
  • 网络Weird Worlds;strange world;odd world;Oddworld Stranger;Freak World
  1. 《奇异世界》主要为单人游戏设计,每次游戏大约需要二十分钟。

    Weird Worlds is intended to be played in a single sitting , usually taking twenty minutes .

  2. 《奇异世界》同时也充满了各种各样的随机事件,从超新星到最初的任务资料之外的秘密冒险。

    Weird Worlds is also full of random events , from supernovas to secret quests beyond the initial mission parameters .

  3. 这里是一个冰封的奇异世界。

    This is a frozen alien world .

  4. 接着,为了表明即使在这多愁善感的奇异世界上,也有具备理智的必要性,索菲亚说出了一个严肃的寓意。

    Then , marking the need of common sense even in this fantastic world of sensibility Sophia expires with a solemn moral .

  5. 市面上还有很多混合型游戏,比如阿比逃亡记:奇异世界,因为游戏中含有许多不同的元素,所以很难将其归类。

    You can also get hybrid games like Oddworld : Munch 's Oddysee , which has many different elements in it and is hard to classify .

  6. 年青的艾伦起先在长得跟他一样高的荨麻地里“精心”规划着人生,后来便慢慢用词语搭建起绚烂的奇异世界。

    Young Alan mapped out his own paths , first in out-of-town fields through nettles as tall as himself , and then by slowly building up exotic worlds of words .

  7. 这就是黑眼灯芯草雀奇异的世界。

    That 's the strange world of the dark-eyed junco .

  8. 让你生活在一个奇异的世界里:《科学画报》。

    Let you in a world of wonder : Pictorial of Science .

  9. 我如饥似渴地阅读有关法师和战士在奇异的世界里与黑势力战斗的书。

    I devoured books where wizards and warriors battled the powers of darkness in strange worlds .

  10. 人物形象的姿态是庄重的,远离了琐细的尘世,而生活在一个独特、奇异的世界中。

    Its posture is sublime , and beyond trivial issues , wrapped in a unique and fantastic universe .

  11. 正如我们之前所说,我们这个神秘奇异的世界一切皆有可能。

    As we said in our original list , the world is a strange and mysterious place where anything can happen .

  12. 很显然,冯硕用颜料给我们塑造了一个奇异的世界,用他独特的方式给我们讲着一个又一个的寓言,一个狂欢的世界。

    Obviously , he create a fantastic world with colors , and use his special way to tell us one fable after another , a world of carnival .

  13. 《童年》采用的是二维动画的表现手法,故事讲述的是一个女孩丢失了重要的“东西”,为寻找这样东西变成了儿童,并且被关到了一个奇异的世界。

    " Childhood " is used in the expression of two-dimensional animation , the story is about a girl lost an important " things ", to find such things into a child , and be locked into a strange world .

  14. 以前我也见过像你这样穿着奇异从异世界来的人。对了,对了,你饿了吧,到我家去吃些东西吧。

    Previously , I had seen some people like you . Oh , you must hungry , come with me and have a rest .

  15. 这里,为对付沙漠这妖魔,人、兽和草木结成了和谐的自然联盟。这本书描绘的是个奇异偏僻的世界,草木青葱,野兽遍地。

    To fight the demon desert , men , animals and plants had formed a harmonious , natural liaison . The book conjures up a strange remote world , lush in vegetation and teeming with wild life .

  16. 与电影同名的主人公奇异博士虽然是世界上最负盛名的的神经外科医生,但一开始他只是个普通的人类。

    The titular character of Doctor Strange begins his story as a regular human being , albeit the world 's most skilled neurosurgeon ,

  17. 然而这并没有消除人们的忧虑。他们担心,就像二流灾难片中的情节一样,前沿物理学中的一些奇异现象将带来世界末日。

    But that does not stop people continuing to worry that esoteric phenomena at the edge of physics might spell The End Of Everything in a satisfyingly B-movieish cataclysm .