
  • 网络Diary style;dairy style
  1. 真实性:真实性是日记体小说首要的文体特征。

    Reliability : Reliability is the first literary characteristic of diary-style fiction .

  2. 欧洲日记体小说发展概观

    A Survey of the Development of Journal Novels in Europe

  3. 日记体小说在中国现代文学史上展现了多种文体形态。

    Diary-style novel developed various style forms in modern Chinese literature History .

  4. 现代文学史上的日记体小说具有“对话性”的文体特征。

    The dairy novel has the style feature of " Dialogue Character " .

  5. 在体式多表现为日记体、书信体的第一人称的叙事方式;

    The first person expressing of diary pattern or correspondence is character in pattern ;

  6. 日记体小说是中国现代文学史上一种重要的文体形式。

    Diary-style fiction is an important literary form .

  7. 中国现代日记体、书信体小说研究综述

    A Brief Comment on the Studies of Chinese Modern Diary - style and Epistolary Stories

  8. 时间形式:中国现代日记体小说在虚拟的时间形式的运用上有着多面性。

    Time frame : Modern Chinese diary-style fiction has varieties on the application of its time frame .

  9. 五四日记体小说

    On the May-4th Diary Fiction

  10. 该调查由Pencourage网站委托开展,这是一家新的匿名“日记体”社交网站。

    The survey was commissioned by Pencourage , a new anonymous " diary-style " social media website .

  11. 从形式到精神&论五四日记体小说的现代性内涵

    From Form to Spirit & talk about Modern Connotation of May 4 ~ ( th ) Diary Novel

  12. 日记体小说的文体特征在于它的真实性、时间形式和封闭性主题。

    Literary characteristics of diary-style fiction consist in the form of its reliability , time frame and closing motif .

  13. 第三节分析《长腿叔叔》的叙事形式,即采用书信体和日记体结合的方式,完全契合了女性作家细腻敏感、私语化的交流方式。

    The third section is about the narrative form , that is , the combination of epistolary form and diaries .

  14. 论五四日记体小说&一种非典型小说的形态和话语特征

    On the May-4th Diary Fiction : A Joint Study on the Feature of the Form and Discourse of Atypical Fiction

  15. 最后之所以要弄清楚日记体绘画与他者的关系,这有利于日记体绘画更深刻的立意。

    Finally I should clear Diary Body Painting and other relations , which facilitates the diary body painting more profound conception .

  16. 日记体小说要容纳各色人等,就有一个如何使用不同的语气和口吻的问题。

    Because diary-style fiction deals with various figures , there is a problem for how to use various subjective mood and note .

  17. 徐霞客的游记是日记体,基本具备了自传的要素,因而具有自传意义。

    There is an implicative meaning of autobiography in Xu 's travel notes which basically comes in the form of a diary .

  18. 日记体小说文本是第一人称叙事和虚拟时间框架的结合,是在二者相互作用下营构独特的心理空间的文体形式。

    Teenage skaz is a writing style which employs first-person narration from the perspectives of children to narrate the stories in colloquial speech .

  19. 前者是一部名副其实的日记体小说,主人公、第一人称叙述者约瑟夫通过日记的形式展现其内心的痛苦。

    The former is a novel in diary form that fully expresses the inner sufferings of Joseph , the hero and narrator of the novel .

  20. 总体上,中国现代日记体小说的语言基本上是以知识分子的语气口吻为主,而代用语气和口吻的使用出现在三十年代以后。

    On the whole , modem Chinese diary-style fiction makes use of more than intellectual mood and other subjective mood comes out after the third decade .

  21. 本文论述范成大的《吴船录》在形式及内容等方面都对日记体游记有所拓展。

    This article expounds further development of diary-style travels brought about 《 Wu chuan Lu 》 by Fan Cheng-da in the aspects of form and content .

  22. 过大的手部及头部则暗示他因为显露自己的情感,而感到惶恐不安,但这并非背景上日记体题字所带出的意思。

    His enormously over-sized hands and head however suggest his feelings of awkward vulnerability and emotional exposure , but the diaristic inscriptions along the background of the canvas .

  23. 现代时间观的变化导致个人经验独特性的凸显,这是现代日记体小说产生的重要原因。

    Standing out of person 's living experience coming from the modernization of time concept , it is also an important reason for emergence of modern Chinese diary-style fiction .

  24. 从开篇的儿童语体到结尾的日记体,文体变异成为推动小说发展的关键因素,因此也构成小说的突出特色。

    From baby-talk as its beginning and diaries as its ending , stylistic variation plays a critical role in this novel and is hence the foregrounded feature of it .

  25. 学术界对中国现代日记体、书信体小说的研究匮乏,这种研究现状与现代日记体、书信体小说曾经蔚然成风并且留下诸多经典文本的文学史史实不相符合。

    Considering the great multitude of classical texts of diary - style and epistolary stories in Chinese literary history , researches on them are not as fruitful as they should .

  26. 五四日记体小说作为非典型小说的一个典型范例,充分体现了该小说类型的基本风貌,并且形成了较为成熟的文体形式和别具一格的话语特征。

    The May-4th diary novel , as a typical form of Atypical fiction , fully exemplifies the general picture of Atypical fiction , and establish its place with rather mature form features and distinct discourse features .

  27. 日记体小说是五四时期出现的一种新的小说样式,并在五四前后形成一股创作热潮。

    Novels of diary body was a kind of new novel designs , appeared in the period of May Fourth Movement , and formed a whiff of upsurge of creation before and after the May Fourth Movement .

  28. 外国小说的叙事也引起了林纾对传统文学叙事功能的新理解,催生出中国现代小说的第一人称与日记体。

    Moreover , the narration in the foreign novels provided LIN with new insight into the narration of the traditional literature , which led to the birth of the first person and the diary style in the modern Chinese novels .

  29. 她们以对话、书信、日记体等方式,书写人生。第三,在林语堂的小说中,结局大都是以准大团圆的模式结束,但在看似喜剧的结尾中也隐含着悲剧的基调。

    Their conversation , letters , an implicative meaning to life , etc. Third , in the end , the novel by Lin yutang mostly is " happy " mode , but in the end the end of seemingly comedy is implied tragic tone .

  30. 那感伤的情调,有着哀切的美感,而日记、书信体的形式选择、以及对古典诗词景物、意境的化用,也使其小说的感伤情调更浓重。

    In addition , the sorrowful sentiment is full of sad aesthetic sense while the choice of diary and letter in style and the creative use of scenery and mood in classical poetry added to the flavor of sadness .