
jiào yù ɡù wèn
  • educational adviser
  1. 我是一个34岁的男人,已婚,住在一所漂亮的房子里,从事教育顾问工作,事业有成。

    I 'm a 34-year-old man , married , lived in a nice house , and have a successful career as an educational consultant .

  2. 例如,哈桑•雷贾博耶夫(KhasanRedjaboev)在乌兹别克斯坦长大,他在那里尝试过创业,当过政府的教育顾问,后来他注册为巴黎政治学院(SciencesPo)和李光耀公共政策学院的双学位学生。

    Khasan Redjaboev , for example , grew up in Uzbekistan , where he dabbled in entrepreneurship and was an education consultant to the government , before enrolling as a double-degree student at Sciences Po in Paris and the Lee Kuan Yew School .

  3. 不过香港巴基斯坦学生联盟的教育顾问RizwanUllah表示,这样的描述是充满偏见的。

    Such portrayals feed prejudice , said Rizwan Ullah , an educational adviser of the Pakistani Students ' Association in Hong Kong .

  4. 上海和香港并不代表整个中国,但经合组织特别教育顾问安德里亚施莱歇尔(andreasschleicher)表示,不应该低估中国。

    Shanghai and Hong Kong were not representative of the whole of China , but Andreas Schleicher , special adviser on education to the OECD , said the country should not be underestimated .

  5. 马里兰州洛克维尔市(Rockville)的数学教育顾问、NewtonsWindow.com网站(一家帮助父母和学生学数学的网站)创始人苏珊娜·萨顿(SuzanneSutton)称,父母陪在孩子身边一起钻研其实很有用。

    Struggling alongside your child can actually be helpful , says Suzanne Sutton , a Rockville , Md. , math consultant and founder of NewtonsWindow.com , a website to help parents and students with math .

  6. 北京麦可思(MyCos)的教育顾问们去年的一项调查显示,临床医学专业毕业生在毕业半年内的平均月薪为2339元人民币(合382美元)。

    A survey last year conducted by MyCos education consultants in Beijing found that the average monthly salary for clinical medicine graduates was Rmb2339 ( $ 382 ) within six months of graduation .

  7. 关于这些年轻的运动员,教育顾问说了些什么呢?

    And what do the educational counselors say about the young athletes ?

  8. 《二十一世纪英文报》记者许靖烯专访了几位教育顾问。

    21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi interviewed education consultants .

  9. 本机构为学生及家长提供一站式的全面支援服务,包括以学生为本的多元智能培育课程及一对一专业教育顾问辅导服务。

    We provide supports to our students and their families through student-centric multi-disciplinary programmes and one-on-one targeted counseling .

  10. 教育顾问、《有毒的童年》的作者苏·帕尔玛就见过一些孩子在进小学时连做最基本的动作都有困难。

    Educational consultant Sue Palmer , author of Toxic Childhood , has seen children arriving in primary school with difficulties with basic movement .

  11. 培生公司的首席教育顾问迈克•巴伯爵士说,在教育成功的国家,教师地位都很高,而且这些国家都有自己的教育文化。

    Sir Michael Barber , Pearson 's chief education adviser , says successful countries give teachers a high status and have a culture of education .

  12. 培生公司的首席教育顾问迈克•巴伯爵士说,在教育成功的国家,教师地位都很高,而且这些国家都有自己的“教育文化”。

    Sir Michael Barber , Pearson 's chief education adviser , says successful countries give teachers a high status and have a " culture " of education .

  13. 无论你选择什么,教育顾问说在你想要去美国学习之前,你必须要开始计划至少两年的时间。

    Whatever you choose , educational advisers say you should begin to plan at least two years before you want to start classes in the United states .

  14. 高等教育顾问、Eduvantis创始人蒂姆o韦斯特贝克表示,在某些商学院,企业家被浪漫化,大家对企业家存在一定程度的“英雄崇拜”。韦斯特贝克说:

    At some B-schools , entrepreneurs are romanticized and a degree of " hero worship " exists , says higher education consultant and Eduvantis founder Tim Westerbeck , .

  15. 他认为恰恰相反,总统主要是想通过咨询、教育和顾问指导等途径来鼓励已婚的夫妇们营建一个幸福的婚姻。

    Instead , he said , Bush 's emphasis is on counseling , educational and mentoring programs that will help married couples stay together .

  16. 在哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)从事了商业伦理领域的工作,随后又担任了国际mba教育方面的顾问后,我开始怀疑:教授这门课程本身究竟是否合乎伦理?

    After working in the field of business ethics at Harvard Business School and later as a consultant on Global MBA education , I began to wonder if it was even ethical to try to teach the subject .

  17. 琥珀教育集团高级顾问陈倩倩(音译)表示,这些费用有时很高,却经常被学生忽视。

    According to Chen Jianqian , senior consultant at Amber Education , these costs can be high but are often overlooked by students .

  18. 《泰晤士高等教育》和法国顾问公司Emerging于11月19日发布的“2020年全球就业竞争力排名”研究了过去十年全球范围内为毕业生提供最多机会的国家和地区。

    The Times Higher Education magazine and French consultancy Emerging on Thursday released Employability Rankings 2020 , a 10-year survey into the places that provide the best opportunities for graduating students around the world .

  19. 其直接目的是与一组教育工作者以及Scrum顾问一起,建立“学校中的Scrum”的课程,这样世界各地的教育工作者可以去实施。

    The immediate intention is to work with a group of educators and Scrum consultants to create a Scrum-in-Schools curriculum , which educators around the world can implement .

  20. 财经时报发现的电子邮件事件,揭露了教育部长和他的顾问们使用个人邮箱地址来处理政府事务。

    E-mail traffic , seen by the FT , shows the education secretary and his advisers have conducted government business using private email addresses .

  21. 年内,教育统筹局委托顾问对计划进行检讨,以确保基金能应付当前及未来的需求。

    The Education and Manpower Bureau commissioned a consultancy review on the scheme during the year to ensure that its fund could meet current and future demands .

  22. 来自北京的知名教育心理专家兼顾问温方(音译)建议学生不要被那些有关就业市场不景气的调查与报道所误导。

    Wen Fang , a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing , advises students not to be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market .

  23. 随后,校友参加由香港中文大学香港教育研究所专业顾问陈廷三博士(84/社工)主持的「校友亲子讲座-父母的信念」讲座;

    After the tea party , Dr Chan Ting-sam ( 84 / SWK ), Professional Consultant , Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research , CUHK , was invited to give a talk on " Parent 's Belief " .

  24. 梁建华目前在加州教育厅担任教育研究和评估顾问。

    Jane is an education research and evaluation consultant at the California Department of Education .