
  • 网络teaching and management;Journal of Teaching and Management
  1. 浅析大学英语多媒体辅助教学与管理

    A Study of Multi-media Assistant Teaching and Management for College English

  2. 提高物理实验教学与管理水平

    Raising the Levels of Teaching and Management in Physical Experiment

  3. 本科3M创新教学与管理模式探析

    Establishment of teaching innovation and management model for undergraduate student

  4. Bursted病毒的处理为例,采用逆向思维,力求教学与管理融合,引导学生处理使用计算机中常见的问题,了解AutoCAD二次开发的概念,增强学生学习的兴趣。

    Bursted virus 's processing , makes the teaching and the management fusion , guides the student to process the common question in the used computer , understood concept of AutoCAD two time development and increases interesting in which the student studies .

  5. 计算机网络教学与管理系统的开发和设计

    The development and design of computer network instruction and management system

  6. 构建高师实验教学与管理新模式

    A Chemistry New Mode is Based on Management and Experimental Teaching

  7. 实验课程实施计算机教学与管理

    Teaching and managing of experimental course with the application of computers

  8. 开放实验教学与管理模式的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Open Experimental Teaching and Management Mode

  9. 强化实践教学与管理提高实践质量与效果

    Strength Teaching And Management of Practice Improve Quality And Effect of Practice

  10. 学习能力培养有赖于教学与管理改革的深化;⑦学习能力培训需要教育工作者高度自觉地投入。

    Learning capacity training relies on the reform of teaching and management ;

  11. 开发多媒体设备潜能提高教学与管理效能

    Tapping the Potential of Multimedia Equipment to Improve Teaching and Management Efficiency

  12. 生物科学实验教学与管理改革的探索

    Exploration on the Reformation of Teaching and Administration about Biological Science Experiment

  13. 大学体育课程网络化教学与管理模式的构建与实验研究

    Construction and Experiment of University PE Class Network Teaching and Management Modal

  14. 化学函授教学与管理浅谈

    A Discussion about Chemistry Teaching by Correspondence and Managment

  15. 实验教学与管理改革初探

    Primary Studies on the Experimental Teaching and Management Reformation

  16. 加强研究生课程进修班教学与管理工作的几点思索与实践

    How to Enforce Postgraduate Course Teaching and Its Administration

  17. 生理生化实验室教学与管理改革的探索

    The Study on Reformation of Teaching and Administration about Physiology and Biochemistry Lab

  18. 体育院校实验室教学与管理探讨

    On Laboratory Teaching and Management in Physical Education Institute

  19. 三是学生积极参与课堂教学与管理。

    And the active participation of class teaching and class management by students .

  20. 浅谈仪器分析开放实验室的教学与管理

    A Novel Attempt on Apparatus Analytic Experiment Teaching and management for Open Laboratory

  21. 师专实验室建设现状与改革探讨实验教学与管理

    The Current Situation and the Reform of the Laboratory Construction in Some Teachers Colleges

  22. 课堂教学与管理浅谈

    The Understanding about Teaching and Management in Classroom

  23. 学习能力培养贯穿于教学与管理的全过程;

    Learning capacity training is going through the whole process of teaching and management ;

  24. 实验物理中的网络教学与管理

    Web teaching and governing in college physics experiments

  25. 多媒体实验教学与管理系统

    Multi-media Teaching and Management Software of Experiment Curricula

  26. 新情境下斯金纳的强化理论在课堂教学与管理中的运用

    The using of B.F.skinner 's reinforcement theory on the base of new educational background

  27. 逐步建立了以学生为中心的教学与管理体系。

    Finally , they gradually establish the " students-centred " teaching and management model .

  28. 浅谈五年制美术专业班的教学与管理

    The Teaching and Administration of 5-year Art Majors

  29. 探讨高校实验室教学与管理模式

    Discussion on University Laboratory management and Teaching

  30. 智能开放式计算机实验辅助教学与管理系统研究

    The Research on the Intelligence and Opening System of Computer Experimentation Aided Instruction and Management