autoregressive model for forecasting urban daily water demand

  12. 在日用陶瓷设计领域,计算机辅助设计(CAD)之风也悄然兴起。

    In the field of daily pottery design , the wind of Computer Aid Design ( CAD ) quietly rises up too .

  13. 论ISO9000标准在日用陶瓷工厂的应用

    The application of the ISO9000 system standards in daily-use ceramics factories

  14. 一种日用定时器ASIC的设计

    Design of an ASIC of Daily-Used Timer

  15. 百思买应该学习IBM,从销售低利润的日用商品,向销售高利润、高参与度的服务转变。

    Best buy should take a page from the IBM ( IBM ) playbook and shift from low-margin sales of commodity products to high-margin and high-engagement services .

  16. 日用陶瓷企业CMIS总体设计

    The overall design of CIMS for ceramic factories

  17. 本文对30种日用化工品进行了Ames′试验研究。

    In this study , 30 kinds of chemicals used daily have been examined by Ames ′ spot test .

  18. 广泛适用于造纸、橡胶、涂料、油漆、电缆、塑料、PVC管材、型材、饲料、日用化工行业。

    They are widely used in paper-making , rubber , dope , paint , cable , plastics , PVC tube material , template , feed and chemical articles of daily use .

  19. 近年来,环糊精(CDs)在国内外已广泛应用于医药、化工、农业、日用消费品及生物技术等领域中。

    Recently , cyclodextrins ( CDs ) have been widely used in pharmaceutical , chemical industry , agriculture , consumer goods and bio-technology and other fields around home and abroad .

  20. 介绍了超临界流体的特性、萃取原理及超临界二氧化碳作为SFE溶剂、作为化学反应介质在日用化工中的应用。

    And the application of supercritical carbon dioxide as SFE liquid and chemical reaction medium in daily chemical industry is introduced .

  21. 但在微软和Facebook之上,高居第三位的却是一个完全不同类型的公司:日用消费品巨头联合利华,这家创建于荷兰的公司的历史可以追溯到140多年前。

    But coming in at No. 3 ahead of Microsoft and Facebook was a very different breed of business : consumer-products giant Unilever , whose Dutch roots stretch back more than 140 years .

  22. 为我国日用化工开发了新的原料。目前,添加了HA的化妆品被称为仿生化妆品和第四代化妆品,所以,在日用化工,特别是化妆品工业中有广阔的应用前景。

    New materials used in daily chemical industry were developed . At present , the cosmetics containing HA goes by the name of ' Bionic Cometics ' and ' the forth generation cosmetics ' .

  23. 用日用陶瓷企业CIMS的基本目标和设计原则,对日用陶瓷企业的CIMS的总体结构、系统功能等进行了详细的描述。

    This paper introduces the basic goals and development principles about ceramic factories CIMS'design . And also in this paper , the author gives detail description to the system structure and func-tions .

  24. 烷基多苷(APG)作为日用洗涤和化妆用品的表面活性剂,应用范围日益扩大。

    Alkyl polyglycoside ( APG ), as a surfactant of daily used detergents and cosmetics , and household products , is widely used .

  25. 根据北美的国际香料协会(InternationalFragranceAssociation)统计,全球香料市场的价值为80亿到100亿美元,其中日用香精占销售额的21%,个人护理产品占25%,家居用品占49%的市场份额。

    According to the international Fragrance Association of North America , the global fragrance market is worth between $ 8-10 million , with fine fragrances accounting for 21 % of sales , personal care products 25 % and household goods at 49 % of the market .

  26. 新型建筑装饰材料和日用化学品的大量使用,使得挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)不断释放到室内,由此导致室内空气品质(IAQ)下降。

    Large amounts of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) are released to indoor environments because of building materials and commodities with VOCs used , and worsens indoor air quality ( IAQ ) .

  27. 亚马逊与几家日用品牌合作,推出了一种新的按钮设备,令用户只需按动一下按钮就能补充日常用品。这些日用品牌包括汰渍(Tide)洗衣粉和Bounty厨房用纸在内,都是美国普通家庭的支柱品牌。

    A new push-button device , launched in partnership with several household brands that are stalwarts of the average home , including Tide detergent and Bounty kitchen roll , will allow users to restock every-day items at one press .

  28. 北京方面发出了信号,暗示中国的反通胀运动不会排除一切涨价。此前价格监督机构称,消费产品巨擘联合利华(Unilever)不会因提高向零售商收取的一些日用必需品价格而受到处罚。

    Beijing signalled that its anti-inflation crusade does not preclude all price rises after a watchdog said Unilever , the consumer goods conglomerate , would not be punished for raising the amount it charges retailers for some necessities .

  29. 适用于:GNF-30适用于医药、食品、化妆品、日用化工用品等行业的塑管、铝塑复合管灌装封尾需要。

    Apply to : GNF-30 for medicine , food , cosmetics , daily chemical products industry , plastic pipe , aluminum tube filling and sealing needs .

  30. 本文从实验的角度阐述了CMOS器件的电压转移特性,并对应用该特性控制交流供电的JZB型日用电器保安器的结构和原理作了较详尽的分析。

    From the angle of experiment , this paper describes the voltage transfer characteristics of CMOS devices at first . And then it analyses in detail the structure and principle of " electric appliance protector model JZB " which using the characteristics of CMOS in controlling AC supply power .