
  • 网络china dialogue
  1. 昨日,舒默对与中国对话深表怀疑,他认为不采取立法手段,就不会有任何用处。

    Yesterday Mr Schumer expressed deep scepticism that talking to the Chinese rather than actually legislating would do any good .

  2. 欧洲需要与中国对话,但一场空洞无物的欧中峰会,将是一种退步,而非进步。

    Europe needs to talk to China but an empty EU-China summit would be a step backwards , not forwards .

  3. 舒默本周表示,不光要谈,也要采取行动,多年来美国反复尝试与中国对话,却毫无成效。

    This week Mr Schumer said that actions as well as words were required and that merely talking to the Chinese had been tried repeatedly over the years and had produced nothing .

  4. 欧盟官员承认,欧元区领导人访华以及今日召开的中欧峰会,将检验欧盟单独与中国对话会取得多大的进展。

    EU officials acknowledge the eurozone leaders ' visit and the EU-China summit tomorrow will be test cases of how much progress Europe is making in speaking to China with a single voice .

  5. 同样,世界需要争取中国参与对话和国际承诺。

    By the same token , the world needs to draw China into dialogue and international commitments .

  6. 仅10多天前,美国国防官员还将与中国的对话形容为是友好和值得称赞的。

    Only 10 days ago , US defence officials described their dialogue with China as a love - fest .

  7. 美国应与中国坦率对话,但是,断言中国的政策是对美国经济的不宣而战,则是荒谬、片面的说辞。

    The US should speak plainly to China , but casting its policies as an unprovoked assault on the US economy is absurdly one-sided .

  8. 在你们的一生中,不可能出现不需要中国参与对话去寻求解决方案的重大国际问题。

    In your lifetime there will be no issue of global importance which will not involve China as an important part of the dialogue and the search for solutions .

  9. 但是,当费先生最初写这些文章时,他是在与中国人对话。这一事实在此英文版本中并没有改变。

    But , when Fei wrote the articles in the first place , he was talking to the Chinese ; the present English version does not change that fact .

  10. 中美战略经济对话存在的最大问题是,由于非对称的中美经贸关系和整体实力的差距,中国在对话中更多地处于被动反应的弱势地位。

    The most serious problem of SED is that China is in a weak position which responses passively because of asymmetric interdependence in Sino-US economic and trade relations and overall strength disparity .

  11. 上月,德古赫特承诺根据规则(而非政治)实施反倾销措施,并加深与中国的对话。中国已成为欧盟最大的贸易伙伴之一,但欧中贸易关系中的争端也是最多的。

    Last month , Mr De Gucht pledged to apply anti-dumping measures based on rules , not politics , and to deepen the dialogue with China , which has become one of the EU 's largest but most contentious trading relationships .

  12. 我们在本届政府上任之初就提出同中国扩大对话,是因为我们希望在今后几年尽可能巩固这一对话,取得最有意义的成效,并为以后的合作奠定更加坚实的基础。

    We embraced the idea of an expanded dialogue with China early in the Administration because we wanted to build upon it as much as possible in the months and years ahead , to yield the most meaningful results and to build an even stronger foundation for future cooperation .

  13. 雕塑与中国哲学的对话

    The Dialogue of China 's Philosophy with Sculpture

  14. 科技兴贸战略与中国东盟贸易对话中国市场学会理事长高铁生技术贸易壁垒及对策研究

    Research On Technology Trade Barrier and Countermeasures

  15. 对于快速增长的中美贸易合作的利益问题,中国始终坚持对话和协商机制。

    China has always pursued dialogue and consultations for the benefits of fast-growing cooperation .

  16. 不过,那些与中国企业进行对话的人士认为,这种心态可能很快改变。

    However , those in dialogue with Chinese companies believe that mind-set could quickly change .

  17. 他表示,中国主张通过对话协商以和平方式处理和解决问题。

    He said China advocates addressing and settling the problem through dialogue and consultation and by peaceful means .

  18. 发言人称,中国支持南北对话,并将积极参与南南合作

    The spokesman said that China supports North-South dialogue and is wiling to take an active part in south-south cooperation

  19. 他在澳大利亚,特别是在媒体上发表与中国有关的对话时,要求辩证思考和公平。

    He called for critical thinking and fairness when presenting China-related conversations in Australia , especially in the media .

  20. 中国坚持以对话和协商的方式处理与其它国家的历史遗留问题和现实分歧。

    China is committed to addressing issues left over from history and current differences with other countries through dialogue and negotiation .

  21. 他承诺与中国方面建立对话,以及早找到解决方法。

    He has pledged to communication with the Chinese side in a bid to find a solution as early as possible .

  22. 我们这样做的部分原因是相信只有同中国政府进行对话,才最有可能取得成效。

    We did so , in part , because of a belief that dialogue with the Chinese government is the best chance to produce results .

  23. 中国拒绝进行对话,而我希望,审判至少会是某种形式的恢复对话。

    China refuses to engage in a dialogue and I am hopeful that a trial at least would be a resumption of dialogue of a sort .

  24. 文明对话三部曲:差异、碰撞与整合&兼论中国回儒对话的历史轨迹

    Difference , Conflict and Integration Are the Three Steps in the Dialogue between Civilizations : Also On the Historical Dialogue between the Huis and the Confucians in China

  25. 这项新政策要求增加欧盟同中国的政治对话,促进欧盟同中国经贸关系的发展,加强欧盟同中国的合作,改善欧洲在中国的形象。

    The new policy calls for increasing political dialogues , promoting economic and trade relations , enhancing cooperation with China and improving the image of Europe in china .

  26. 中国主张通过对话和谈判和平解决伊朗核问题,维护中东地区的和平与稳定。

    China is for the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation , and for maintaining the peace and stability of the Middle East .

  27. 对历史遗留下来的边界、领土、领海争端,中国主张通过对话和谈判,求得公平合理的解决;

    China maintains that the disputes concerning borders , territory and territorial waters left over by history be solved through dialogues and talks so as to seek fair and reasonable solutions .

  28. 坦桑尼亚和中国参与经济对话,双方承诺建立以坦桑尼亚投资中心为形式的机构,并将引导国家投资的目的,财富发展的方式。

    The engagement of Tanzania and China in dialogue for economic made a way for the fortune development by the both sides pledge to create or establish the Tanzania-China Investment Centre for the purpose of form the institution that will guide the investments of the countries .

  29. 此举是金砖(bric)新兴国家巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国增加彼此间对话和资本流动的趋势的一部分。

    The initiative is part of a growing trend within the BRIC group of emerging nations Brazil , Russia , India and China to increase dialogue and capital flows between themselves .

  30. 华夏天竺兼爱尚同&关于印度作家与中国文化关系的对话

    A Dialogue on the Relationship between Indian Writers and Chinese Cultures