
zhāng huí tǐ
  • type of traditional Chinese novels with captions for each chapter;a kind of writing divided into chapters
章回体 [zhāng huí tǐ]
  • [a kind of writing divided into chapters] 一种分回叙事的长篇小说体裁

章回体[zhāng huí tǐ]
  1. 略论我国章回体小说的叙事模式

    Comments on the Narration Mode of Traditional Chinese Novel

  2. 张恨水对章回体小说的继承与创新

    Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Chapter Novel in ZHANG Hen-shui 's Works

  3. 在形式上,张恨水改变了传统的章回体小说模式;

    He has made formal changes in the pattern of the traditional serial novel .

  4. 古代章回体长篇小说的形成与演变

    Formation and evolution of ancient couplet novel

  5. 明中后期是章回体长篇小说的发展时期;

    The medium term and the later period of Ming is the development time of it ;

  6. 在艺术上,《姑妄言》在章回体式、人物塑造、心理刻画、环境描写以及结构和语言等方面都很有特色。

    It has characteristics in style , characterization , mentality , surrounding , and language , etc.

  7. 他们应当能够阅读一本章回体的书本,写一个故事和一篇有意思的小文章;

    They should be able to read a chapter book , write a story and a compelling essay ;

  8. 对民间艺术回归的迫切感使他的小说具有了章回体结构和口语化的语言艺术特征。

    On the folk art to the urgent sense makes his novels have serial structure and colloquial language art .

  9. 章回体是中国古代长篇小说所采用的主要形式。

    The couplet form is the main one which was used by the novel in the ancient times of China .

  10. 本文将按照章回体小说的具体特征束逐一分析他的这本译著。

    His translation is to be analyzed in accordance with definite features of the " Zhang Hui " novel in this paper .

  11. 荷马史诗(《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》)是欧洲文学的源头,《三国演义》是中国第一部长篇章回体小说。

    Homeric epics ( The Iliad and The Odyssey ) are the source of Western literature , while Three Kingdoms is the first full-length historical novel of China .

  12. 通俗小说具有标识性的文体形态,表现为以白话为其语言标识;以章回体为其文体标识和以类型化为其题材标识。

    Popular stories possess noticeble stylist forms , characterized by the language mark in vernacular , the stylist mark in chapter and the form mark as in subject matter of categorization .

  13. 早期是文学思想的丰富期,张恨水主要从章回体小说改良、创作动机和宗旨方面形成了认识。

    In the earlier period , his literary thought being in the growth stage , he developed his thinking from the improvement , creative motivation and tenet of the traditional Chinese novels .