
  1. 加强教学实习基地的规划与建设;

    Strengthening the planning and building of teaching practice bases .

  2. 有助于建立稳固的教学实习基地;

    Helpful to set up steady teaching practice base ;

  3. 建设教学实习基地培养创新型人才

    Construction of experimental practicing base to train innovative talents

  4. 校外教学实习基地建设的实践与思考

    The Practice and Reflection on the Construction of Teaching and Practising Bases Outsidee School

  5. 加快校内教学实习基地建设提高学生的动手能力

    Accelerating the Construction of School Teaching Practice Base , Promoting the Practice Ability of Students

  6. 上世纪50年代该区就开始作为教学实习基地,进行区域调查和地质填图野外教学。

    Chaobei area worked as the field practice base for regional geological survey and geological mapping since1950s .

  7. 通过多年的野外实地考察,对三清山地区土壤类型、剖面形态特征及垂直带谱作了较为细致的研究,为了解三清山土壤资源及其分布,进行教学实习基地建设提供了详实资料。

    Fairly careful studies are made on the profiles and altitudinal zonation of the investigations in this very area , providing a good understanding on the distribution of corresponding soil resources and rather complete materials for teaching and fieldwork practices .

  8. 高等学校要培养出高素质的创新人才,必须建立产学研相结合、广泛和稳固的校外教学实习基地。

    If the colleges and universities want to cultivate high quality of innovative talents , the comprehensive and stable teaching and practicing bases outside school , which combining to the production , study and research , should be set up .

  9. 同时利用遥感数据连续记录地表真实信息的特点,将遥感数据作为虚拟景观纹理贴图,更加真实的反映了地质景观,最终实现了野外教学实习基地地质景观的三维可视化实时漫游。

    Simultaneously , as the RS data can record real information of terrain surface continuously , we can use it as the dummy landscape texture mapping to reflect actual geological scenery . a three-dimensional visual ramble of the geological scenery in the geological field practical base has been achieved .

  10. 面对新时期社会医学实际及其对医学教育的要求,如何提高医学生临床实践能力,我们在控制招生规模,拓展临床教学及实习基地;

    Facing the new situation of medical science in a new society as well as the standard the society requires , how to improve the students ' ability of clinical practice is an issue we have to consider .

  11. 论文总结了北京城市学院国际语言文化学部建设颐和园教学与科研实习基地的经验。实践证明建设教学与科研实习基地,有利于提高教学质量,提高师资水平,提高办学的社会效益。

    It shows that the construction of the teaching and researching site is beneficial to the improvement of teaching quality and academic level of teaching staff and will bring better social results .

  12. 在汽车维修类新生代农民工的培训过程中,对教学内容以及实习基地、实习设备、教学方法、师资等方面加以说明和规定,从而使新生代农民工职业培训的实际需要得到满足。

    Instructions and requirements to meet the actual needs of the vocational training of the new generation of migrant workers in the auto repair class in the training process , theoretical courses and practical courses , course content and practice base , practice equipment , teaching methods and teachers .

  13. 论述了食品科学与工程专业教学改革的必要性,从课程体系、教学管理体制、实习基地建设。

    Discussion was made on the necessity of teaching innovation in food science and engineering .