
qí qiǎo
  • ingenious;exquisite;crafty
奇巧 [qí qiǎo]
  • (1) [ingenious]∶奇异机巧;新奇而精巧

  • 奇巧的工匠

  • 奇巧的漆器

  • (2) [crafty]∶奇谲巧作

奇巧[qí qiǎo]
  1. 其特征是装饰性极强,形式复杂奇巧。

    Its characteristic is adornment sex is extremely strong , form complex ingenious .

  2. 她喜欢那个老旧的小屋,其奇巧的风格很吸引人

    She liked the old cottage ; its quaintness was appealing .

  3. 要想知道奇巧巧克力威化饼干(KitKat)在日本有多受欢迎,只需要知道这一点就够了:它在日本有近300种口味。

    This is pretty much all anyone needs to know about the popularity of Kit Kat in Japan : There are nearly 300 varieties .

  4. 即便是在这个有鱼丸口味品客薯片(Pringles)和红豆口味百事可乐(Pepsi)的国家,真金的糖果也显得有些极端。不过奇巧在日本饮食文化中拥有一种特殊地位。

    Even for a country where shoppers can find fish-ball-flavored Pringles and adzuki bean-flavored Pepsi , actual gold candy seems extreme , but the Kit Kat holds a special place in Japan 's culinary universe .

  5. 这个迷你版的玛莎·斯图尔特(美国女性财富人物)名叫查莉,她用不到3年的时间就把自己的人气频道《查莉奇巧厨房》做成了YouTube上最大的美食频道,完败名厨杰米·奥利弗这样的品牌,名利双收。

    The mini-Martha Stewart , who is known simply as Charli , has turned her popular channel , CharlisCraftyKitchen into YouTube 's largest food channel in less than three years - beating household names such as celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to claim the prestigious - and lucrative - title .

  6. 奇巧的名字听起来很像日语中的kittokatsu,意思是“肯定获胜”,经常作为礼品送给准备考大学的学生。

    Kit Kat 's name echoes the Japanese phrase " kitto katsu , " or " surely win " and is often sent as a gift to students before college entrance exams .

  7. 和其他消费品公司类似,这家奇巧(KitKat)巧克力棒和美极(Maggi)面条的制造商一直在加大对新兴市场的关注。如今,新兴市场销售额占雀巢全球982亿美元销售额的43%。

    Like other consumer goods companies , the maker of KitKat chocolate bars and Maggi noodles has been increasing its focus on emerging markets , which now account for 43 per cent of its $ 98.2bn global sales .

  8. 平淡中见奇巧,简洁中蕴繁复&论卞之琳诗歌的言语形式

    The Parole Form of Bian Zhi-lin 's Poetry

  9. 所以,游客如果饿了,可以吃到几十种不同口味的奇巧巧克力威化饼干。

    As a result a hungry traveler could eat scores of different flavors of Kit Kat .

  10. 精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。

    Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime , the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven .

  11. 中国地毯以其赏心悦目的图案,精细奇巧的工艺和齐全的规格而闻名于世。

    Chinese carpets are celebrated for their gorgeous designs , exquisite craftsmanship , and full range of specifications .

  12. 即使是在自己杂志上大力吹捧更奇巧的服装设计风潮的时装编辑,也尊敬桑德这位时装设计大师。

    Even fashion editors who tout couture 's more fanciful currents on the pages of their magazines venerate Sander .

  13. 其他你可以做的苹果糖种类还有,有多汁的水果苹果,彩虹糖苹果,tictac糖苹果,奇巧巧克力苹果。

    Other candy apples you can make are the juicy Frapple , the Skitt-apple , the Tic-tapple , the Kit-kapple .

  14. “趣难词”是指在构词手段上谐音替代、隐实示虚,在词义理解上令人生难,在表达效果上富于奇巧智趣之词。

    What are termed the funny and difficult words in the paper are actually those of onomatopoeia or other phonological devices .

  15. 据雀巢称,奇巧是日本最畅销的糖果。雀巢没有透露销售数字。

    It is the country 's most popular candy , according to Nestl é , which does not release sales figures .

  16. 神秘的东方古国,繁荣的大唐盛世,奇巧的故事情节,无一不给西方读者带来新鲜和乐趣。

    Mysterious ancient oriental / eastern country , prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the unique plots bring the western readers freshness and fun .

  17. 南宋辞赋创作风格上多表现为情感的细腻、深婉,理趣的悠长以及构思的新颖奇巧。

    The style of Cifu in South Song Dynasty had displayed subtlety and fineness in feeling , taste of senses and freshness of skill conception .

  18. 曲奇是东英格兰地区人们的首选,但令人诧异的是,苏塞克斯郡沿岸地区的人们打破传统,他们更喜欢奇巧(KitKat)巧克力棒,而不是饼干。

    Cookies are the number one choice in the East of England but bizarrely the Sussex coast breaks with tradition preferring KitKat bars to biccies .

  19. 志愿者们一边看电视,一边小口吃奇巧巧克力棒,而推荐人在说话时或吃奇巧巧克力棒,或吃葡萄。

    The volunteers were given Kit Kat bars to nibble , while the TV person ate either a Kit Kat or grapes as they talked .

  20. 无论是从宅的设计构思,还是它的建筑构想,它的大胆、它的奇巧、它的无畏都可以说是让人惊慕不已,慨叹不尽!

    We could not help expressing our admiration and surprise for its audacity , ingenuity and dauntlessness , not only in the design methods but in the architectural conceptions .

  21. 她们的很多视频是受到节假日的启发,比如如何制作奇巧圣诞蛋糕自12月发布以来就达到了200万点击量。

    Many of clips are inspired by the holidays , with a demonstration on how to make a Kit Kat Christmas cake receiving more than two million views since it was posted in December .

  22. 本次的研究设计理念来源于海南黎族纹样,这些奇巧的图纹造型及鲜艳斑斓的色彩激发了我们创作的兴趣,试着去寻找民间艺术的现代语言。

    The idea of this design comes from our interest in traditional Li 's pattern of Hainan providence , which vivid colorful pattern inspired us to play something different out as possible as we can .

  23. 各种红木制造的躺椅、床榻、雕塑、茶几等物件,造型奇巧别致,让人感觉仿佛置身于木雕展览之中。

    A variety of manufactured mahogany chair , Bed , sculpture , objects and so on the coffee table , Kit Kat unique style , feels as if exposure to wood carving in the exhibition .

  24. 无论是雕刻的工,巧匠的工,用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻,绣花的工,并机匠的工,他们都能做,也能想出奇巧的工。

    He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen , designers , embroiderers in blue , purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen , and weavers-all of them master craftsmen and designers .

  25. 据节目频道介绍,查莉在2012年自己仅仅6岁的时候创办了《查莉奇巧厨房》,节目介绍中还强调:“查莉总是对在镜头前展示自己的厨艺充满了激情。”

    Charli started CharlisCraftyKitchen in 2012 when she was only six-years-old according to her channel 's description , which notes that she ' has always been passionate about her craft and being in front of a camera ' .

  26. 苗族银饰造型古朴大气,制作工艺精湛奇巧,装饰效果华美豪奢,即便是在华夏工艺美苑中也堪谓一时之盛,鳌头独占。

    Miao Silver simple atmospheric model , the production of Kit Kat craft , decorative effect China and the United States , even in the Chinese technology is also worthy of the United States Court of that time-shoeing , Nags Taw exclusive .

  27. 随着明朝灭亡,满清入主中原,这种中西文化的交流基本上只被限制在清朝统治者对蛮邦奇巧淫技的猎奇心理上。

    With the collapse of Ming and the victory of Qing Dynasty in China , the cultural exchange between Chinese and Western is basically only limited in the curiosity of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty to interesting technologies and skills from West .

  28. 修辞艺术是在修辞技术基础上的升华,主要体现在修辞实践中的娴熟奇巧,修辞效果上的美感情韵,旨在满足人们对主观缺憾的慰藉需求和情感器官的行为需要。

    The artistic rhetoric is based on the technical rhetoric , which is designed to meet the comfort on the sublimation technology , mainly in the practice of the skilled rhetoric needs of the shortcomings of subjective and emotional needs of the behavior of organs .

  29. 奇巧在日本很受欢迎,在高端百货公司、奇巧专卖店、甚至邮局都有销售。它深深融入该国的零食文化,几乎每个地区都有一款仅在当地销售的标志性口味。

    Kit Kat is so popular that it is sold at high-end department stores , Kit Kat-only specialty shops and even post offices , and it is so ingrained in the nation 's snack culture that nearly every region has a signature flavor sold only in that part of the country .