
  1. 20世纪西方教育流派的人性论课程观评介

    Commends on Humanistic Curriculums of Western Education in 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  2. 杜威实用主义教育流派的高等教育思想探析

    The Analyses of the Higher Educational Ideology of Dewey 's Educational School of Pragmatism

  3. 新传统主义教育流派比较研究

    Comparison Educational schools of the New Traditionalism

  4. 以传统哲学为理论基础,不同的教育流派形成了不同的教学观。

    The theory basis of the traditional philosophy , different schools of education have developed different teaching concepts .

  5. 实用主义是产生于19世纪末20世纪初的现代西方资本主义的一个重要的教育流派。

    Pragmatism , one of the important class of modern western capitalism , rose from late 19th century and early 20th century .

  6. 巴格莱(1874&1946)是美国现代著名教育家、要素主义教育流派的创始人和主要代表人物。

    William C.Bagley ( 1874 - 1946 ) was a famous American educator of modern , essentialism of founder and principal representatives .

  7. 卢梭、杜威和当代西方认知主义、价值澄清主义、存在主义、人本主义等主体性道德教育流派,都强调学生主体性的培养,反对强制性灌输道德原则;

    These schools of subjective moral education , such as Rousseau 、 Dewey 、 western cognitivism 、 value clarificatism 、 existencialism and humanism , all emphasize the cultivation of students ' subjectivity and oppose the compulsive instillation of moral rules ;

  8. 二十世纪美国主要教育思想流派

    Main Schools of the American Educational Thoughts in the 20th Century

  9. 美国教育史学流派研究

    The Study on the Schools of the History of American Education History

  10. 战后美国教育史学流派的发展

    Genre of American Educational Historiography after the World War Two

  11. 教育哲学流派影响的强弱变化;

    The strong and weak change of the influence of educational psychology genres ;

  12. 国外语言教育思想流派对中国语文教育的影响

    The Influence of Various Foreign Language Educational Schools of Thought on Chinese language Education

  13. 本文详细介绍了20世纪美国主要教育思想流派。

    Main schools of the American educational thoughts in the 20th century are introduced in detail in this paper .

  14. 价值澄清理论是20世纪美国最有影响的道德教育理论流派之一。

    Value clarification theory is one of the most influential theories in the 20th century in the United States .

  15. 本文简要阐述了存在主义教育理论流派的代表人物马丁·布贝尔的品格教育思想,其中着重介绍了其品格教育思想的两大特点:德育首位和德育的困难性。

    The paper discusses generally the character education of Martin Buber , who is the representative of existential educational theory .

  16. 美国教育史学流派是对美国教育史学研究的汇总。美国教育史学研究历经百余年的时间,取得了丰硕的成果。

    Having researched for about 100 years , the study on the History of American Education History has gained lots of achievements .

  17. 学生自主观念的产生得益于三大教育心理学流派&人本主义、认知理论和建构主义的发展。

    The spring-up of learner autonomy benefits from the development of the three major Schools of educational psychology & Humanism , Cognitive Theory and Constructivism .

  18. 本文在理性认识的基础上,从解读当代语文教育名家流派的方法理念入手,引导读者吸收和借鉴。

    The basis of the theoretical understanding , from the famous schools of interpretation of contemporary language education philosophy with methods to guide readers to absorb and learn from .

  19. 本文意欲通过对蕴涵和传承浪漫主义精神的教育哲学流派和思潮的主要观点以及相关论述进行挖掘,梳理诗意的教育的特质,对其人性论假设进行论析。

    This article intends to comb the characteristics of poetic education by searching and discussing the main points of the philosophy of education genres and thoughts which implyed or smritied the romantic spirit , and then to analyze its assumptions of human nature .

  20. 当代国外道德教育理论的流派中,具有影响力的有体谅关心、价值澄清、认知发展、完整人格、逻辑推理等流派;

    Among contemporary foreign schools of moral education theory , the most influential ones are schools of concern and consideration , value clarification , cognitive development , complete personality , and logic reasoning .

  21. 自20世纪70年代以来,新马克思主义教育社会学流派从两个角度剖析了课程所内嵌的社会权力关系:再生产的角度和抵制的角度。

    Since the 1970s , the neo-Marxists in sociology of education have analyzed the social-power relationship in the curriculum field in two aspects , one of which is called the aspect of reproduction , the other of which is called the aspect of resistance .

  22. 文艺复兴时期人文主义教育理想的主要流派

    The Humanistic Educational Ideals during the Renaissance

  23. 合作教育思潮各理论流派的丰富内涵和成功经验,对于我们今天的教育教学实践改革的价值是毫无疑问的。

    The successes of cooperative teaching and learning theories has great signification to our education practice .

  24. 人本主义教育是当代西方一个重要的教育思想流派,人本主义教育思想对我国现代高等教育有着重要的启示意义。

    Humanism education is an important education ideal school in contemporary west countries . Humanism education ideal instructs the practice of our country 's modern higher education .

  25. 现代教育派是指以美国著名的实用主义教育家和思想家杜威的教育理论为代表的教育流派。

    Modern education is the United States to send a well-known thinker and educator John Dewey 's pragmatism in educational theory as represented by schools of education .

  26. 本文通过对教育心理学中行为主义学习理论、认知学习理论和人本主义学习理论三大教育心理学流派的总结和概括,探讨教育心理学对英语教学的影响和启示。

    This article is devoted to the brief generalization and summary of behaviorism , cognitive theory and humanistic theory in educational psychology in order to study their effect on and reaction to English teaching .

  27. 杜威的教育哲学和其实用主义哲学思想浑然一体,成为美国当今教育思想中进步主义教育这一主要流派的理论基础。

    Dewey 's philosophy of education influenced American education greatly , and is the theoretical basis of Progressive Education .