
jiào yù fā zhǎn jì huà
  • Educational Development Programs
  1. 小学教育发展计划只实行了两年,就取得了巨大的成功。

    After only two years of implementing PEDP , tremendous successes have been achieved .

  2. 研究欧盟的基础教育发展计划,将为我国的基础教育发展提供参考和借鉴。

    Studies on basic education of EU will supply references and lessons to the development of basic education in our country .

  3. 国家和区域的教育发展计划是促进大学开展跨界活动和知识溢出的催化剂,产学合作是突破知识屏障强化大学知识溢出的一条重要途径。

    National and regional education development plans is the key catalyst to promote the regional university to carry out boundary-spanning activities and knowledge spillovers . Industry-university cooperation is one important means to breakthrough the knowledge filter and strength university knowledge spillovers .

  4. 教师的专业化程度影响学校的办学质量,教师专业发展是学校教育整体发展计划中不可缺少的部分,这是世界各国学校教育界的共识。

    It is a worldwide-recognized fact that the professional level of teachers has great impact on the quality of school education , and teacher professional development program must be considered in school development plan .

  5. 中国教育发展实施战略计划提出了教师专业化必备的基本条件,因此教师专业化素质的提高刻不容缓,是中国教育界现阶段的首要任务。

    So , the improvement of teacher 's specialized quality is very urgent , is the primary task at the present stage of education circle of Chinese .

  6. 香港教育学院学生发展计划:本中心为本校学生提供多元化的培训发展,如全人发展、戏剧教育、创造力培训等。

    HKIEd student development scheme : the centre contributes further to the development of the HKIEd students by offering Enhancement Workshop Series for whole-person development , drama-in-education , creativity training , etc.

  7. 我们需要改善学前教育和早期儿童发展计划,让学生作好准备,学好文化,学业有成。

    We need to prepare our children to read and succeed in school with improved Head Star and early childhood development programs .

  8. 经历了由寺院、王宫和家庭提供的传统教育到根据国家教育规划和国家教育发展计划发展的现代教育。

    It experienced from the traditional education supplied by the Buddhist monasteries , the Palace and families to the modernization education according to the national education projects and national educational development plans .

  9. 在实践方面,列举了品格教育的几种实践范例,包括蓝带学校的品格教育实践、儿童发展计划和不让一个孩子落后计划等。

    In another aspect & the practice , it gives several practical examples of character education , including character education practice in Blue Ribbon Schools , Child Development Project and No Child Left Behind Act .

  10. 在国际教育市场的背景下,以英国和美国为主的西方国家已将教育列入国家发展计划,推广教育品牌战略争夺全球资源。

    On the background of international education market , many western countries especially US and UK take education as nation developing strategy plan , spread education brand strategy for the global resources .

  11. 基于重庆市1997-2003年的统计数据,运用回归分析法,从教育投入和受教育程度两个方面实证了教育能为经济的增长做出贡献,并以此说明重庆市教育发展计划的正确性。

    Based on the statistic data from 1997 to 2003 , this paper uses regression analysis to demonstrate the fact that education can contribute to economic growth from the two aspects of educational investment and education levels , and thus explain the validity of Chongqing Education Development Plan .