
cháng chūn huā
  • catharanthus roseus
长春花[cháng chūn huā]
  1. 外源色氨酸对海水胁迫长春花幼苗根CCO活性和叶绿体超微结构的影响

    Effects of Exogenous Tryptophan on the CCO Activity of Root and Cell Ultrastructure of Catharanthus roseus Seedlings under Seawater Stress

  2. 长春花生物碱部分之一AC-875的抗肿瘤作用及毒性

    The antitumour action and toxicity of the alkaloidal fraction ac-875 from Catharanthus roseus

  3. HPLC法测定异长春花碱静脉注射乳剂中主药的含量

    Content Determination of Main Component in Intravenous Emulsion of Vinorelbine by HPLC

  4. B组用国产异长春花碱(盖诺)联合顺铂,男40例,女20例。

    Sixty patients were treated with homemade vinorelbine plus cisplatin ( group B ), including 40 males and 20 females .

  5. 剪枝长春花(C型生活史型)由于受严重的剪枝胁迫集全部能量供无性繁殖,故三种内源激素含量都高。

    Three endogenous hormones were all very high in pruning stress condition ( C form ), because under the heavy pruning stress all energy supports to clone reproduction .

  6. 结果长春花碱抑制C6细胞葡萄糖摄取24%~36%。

    Results Vinblastine inhibited basal glucose uptake by 24 % to 36 % .

  7. 中药注射剂静脉输液反应108例分析HPLC法测定异长春花碱静脉注射乳剂中主药的含量

    ANALYSIS OF 39 VENOUS TRANSFUSION CASES INDUCED BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE INJECTION Content Determination of Main Component in Intravenous Emulsion of Vinorelbine by HPLC

  8. 结果用EMS处理的长春花愈伤组织与对照相比,不仅生长快,并且吲哚总碱含量高。

    Results The calli treated with 0.3 % EMS grows faster , contains higher content of total indole alkaloids than the contrast .

  9. 低浓度长春花碱对ECV-304细胞迁移及管样结构生成的影响

    Effect of Low Dose Vinblastine on Migration and Tubular Morphogenesis of ECV-304 Cells

  10. 在长春花花芽分化即营养生长向有性生殖转变的过程中,内源激素GA3起抑制作用,而ABA和IAA起促进作用。

    In flowering differentiation ( transforming from Vegetative growth to sexual reproduction ), GA_3 played an inhibition role while IAA and ABA played a promotion role .

  11. 刈割对栽培长春花(Catharanthusroseus)生活史型转变的影响

    The effects of harvest on transformation of plant life cycle forms of Catharanthus roseus

  12. 有报道表明TDC酶是长春花生物碱代谢途径的一个限速酶;

    It has been reported that TDC is the key enzyme in biosynthesis of alkaloid from Catharanthus Roseus ;

  13. 结论:去甲长春花碱联合顺铂方案(NP方案)治疗复发转移性乳腺癌疗效良好,不良反应较轻,应用安全。

    Conclusion : For recurrent or metastatic breast cancer , NVB combined with DDP is an effective regimen , and it is safe with a tolerable toxicities .

  14. 超声波辅助农杆菌介导的长春花(Catharanthusroseus)遗传转化

    Sonication-Assisted Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Catharanthus roseus

  15. 通过对长春花愈伤组织的诱导条件进行研究,同时对植株各部位的色氨酸脱羧酶(TDC)、过氧化物酶(POD)进行精确测定。

    Therefore in this paper , we studied the condition of callus initiation and determined the TDC and POD precisely in various parts of the plant .

  16. 第一部分:长春花碱3小时和24小时处理TK6细胞TK基因突变试验比较研究。

    Part 1.Comparison of TK Gene Mutation Assay Induced by Vinblastin with 3h treatment and 24h treatment .

  17. 长春花(Catharanthusroseus(L.)G.Don)既是一种观赏花卉,又是一种重要的药用植物。

    Catharanthus roseus is a kind of ornamental plant , but also is an important medicinal plant .

  18. 目的:观察以异长春花碱(NVB)为主的联合化疗方案治疗恶性肿瘤的疗效。

    Objective : To present a clinical trial about the effects of the combination chemotherapy with NVB on malignant tumors .

  19. 方法用真菌诱导子对长春花愈伤组织进行诱导处理后提取吲哚总碱,并用RP-HPLC法测定其中阿玛碱和长春质碱含量。

    Methods The total indole alkaloid was extracted after the calli were treated with fungal elicitors . Then , the determination of ajmalicine and catharanthine was carried out by RP HPLC .

  20. 异长春花碱(NVB)是长春碱类的化疗新药,由于强烈的局部刺激作用,易导致静脉炎。

    Navelbine ( NVB ) is a new chemotherapeutic drug , having a strong local stimulation and apt to cause the phlebitis .

  21. 目的:观察去甲长春花碱(NVB、诺维本)联合顺铂治疗复发转移性乳腺癌的近期疗效和毒副作用。

    Objective : To observe the recently therapeutic effects of NVB combined with DDP in the treatment of recurrent or metastatic breast cancer .

  22. 目的建立用人类淋巴母细胞TK6检测纺锤体毒物&长春花碱的TK基因突变试验方法,同时探讨长春花碱的遗传毒性分子机理。

    Objective To establish TK gene mutation assay using human lymphoblastoid cell line TK6 and to study the genotoxic mechanism of Vinblastine ( VBL ) .

  23. 目的:观察去甲长春花碱(NVB)、顺铂(DDP)联合化疗方案治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效和毒性反应。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of combination chemotherapy with vinorelbine ( NVB ) and cisplatin ( DDP ) in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung carcinoma ( NSCLC ) .

  24. 目的比较ITP(异环磷酰胺+吡喃阿霉素+顺铂)与NP(去甲长春花碱+顺铂)方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床有效率和毒副作用。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of ITP ( ifosfamide + perarubicin + cisplatin ) and NP ( vinorelbine + cisplatin ) regimens in the treatment of advanced non small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  25. 目的:评价国产异长春花碱(艾克宁)与顺铂(DDP)联合治疗老年(大于65岁)晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的疗效与安全性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of vinorelbine ( VRB ) in combination with cisplatin ( DDP ) in the treatment of elderly patients ( aged over 65 years ) with advanced non-small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) .

  26. 方法在体外用喜树碱、胺苯吖啶或长春花碱处理诱导HL60或Molt4细胞3、6、9h后收获,75%的冷乙醇固定24h以上。

    Methods HL 60 or Molt 4 cells were induced by CAM , AMSA or VIN in vitro for 3,6,9 ? h , then the cells were fixed with 75 % cold ethanol over 24 ?

  27. 目的观察重组人血管内皮抑制素(YH16)联合NP方案(去甲长春花碱NVB+顺铂DDP)治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的疗效和安全性,并与NP方案比较。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of homemade human rh endostatin ( YH 16 ) combined with NP regimen ( vinorelbine + cisplatin ) for stage ⅲ B ⅳ non small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ), and to compare with NP regimen alone .

  28. 牛体外受精后5-~10-细胞期的胚胎用0.5%链霉蛋白酶处理分离单一卵裂球,然后用100ng/ml长春花碱处理10h,制作染色体标本。

    Bovine embryos developing to the 5 ~ 10 cell stage were separated into individual blastomere with 0 5 % protease . After treatment with 100 ng / ml vinblastine sulfate for 10 h , they were prepared for chromosome samples .

  29. 研究了硒化合物对长春花(C.roseus)细胞悬浮生长的影响。

    The effects of selenium compounds on growth of Catharanthus roseus ( C. roseus ) cell suspension culture and effects of pH on the selenium toxicity have been investigated .

  30. 研究了pH5.5条件下,钴(Ⅱ)和镍(Ⅱ)对长春花C.roseus细胞悬浮培养生长的影响。

    The effects of cobalt ( II ) and nickel ( II ) on the growth of catharanthus roseus ( C - roseus ) cell suspension cultures at pH 5 . 5 were investigated .