
  • 网络CKI;Cheung Kong;Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings
  1. 长江基建副主席叶德铨(edmondip)早些时候曾表示,长江基建之所以青睐edf电网,是因为它的规模和英国的监管环境。

    Edmond IP , deputy chairman of CKI , said earlier that the company liked the EDF networks because of their size and the regulatory environment in the UK .

  2. 长江基建越来越依赖于海外收购来抵消旗下本土电力公司港灯集团(hongkongelectric)增长放缓的影响。

    CKI is increasingly relying on overseas acquisitions to offset slowing growth at Hongkong Electric , its local electricity operation .

  3. 去年,这位亿万富翁旗下的长江基建斥资24.1亿英镑收购英国NorthumbrianWaterGroup。

    Last year , the billionaire 's Cheung Kong Infrastructure acquired Northumbrian Water Groupin the UK for £ 2.41bn .

  4. 李嘉诚(lika-shing)控制的投资实体长江基建(cki),已在英国拥有配电资产。

    CKI , an investment vehicle controlled by Li Ka-shing , already owns electricity distribution assets in the UK .

  5. 2010年,由长江基建牵头的一个财团斥资58亿英镑,购得法国电力公司(EDF)的英国电网资产。

    In 2010 , CKI paid £ 5.8bn for EDF 's UK power grids as part of a consortium .

  6. 彭博(Bloomberg)数据显示,长江基建目前的杠杆率远低于2011年时的14.3%,地位相当有利。

    CKI 's gearing is comfortably lower than the 14.3 per cent it stood at in 2011 , according to Bloomberg data .

  7. 野村(Nomura)分析师IvanLee表示:收购英联邦国家受监管的资产完全是长江基建的扩张方式。

    Buying regulated businesses in Commonwealth countries is very much a CKI way of expansion , says Ivan Lee , analyst at Nomura .

  8. Northumbrian为英格兰东北部的260万人口提供服务。它将被纳入新近组建的公司UKWater,该公司由长江基建集团内部的一个财团全资控股。

    Northumbrian , which serves 2.6m people in the north-east of England , will be incorporated into the newly created company UK Water , wholly owned by a consortium within the CKI group .

  9. 长江基建(cheungkonginfrastructure)昨日表示,由于次贷危机为资金丰沛的公司创造了更多收购机遇,该公司今年将寻求更多收购。

    Cheung Kong infrastructure , the energy and water group controlled by Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing , said yesterday it was on the hunt for more acquisitions this year as the subprime crisis creates more buying opportunities for cash-rich companies .

  10. 根据数据公司Dealogic,自2008年金融危机以来,长江基建集团有限公司已投入超过220亿美元用于海外收购。

    Since the 2008 financial crisis , Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Ltd. has spent more than $ 22 billion on overseas acquisitions , according to Dealogic .

  11. 上周,长江基建报告中期净利润增长18%,主要得益于其英国资产组合(包括northumbrian)。

    Last week , CKI reported an 18 per cent rise in interim net profit mainly because of its UK portfolio , including Northumbrian .

  12. 李嘉诚旗下的能源和水处理公司&长江基建集团有限公司(CKI)热衷于在澳大利亚、英国、加拿大和新西兰投资,原因是这些国家拥有可靠的监管环境和稳定的资产回报。

    Cheung Kong Infrastructure , his energy and water company , is an avid investor in Australia , Britain Canada and New Zealand as a result of their stable regulatory environments and steady returns on assets .

  13. 对于长江基建,此次收购符合过去十年的战略。

    For CKI , the acquisition is in line with its strategy for the past decade .

  14. 与香港的大多数公司一样,长江基建没有否认中国内地的投资机遇。

    As with most companies in Hong Kong , CKI is not dismissing opportunities north of the border .

  15. 长江基建昨日公布,由于国内外业务的强劲增长,公司2007年净利润增长30%,达48亿港元。

    The company yesterday reported a 30 per cent rise in 2007 net profit to HK $ 4.8bn thanks to strong growth at home and abroad .

  16. 长江基建上周表示,该公司在进行进一步收购方面处于有利地位,因其拥有80亿港元现金和7%的净债务/股本比率。

    CKI said last week it was well positioned to make further acquisitions as it had HK $ 8bn in cash and a 7 per cent net debt-to-equity ratio .

  17. 面对利润仍然丰厚但增长已然放缓的香港电力市场,长江基建一直指望海外收购能成为新的增长动力。

    Faced with a slowing , although still very profitable electricity market in Hong Kong , CKI has been banking on overseas acquisitions as it looks for new drivers of growth .

  18. 长江实业、长江基建(CheungKongInfrastructure)以及电能实业(PowerAssets)将分别持有合资公司30%股份,李嘉诚基金会将持有其余10%股份。

    Cheung Kong , Cheung Kong Infrastructure , and Power Assetswill each hold 30 per cent in the joint venture company , with Mr Li 's private charitable foundation holding the remaining 10 per cent stake .