
jiào yù xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ
  • Education Administration Law;administrative law of education
  1. 作为教育行政法中一个重要的问题教育行政执法的理论研究更是倍受冷落。

    The theoretical research of educational administrative law enforcement , though regarded as an important issue , witnesses no profound development .

  2. 高等教育领域行政法问题研究之回顾与前瞻

    Review and Prophesy of Research of Administrative Laws in Higher Education Area

  3. 移植与改造:清末新式法律教育中的行政法教学

    Transplantation and Reconstruction : the Administrative Law Teaching of New Law Education in the End of Qing Dynasty

  4. 公民受教育权的行政法保护问题研究&兼论学校教育管理行为侵权的行政法救济体系建构

    A Study on Protection of the Citizen Educational Right by Administrative Law & Also on the Reconstruction of the Administrative Remedy System for Torts Arising from School 's Regulation

  5. 行政法学界对高等教育领域的行政法问题的研究起步较晚,但近几年来,关注程度渐高,研究力量渐强,学术成果渐多,已成为行政法学研究的一个新的亮点。

    The research of administrative laws in higher education area is late , but it gets more and more attention in recent years and has become a new focus of administrative law science .