
  • 网络literature in yuan dynasty
  1. 崇尚眉山之体&苏轼对元代文学的影响

    On Su Shi 's Impact upon Literature in Yuan Dynasty

  2. 在元代文学史上,元杂剧是不容忽视的文学样式。

    The yuan drama a kind of literary style which can not be to ignored literary style in the history of literature in Yuan dynasty .

  3. 虞集为元代文学巨擘。

    Yu Chi is a literary giant of Yuan Dynasty .

  4. 元曲代表着元代文学的最高成就,阅读元曲的障碍除词汇之外,还有语法方面的因素。

    Yuan songs represent the highest achievements of the Yuan Dynasty literature .

  5. 20世纪的元代文学研究

    Study of literature of Yuan Dynasty in 20th century

  6. 元代文学的终结:最后的大都文坛

    The End of the Literature in the Yuan Dynasty : A Final Scene of Literary Circles in Dadu

  7. 曲,世称元曲,是元代文学主要样式。

    The Dramatic Songs , also known as Yuan Drama were the main form of literature in the Yuan Dynasty .

  8. 从学术史角度简要评述了20世纪元代文学研究的发展概况和基本成就。

    This paper deals with the survey of the study on the literature of the Yuan Dynasty and its achievements in the 20th century .

  9. 元曲及其代表作家:元曲与唐诗、宋词并称,它代表了元代文学的主要成就。

    Yuan songs and main writers : Yuan songs are as important as Tang poetry and Song ci , which represents the important achievement in the literature in Yuan Dynasty .

  10. 元朝是蒙古族入主中原所建立的统一的多民族国家,这种多民族的交流、融合使元代文学处在多元文化氛围中。

    Yuan Dynasty was a unified multi-ethnic country established by Mongolia nationality which came into Central Plains . The national exchange and integration made the literature of Yuan Dynasty in the multicultural atmosphere .

  11. 本文主要从接受群体之结构变化与文学发展关系的角度,探讨了游牧文化对元代文学发生的多重影响。

    The text investigates into the relation between the change of the public and literature development , especially about the multiplied influence of the nomadic culture upon Chinese literature in the Yuan Dynasty .

  12. 余论部分概括全文,简要阐明形成元代文学中如此有特色的女性世界的原因:在思想禁锢松弛的意识形态环境下,个体本性的自然流露。

    In conclusion , the author summarizes the paper and points out how the characteristic women 's world in literature of Yuan Dynasty can exist : the natural show of the individual instinct under the lax ideology environment .

  13. 对丝绸之路特定生活内容的描写反映,是元代文学中一个突出的现象,形成了元代文学中的特殊领域,即丝绸之路文学。

    Depiction and reflection of the specific life along the Silk Road is an outstanding phenomenon of the Yuan Dynasty literature , which , as a special field of the Yuan Dynasty literature , was named Silk Road Literature .

  14. 通过元杂剧与其明传奇改写本的比较研究,可以发现元明两代的文化差异,进而证明蒙古游牧文化对元代文学的影响。

    The cultural differences of Yuan and Ming can be observed through the comparison between Yuan Za Ju and their adaptive version of Ming Chuanqi , furthermore these differences can prove the effects of Mongol nomadic culture on Yuan literature .

  15. 可以说,元代女性文学是学界相对陌生又颇有研究价值的一个领域。

    It can be said Yuan academic literature is relatively unknown but has an area of considerable research value .

  16. 这种氛围对元代所有的文学样式都有深远影响,包括元诗,特别是元代边塞诗。

    The atmosphere had far-reaching effects to all literary style of the Yuan Dynasty , including the Yuan poetry , especially the Frontier Poems .

  17. 他以其创作实绩和在诗话、诗文中展示的独到的文学理论,在元代中后期的文学史上享有一定的地位。

    He had a special status in the literary history of the late Yuan Dynasty for his literary achievement as well as his insightful literary theory displayed by his poetry talks and poetry .

  18. 80年代至20世纪末,随着元代理学研究的长足进步和元代诗文、元代文学批评研究等的进展,理学与元代文学关系的研究进入一个较为自觉和相对兴盛的时期。

    Since the beginning of the 80 's , with the development of the studies on Neo-Confucianism and the poetry and literary criticism in the Yuan Dynasty , the studies of the relations between Neo-Confucianism and the literature entered into a self-conscious and a relatively prosperous stage .