
  1. 论作为文学社团的中国左翼作家联盟

    On the Chinese Leftist Writers ' League as a Literary Group

  2. 五四时期是古今观念、中西文化的特殊交汇点,观念各异催生了文学社团与综合性社团并存的局面。

    Different ideas result in the co-existence of literature societies and comprehensive societies .

  3. 第一章围绕文学社团评论的省略。

    The first chapter will revolve around omissions of statements about literary groups .

  4. 搞活文学社团提高学生素质

    Enlivening Students ' Literature Organization and Improving Their Quality

  5. 在不同文化观念的驱动下,许多文学社团树立起自己的文学观。

    Driven by different cultural values , many societies develop their own literature values .

  6. 文学社团之翻译研究

    A Study of a Literary Society

  7. 雅集是近代文学社团南社的主要活动形式。

    The elegant meetings were the main activities of Nan Sheh , a contemporary literature organization .

  8. 创造社是“五四”文坛颇具争议的文学社团之一。

    Chuangzaoshe is one of the controversial literary groups in the New literature Movement of May4th .

  9. 中国近代文学社团和流派在文学的现代转化中有着突出的意义;

    In the modern turn of the Chinese literature , associations and schools played an outstanding role .

  10. 近些年,在推行素质教育、新课程改革的大背景下,我国中学文学社团发展十分迅速。

    With the implementation of quality education and curriculum reform , literary associations developed rapidly in middle schools .

  11. 在某种意义上,可以说是这些文学社团支撑着西南联大的诗歌创作活动。

    In a sense , these literature communities supported the activities of poetry creation in National Southwestern Associated University .

  12. 在翻译选材上,不同文学社团之间存在分歧,表现了不同文化群体的价值诉求;

    In the aspect of choosing sources of translation , there was some difference which reflects different pursuit of value .

  13. 论五四文学社团对中国文学现代化进程的影响与贡献

    The Discussion on Influences and Devotions Which the " Five-four " Literature Societies Have Had in the Modernizing Process of Chinese Literature

  14. 它的运行方式及其呈露出来的种种现象,也对中国现代文学社团起到了某种先导性的启迪作用。

    The operation of the New Trend Society and its sequent events also played an enlightening role in the development of contemporary Chinese literature societies .

  15. 河池学院的文学社团活动情况虽今不同昔,但在诸多方面却有共通的规律。

    Although Society of Literature in Hechi University changes as the time went by , there are lots of common rules in terms of different aspects .

  16. 南社作为横跨两个阶段的具有全国影响的文学社团流派显示出特殊的地位和作用。

    As a nationally influential literature association and school , the South Association had a special position and function which stretched two stages of that turn .

  17. 他不仅是五四时期最大文学社团文学研究会的发起人之一,而且在新文学的创作上也独树一帜。

    He is not only one of the founders of the largest literary study association during the May Fourth Movement , but also a special role in creating new literature .

  18. 尤其是前期的文学社团注重于文学性的探索与追求,营造了一个有助于文学创作与发展的良好氛围。

    These literature communities paid attention to study and research on literariness in early stage , therefore , the good cultural atmosphere were established to promote development of literary creation .

  19. 这种独异性不仅表现为他始终游离于众多的文学社团流派之外,还体现在他观照历史的独特角度&民间性。

    The style is not merely shown as his dissociation from numerous literature corporations all the time , still embodied in the unique angle that he took history into consideration - Folk Characteristic .

  20. 历来左联研究的薄弱之处在于,将左联只是作为一种流派,而且是政治性的流派来对待,不注重左联首先是一个社团,而且是一个文学社团。

    The weakness of previous studies on the Chinese Leftist Writers'League ( CLWL ) lies in taking CLWL only as a school , a political school , not as a group , a literary group .

  21. 本文从理论思潮、文学社团和文学论争、作家作品等方面列举了这一部分在史料方面的问题。

    This paper enumerates the mistakes of literary historical materials in this part in terms of trends of thought in literary theory , of writers ' associations , and of literary contests and literary works .

  22. 现代文学社团在发展过程中极为重视外来文化对于建立中国现代文学秩序的重要性,对外来文化的不同理解形成了多元文化并存的局面,这是五四时期知识分子适应现实的调适结果。

    As the societies develop , they rely heavily on borrowing from foreign cultures for the establishment of the order of China 's modern literature . The difference in interpreting foreign culture results in the coexistence of different schools of literature .

  23. 在一个互动的文化结构体系中,考察现代文学社团自身,反省现代文学社团研究,重要的是尊重文学社团的独立形态、结构特征,正确区分与文学流派、思潮的整合关系。

    Within such an interactional cultural web , it is of importance to give due respect to the independency and structural traits of literary leagues , to distinguish them from integrated relation of literature genres , trends of thought when putting modern literary leagues themselves under scrutiny .

  24. 文学是这些社团流派表达自己的社会理想、政治倾向的重要手段,因此他们之间出现了长期的、激烈的混战局面。

    Literature was an important medium for expressing their social ideals and political inclinations , so a heated and endless dispute happened among them .

  25. 文学研究会的社团结构方面趋向社会文化组织,由此影响到它的文学建设的方向;

    A new structure inclining to the structure of the social organization , which changes the direction of the culture instruction ;

  26. 创造社是中国20世纪二十年代与文学研究会齐名的两大文学社团之一。

    The Creation Society is one of the two most important literary societies in China in the 1920s .

  27. 政治文化场的文学社群&20世纪20年代中国文学社团个案解析

    Literary Organizations in the Political-Cultural Field & Analysis of Individual Cases of China 's Literary Organizations in 1920s

  28. 新月社既是中国现代文学史上影响很大的新文学社团之一,又作为一个自由主义知识分子团体而著称于现代中国思想史。

    As one of the most important literary organizations and celebrated liberalistic intellectuals group from 1920s to 1930s , the Crescent Society ( later abbreviated as CS ) has exerted far-reaching influence upon Chinese modern literature and thoughts .

  29. 南社是近代文学史上规模最大的重要的文学社团。

    The ' Southern society '( nan she ) is an important and nearly the largest literature league in modern literature history .

  30. 西南联大浓厚的文学氛围的另一个突出表现是文学社团众多。

    Another distinct manifestation of dense literature atmosphere was that there were so many literature communities in campus .