
  • Rapunzel;Tangled
  1. 《长发公主》应该是很早适应舞台的,因为仅此一次重要角色都是人类,不是什么茶壶啦,怪物啦或者猫鼬啥的。

    Tangled should be even easier to adapt to the stage , since for once the main characters are all human & no singing teapots , monsters or meerkats required .

  2. 该娱乐公司在2017年西南偏南大会上,表示将计划引进全新的技术。他们还在现场展示了一台机器人帕斯卡(《长发公主》中的宠物蜥蜴)的视频影像。

    The entertainment firm discussed plans to embrace brand new technologies at SXSW 2017 , where it also showed off footage of a robot Pascal , the lizard from Tangled .

  3. 2005年,迪士尼功勋动画师GlenKeane确定了一部长片的首要角色,这就是我们今天所知道的&长发公主。

    As of2005 , Rapunzel Unbraided , as it was known , was to be the first feature directed by honored Disney animator Glen Keane .

  4. 来自俄罗斯的达什克•古巴诺娃•弗雷克尔被人们称作真人版的长发公主,有一头超长的瀑布般的秀发,而她的Instagram账号目前有超过104000名粉丝。

    Dubbed the real life Rapunzel , Russian woman Dashik Gubanova Freckle has earned more than 104000 followers on Instagram for her exceptionally long cascading hair .

  5. 坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们说,他们将一直拥护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。

    Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel , say Wal-Mart shoppers .

  6. 就像童话里住在高塔上的长发公主一样,我会让她住在那里的。

    Shes going to be like Rapunzel up in the tower .

  7. 所以你可能会发现其中某个元素像是“长发公主”里的。

    So you may recognize elements like a girl with long'Rapunzel'hair .

  8. 现在我像穷鬼版长发公主被困在一张折叠床上。

    And now I 'm trapped in a murphy bed like some welfare Rapunzel .

  9. 她父亲说:她总是想头发和长发公主的一样长。

    She has always wanted to grow it as long as Rapunzel , her father said .

  10. 这样算来,长发公主的辫子足以承受体格健壮的王子。

    Such calculating come , the braid enough of long hair princess bears the prince with hale constitution .

  11. 泰勒·斯威夫特化身迪士尼童话人物长发公主,为全新的迪斯尼明星童话写真集拍摄广告。

    Taylor Swift poses as the Disney Princess Rapunzel in this brand new Disney Dream Portrait promo image .

  12. 我本来想的是“长发公主”里的拉庞泽尔但那不是那么.

    I 'm trying to think a. I was thinking Rapunzel from Tangled.But , that 's not it.Okay , um .

  13. 故事集里包括《长发公主》、《糖果屋》、《灰姑娘》、《小红帽》、《小精灵与老鞋匠》和《睡美人》等。

    The tales include Rapunzel , Hansel and Gretel , Cinderella , Little Red Riding Hood , the Elves and the Shoemaker , and Sleeping Beauty .

  14. 芭比的老朋友米姬被沃尔玛公司打入冷宫,因为米姬现在是个已婚的孕妇形象。坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们说,他们将一直拥护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。

    Barbie 's long-time pal , Midge now married and pregnant was yanked from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel , say Wal-Mart shoppers .

  15. 排在榜单前列的还有名人尼基米纳什和查理辛,而蓝妹妹、长发公主拉庞泽尔和怪物娃娃的形象也很受年轻人的欢迎。

    Also ranking high on the list were celebrities Nicki Minaj and Charlie Sheen , while Smurfette , Tangled 's Rapunzel and characters from Monster High were proving popular with younger users .

  16. 关于女儿未来可能会同男孩子约会这件事,贝克汉姆的想法让人很是惊骇。他说,他要将女儿关在高塔上,就像格林童话里的长发公主一样。

    David Beckham is so " horrified " at the idea of his little daughter Harper one day having a boyfriend he wants to lock her in a fairytale princess 's tower .

  17. 长发公主出自格林童话,女主角被女巫囚禁在一个高塔里面,而她的长发则是进出的唯一手段。

    It 's the Brothers Grimm story of Rapunzel , imprisoned in a high tower by a witch , with the girl 's long hair the witch 's only means of access and egress .