
  1. 中低价商品房是政府部门为解决房价快速增长、大多数中低收入家庭住房难问题而实行的一项为民利民工程,也是政府部门调控市场的必要和有效措施。

    The commercial house at middle and lower price is an engineering in order to solve the problems of the rapid rise of house prices and the house difficulties of middle and lower income families , and is a necessary and effective mea-sure to curb the market .

  2. 农村土地综合整治活动是一项惠民利民的工程,其在改变农村社会经济发展面貌、改善农业基础设施状况、方便农民生产生活等方面的贡献很明显。

    And the contribution in transforming the rural social economic development , improving agricultural infrastructure , convenient farmers ' production and living condition and so on , is obvious .