
  • 网络educational news
  1. 中文教育新闻信息及其数字化技术

    Information of Chinese Educational News and Digitalization Techniques for them

  2. 我了解自己的不足,很敏锐地捕捉教育新闻并非我的长项。

    I understand my inadequacy , very what catch educational news exquisitely to be not me is long .

  3. 西部地区教育新闻宣传信息增殖刍议

    A Rustic Opinion to the Propagation of Educational Information in the Western Areas

  4. 大量的教育新闻报道停留在简单报道层面上,缺少生活气息,缺乏指导性和前瞻性。

    Lots of education news reports stays in easy , level of reports lack the flavor of life , and guidance and forward-looking .

  5. 本文的工作是教育新闻热点分析系统的重要基础,是网络信息管理分析自动化的重要补充,也对网络热点分析的研究有一定的借鉴意义。

    This paper is the important basis of the hot education news analysis system , is a important complement of automated network information management , and is a certain reference to the network hot spots analysis .

  6. 除了占据报纸固定的版面位置,教育新闻还有了自己一定的连续性和固定性,在版式上会有某些固定栏目或板块,报道的内容和形式也得到极大地丰富。

    In addition to the occupation of a fixed position layout in the newspaper , the education news have its own degree of continuity and stability as well as some fixed parts or columns in the format .

  7. 关于促进人类发展的环境、人口、教育和新闻项目

    Project on Environment , Population , Education and Information for Human Development

  8. 网络新闻传播教育是新闻传播教育的重要的组成部分。

    Netnews Communication Education is an important part of News Communication Education .

  9. 新闻传播学教育是新闻传播事业发展与新闻传播学研究的产物。

    Journalism and Communication education is the product of the development of news media and journalism and communication studies .

  10. 三项学习教育:新闻战线思想政治工作的切入口

    Three Study - Educations : The Cut - over Way of Ideological and Political Work in the Journalistic Sphere

  11. 我们签订了扩大中美两国人民在文化、教育和新闻方面接触的协议。

    We entered into agreements to expand cultural , educational and journalistic contacts between the Chinese and the American people .

  12. 周三,海淀区开华教育学校新闻发言人张文斌对新华社表示,范美忠已与该校签订了两年的合同。

    Fan Meizhong has a two-year contract with Keyfind Education School in the Haidian District , school spokesman Zhang Wenbin told Xinhua on Wednesday .

  13. 在新闻教育和新闻从业人员中加强口语训练,乃是一个亟待解决的问题。

    It 's an emergent problem to require the people who are engaged in news and news education to pay great attention to improve the ability of oral expvession .

  14. 当然有些人会选择公务员的工作。教育,新闻,医学,工程等领域都可以向有才能,经过培训的人士提供引人入胜的职业。

    Of course , there are persons who find their place in government service . teaching , journalism , medicine , engineering & these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training .

  15. 前教育部新闻发言人王旭明就在自己的微博发起了一次运动,呼吁取消小学英语课,增加国学教育。

    Wang Xuming , a former spokesman of the Ministry of Education , launched a campaign on his Weibo microblogging page , calling for the abolishment of English classes in primary schools and for putting more emphasis on studying Chinese .

  16. 一个是康妮做的教育和就业新闻。

    One for Connie 's show on education and employment .

  17. 新闻教育中缺乏新闻实践技能。

    Lacking of practical skills .

  18. 近年来由于教师惩戒学生而引发的教育事件被新闻媒体频繁报导。

    Educational events in recent years caused by the teachers discipline students are frequently reported by the news media .

  19. 但是,围绕教育产业的新闻凸显了人们想要海外深造而产生的激烈竞争。

    However , stories traded around the education industry highlight the competition that comes with wanting an education abroad .

  20. 从经济政治原因、文化教育背景、新闻工作经验阐述了马克思主义新闻观形成的历史条件。

    From economic and political reasons 、 cultural and educational background 、 work experience information described the historical conditions of Marxist view of journalism of .

  21. 教育部前新闻发言人王旭明表示,诸如“虎妈”、“狼爸”这样的书籍都不值一读。

    Former Ministry of Education spokesman Wang Xuming said books from the " tiger moms " or " wolf dads " are not worth reading .

  22. 谢六逸认为大力开展新闻教育、培养新闻专业的高质量人才,是改变我国新闻事业落后现状的主要途径。

    According to XIE Liuyi , the main approach to changing the backward situation of journalism in China is to develop journalistic education energetically and train high-quality journalistic personnel .

  23. 为的是适应社会上越来越强调的交际能力,2005年2月,教育部召开新闻发布会,大学英语四、六级改革开始试行。

    From February 2005 , to ministry of education announced that the reformation of CET4 and CET6 had began . The listening of the reformation is the focal point .

  24. 教育行业与新闻和音乐等行业不同,作为媒体世界一部分,这个行业在某种程度上遏制了数字技术的颠覆性影响。

    Unlike journalism and music for example , education has been the one part of the media world that has , more or less , kept digital disruption at bay .

  25. 该规定建议各频道着眼于教育节目,新闻节目以及思想道德建设栏目,并且每天将至少有90分钟的自办新闻节目。

    It suggests that TV channels should focus on education programs , news and moral building content , and there should be a minimum of 90 minutes of self-produced news each day .

  26. 通过手机操作网络银行,接受教育,浏览新闻,人们开始享受更便捷的服务。

    Even today , more people have basic mobile phones than have toilets , and those phones can provide a staggering array of digital services from banking to education to news and information .

  27. 因此,我们必须加大新闻职业道德研究力度,切实加强新闻职业道德教育,恪守新闻职业道德原则和规范,树立新闻媒体的良好形象。

    Thereby , we should strengthen the education on work ethics for journalism , scrupulously abide by the principles and criterion of work ethics for journalism , and build up a fairly good image of news propaganda .

  28. 他们反对为了实现计划经济所必需的对于文化教育事业包括新闻事业在内的必要的但不是过分集中的领导、计划和控制。

    They are opposed to what is essential to the realization of a planned economy , that is , leadership , planning and control in the cultural and educational fields journalism included , which are indispensable and at the same time not unduly centralized .

  29. 媒介教育指向的《新闻阅读与实践》选修课程探讨

    Discussion about the 《 News Reading and Practice 》 Elective Course for the Purpose of Media Education

  30. 在这种动态平衡中,日本传统教育观与美国新闻教育理念、德国新闻教育理念产生多次碰撞、冲突。

    In the dynamic balance , there have been existing plenty of contradictions and conflicts between the different educational ideas with Japanese paying special attention on traditions and American and German on journalism .