
  1. 第三章题为刑法没收财物罚之诉讼研究。

    The second chapter is the study of legislation mode of the confiscation in criminal law .

  2. 第四章题为《尾数》:虚构叙述的自由与责任,认为《尾数》是虚构叙述写作的隐喻。

    Chapter Four is entitledMantissa : Freedom and Responsibility of Fictional Narrative . It takes Mantissa as the metaphor of literary creation .

  3. 这一章题为文字游戏是最强的,这也是恰当的,因为玩就是嘻哈做得最好的。

    The chapter entitled " Wordplay " is the strongest , and that 's appropriate , since play is what hip-hop does best .

  4. 第三章题为陪审团裁决与心理因素,从认知心理学以及信息交换的角度分析陪审员个人和集体的心理因素。

    The author analyzes the psychological elements of the individual juror and the jury group from the cognitive psychology and information communicating perspectives .

  5. 第二章题为孔子对人性善的信仰,力求从多维度证明孔子的人性观倾向于善。

    In the second , we use different facts to support the idea that Confucius believes that human nature is good rather than evil .

  6. 第五章题为组织建设,这个阶段的中心,在于整顿和建设农村党支部,同时论述了民兵和共青团的组织建设情况。

    Chapter 5 is about the Organization Construction . The central task was to rectify and reorganize the party branches of the countryside in this stage . The organizations construction of the militia and the Communist Youth League were also discussed in this chapter .

  7. 第二章题为苦闷的个人:五四文学核心意象的创造,抓住五四文学创造的这个核心意象,从精神形态与身体形态两个方面分析五四文学对个体意象的塑造。

    The topic of the second chapter is " the depressed individual : the core image creating of the May 4th Literature ", which holds to the core image and analyzes the creating of the individual image from two aspects : spiritual form and physical form .

  8. 正文第一章题为人的文学:五四文学本体意象的创造,在五四文学理论建设的动态过程中论述文学本体意象的创造及其原因。

    The topic of the first chapter in the text is " the Humanistic Literature : the ontic image creating of the May 4th Literature ", which is to discuss the ontic image creating and reasons in the dynamic procession of the Literature theory construction in the May 4th movement .

  9. 每章有选择题25道,填空拖放题13道~50个填空。

    There are 25 multiple-choice questions and about 50 blanks in the exercise of each chapter .

  10. 第三章分析了题外连接成分在篇章中的出现方式以及和连词、副词组合使用的情况。

    The third chapter analyzes the question outer join ingredients appear in the chapter , and conjunctions , adverbs combination .

  11. 指数和三角函数:阅读第二章以及做练习题。

    Exponential and trigonometric Functions : read Chapter 2 and do exercises .

  12. 《九章》阐释三题

    Three questions on the interpretation of nine chapters

  13. 论文全文约18万字,除引言及结论部分外共分5章,各章主题及要点如下:第一章题为地区主义的一般理论。

    The subject and outline of each chapter are as follow : Chapter One is titled The General Theory on Regionalism .