
  1. CIS与职业学校品牌塑造初探&广西柳州市第一职业中等专业学校CIS运作浅析

    CIS and Vocational School Brand & Analysis of the Operation of CIS in Liuzhou No.1 Secondary Vocational School

  2. 中等专业学校函数内容教学研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Function Content Teaching in Specialized Middle School

  3. 中等专业学校图书馆书库管理探索

    Probe into the Stack Room Management in Middle Professional School Library

  4. 新时期中等专业学校图书馆的发展探讨

    Development of the secondary specialized school libraries in the new times

  5. 情感教学在中等专业学校思想政治课教学中的应用

    Emotional Education in the Political Ideology Course in Secondary Vocational Schools

  6. 提高中等专业学校图书情报人员素质的几点思考

    Thinking on Promotion of Secondary Professional School Librarian 's Quality

  7. 中等专业学校实验教学改革的探讨

    Exploring the Experimental Teaching Reform in Secondary Specialized Schools

  8. 浙江省中等专业学校体育师资队伍现状的调查分析

    Analysis on the present situation of PE teachers in Zhejiang technical secondary schools

  9. 中等专业学校物理教学现状及其对策研究

    Study on Current Physical Teaching Situations and Countermeasures in the Technical Secondary Schools

  10. 浅析中等专业学校的钢琴教学

    Probe into Teaching of Piano in Secondary Vocational School

  11. 中等专业学校图书馆参考咨询服务研究

    Study on Reference Service in Technical Secondary School Library

  12. 辽宁省中等专业学校专业设置情况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Specialty Setup Situation of Secondary Vocational Schools in Liaoning

  13. 中等专业学校的发展形势和对策

    Development Situations of Present Special Secondary Schools and Countermeasures

  14. 中等专业学校加强档案工作建设刍议

    Technical Secondary School Strengthen the Work of File Construction

  15. 中等专业学校财务困境及对策

    The plight and countermeasure of financing of trade school

  16. 中等专业学校在校学生数由0.20万人增加到9.73万人;

    The number of students currently registered at polytechnic schools has increased from2000to97300 .

  17. 中等专业教育的困境及其出路浅谈中专物理素质教育

    Physics teaching in secondary specialized school and education

  18. 中等专业学校在校学生的心理状况及自杀态度和意念

    Mental health , suicidal attitude and idea of the students in technical secondary schools

  19. 该系统已经在我校和我省一些中等专业学校使用多年,效果良好。

    The system has been using by our university and many middle vocational school .

  20. 基于中等专业职业技术学校校园网解决方案

    Based on Secondary Vocational Schools Campus Network Solution

  21. 浅谈中等专业学校计算机教学

    Talk about Computer Teaching in Secondary Specialized School

  22. 关于中等专业学校的专业设置如何适应市场经济初探

    Research on how to Make Specialities Offered Adapt Market Economy in Secondary Vocational Schools

  23. 中等专业学校课外体育活动改革的构想

    Conception of the Reforms in Outside Sports Activities

  24. 调查对象为昆明第二职业中等专业学校的100名三年级学生。

    100 third-year students in Kunming No. 2 Vocational School participated in this study .

  25. 新形势下如何进一步抓好中等专业学校图书馆管理

    On the Good Management of the Library of Secondary Technical School under the New Situation

  26. 中等专业学校体育课实施分层次小班化教学实验

    Study on implementing stratification and Mini-class teaching experiment in PE class in technical secondary school

  27. 每年从大专学校、中等专业学校毕业出来的至少有二十万。

    At least 200,000 people graduate from universities and colleges and secondary vocational schools annually .

  28. 我国中等专业体育教学现状与学生身体素质训练的探索

    Research on the Actuality of PE Teaching and Students ' Constitution Training in Vocational Schools

  29. 中等专业学校健美操、广播体操教学中运用合作学习教学策略的实验研究

    Study on Cooperative Instruction Teaching Method

  30. 笔者所在的学校长春市第二中等专业学校属于中等职业教育。

    I teach in No.2 Secondary Technical School , which is a typical secondary vocational school .