
  • 网络long-term financing;Term Financing
  1. 巨额库存的存在之所以没有导致价格暴跌,原因在于它们大多锁定在德意志和高盛(GoldmanSachs)等银行或嘉能可(Glencore)等交易商所持有的长期融资交易中,因而无法入市。

    The existence of huge stockpiles has not led to a price crash because they are mostly locked up in long-term financing deals held by banks such as Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs or traders such as Glencore , keeping them off the market .

  2. 企业管理层在选择长期融资方式时考虑的因素很多。

    There are many factors influencing enterprise choosing long-term financing way .

  3. 如果不加以抑制,无法得到长期融资将威胁到银行的速动率(liquidityratio)&根据这一监管规定,银行的负债期限需要与资产期限相近。

    Unchecked , the unavailability of term finance threatens bank liquidity ratios – the regulatory requirement to maintain an appropriate maturity of liabilities relative to assets .

  4. 它为长期融资提供了保障;

    It can offer the long - term fund a guarantee ;

  5. 基础设施建设急需的长期融资已很稀缺,还有可能枯竭。

    Long-term financing for much needed infrastructure already scarce could dry up .

  6. 企业选择长期融资方式的原因分析

    Analyzing the Reason of Enterprise Choosing Long-term Financing

  7. 支持民营中小企业的长期融资;

    Support long term financing of private enterprises ;

  8. 与会者们认识到长期融资工作的紧迫性和必要性。

    There was a sense of urgency as well as demand for long-term financing .

  9. 但资本结构的形成又是公司长期融资活动的最终反映。

    However , the formation of the structure is the result of its long-lasting practices of financing .

  10. 随着信贷市场走弱,较长期融资的集团融资利率上升约100个基点。

    As credit markets retreated group funding rates rose by around 100 basis points for longer term funding .

  11. 当一个机构主要依赖于长期融资时,就不必严格或频繁地对资产进行每日结算。

    When an institution relies mostly on long-term funding , mark-to-market of assets need not be strict or frequent .

  12. 项目还将为农业企业和协作性项目管理的设备和设施提供长期融资。

    The Project will also provide long-term financing for equipment and facilities to agricultural enterprises and coordinate Project management .

  13. 企业的管理层在选择长期融资方式时与企业投资的去向、类型联系在一起而不仅仅考虑以往的经验或偏好。

    Enterprise top executives should interlink the investment directions and types , not based on the experience and preferences .

  14. 虽然银行的短期融资状况已不再那么糟糕,但它们的长期融资形势却依然严峻。

    But while the short-term funding situation of the banks is no longer quite as dire , long-term capital challenges remain .

  15. 为援助借款人,在进一步的资产通缩出现之前,必须大幅推低长期融资利率。

    To help borrowers , rates used in long-term financing need to move down dramatically before further asset deflation takes hold .

  16. 由于长期融资和外国直接投资不足,尤其是资本市场投资不足,发展中国家面临基础设施建设的挑战。

    Developing countries face challenges of infrastructure development due to insufficient long-term financing and foreign direct investment , especially investment in capital stock .

  17. 经过数百年的发展,既具有理财功能又具有中长期融资功能的金融信托,成为现代信托业的主流。

    With the development of several centuries , financial trust has become the trend of trust because it has the functions of property management and financing .

  18. 基金股票质押融资可分为长期融资和短期融资,两者应适用不同的法律规则。

    Financing which the pawned fund stock get can be divided into long-term financing and short-term financing . Two financing should be suitable the different legal rules .

  19. 这三个国家都提供了价格颇具吸引力的长期融资,但不像过去那样要求使用本国的承包商和设备。

    All three offer attractively priced long-term financing , with far less of it tied to the use of local contractors and equipment than in the past .

  20. 14、我们强调确保发展中国家从各种渠道获得稳定、充足和可预见的长期融资的重要性。

    14 . We emphasize the importance of ensuring steady , adequate and predictable access to long term finance for developing countries from a variety of sources .

  21. 要打破这种恶性循环,欧洲央行必须下调利率,恢复提供无限量长期融资的政策。

    To break out of this vicious cycle , the ECB will have to cut interest rates , and return to a policy of unlimited long-term funding .

  22. 同时,多数银行正在考量资本金要求提高的事情,特别是在基础设施项目相关长期融资需要更庞大资金的情况下。

    Most banks , meanwhile , are looking at higher capital requirements , especially given the greater capital hit for the very long-term financing that underwriting infrastructure involves .

  23. 国际银团贷款兴起于20世纪60年代,经过几十年的发展,已经成为当今国际货币市场较为通行的中长期融资方式。

    International syndicated loan , which emerged in the 1960s , has become one of the major long and medium-term financing methods in the international currency market after decades of development .

  24. 设立美国主权财富基金将解决两大问题:向银行和目前危机中的其它值得救助者有效注资;养老金长期融资和社保偿付问题。

    A US SWF would solve two big issues : injecting capital efficiently into banks and other worthy recipients in the current crisis ; and long-term pension funding and the solvency of social security .

  25. 同时,在金融市场发育程度越高的省份,金融市场的制度更加完善,长期融资的渠道更多,种类更齐全。

    Meanwhile , in the provinces of high financial market index , the institution of financial market is more complete , the ways of long-term financing is more , the kinds of long-term financing is more complete .

  26. 对各种融资方式进行了比较分析:包括内源融资和外源融资、短期融资和长期融资、股权融资和债权融资、直接融资和间接融资的比较分析。

    A variety of financing a comparative analysis of the source of financing and external financing , short-term financing and long-term financing , equity financing and debt financing , direct financing and indirect financing of a comparative analysis .

  27. 欧盟成员国周二晚达成一致,禁止俄罗斯一些国有银行在欧洲资本市场进行长期融资,对武器和军民两用技术实施禁运,并限制对俄出口能源相关的设备和技术。

    EU members agreed on Tuesday night to bar some Russian state banks from long-term financing in European capital markets , to impose an embargo on trading arms and dual-use technology with Russia and to restrict exports of energy-related equipment and technology to Russia .

  28. 他的第一项措施是针对银行引入长期再融资操作(ltro)计划。

    His first move was to introduce the longer-term refinancing operation for banks .

  29. 就欧洲央行(ecb)而言,我预计退出程序的第一步,会是撤出其长期再融资操作,然后是收紧普通流动性政策的实施。

    For the European Central Bank , I would expect the programme to begin with a withdrawal of long-term refinance operations , to be followed by a tightening of the conduct of ordinary liquidity policies .

  30. 欧洲央行(ecb)实施的长期再融资操作(ltro),已经减轻了银行业和主权债务等金融市场的压力。

    The longer-term refinancing operations of the European Central Bank have relieved pressure on both banks and financial markets , including the markets for sovereign debt .