
  • 网络teacher professional standards;Professional Standards for Teachers;professional teaching standards
  1. 教师专业标准能够使每个教师明确在自己的职业生涯中应该做什么、怎么做、怎么发展。

    Professional standards for teachers make it clearer to each teacher about such goals as what and how they should do in their career .

  2. 国际教师专业标准的三种模式及启示

    The Comparison of Three Kinds of Models in International Professional Teaching Standards and its Enlightenment

  3. 双师型教师专业标准的解构与重构

    Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Double Type Teachers ' Specialty Standard

  4. 越南小学教师专业标准的研制及启示

    Studies and Establishment of Primary Teacher Standards in Vietnam and its enlightenment

  5. 关于构建我国幼儿园教师专业标准的思考

    Thoughts on Constructing Teacher Professional Standards at Kindergartens in China

  6. 美国社会学科教师专业标准述评

    A Review of Teacher Profession Standards in the Social Subjects in the US

  7. 美国国家层面的科学教师专业标准探析

    The Study of Science Teacher Professional Standards at the National Level in America

  8. 教师专业标准不能过高、过于抽象、过于泛化、过于笼统,也不能模糊不清。

    Teacher 's professional standards could not be too high , abstractive , extensive , general or unclear .

  9. 英国现行教师专业标准是当前比较成熟的教师专业标准之一。英国不同层次教师的专业标准对教师在各方面均有科学的要求及指标。

    Professional Standard for Teachers in England is one of the most mature teacher professional standards among all .

  10. 美国在《教师专业标准大纲》中突出了教师作为“反思实践者”的角色。

    In the standard syllabus of teachers profession , the US highlights teachers role as " reflective practitioner " .

  11. 通过研究,美国幼儿教师专业标准主要有三大基本构成要素,即专业知识、专业能力和专业精神。

    Through research , there are three basic elements , namely , professional knowledge , professional competence and professionalism .

  12. 20世纪80-90年代是标准的初步研发阶段,表现为:教育专业组织初步建立,少数州开始研制开发幼儿教师专业标准。

    Educational professional organizations initially established and a few states started to develop professional standard for early childhood teachers .

  13. 通过结合学校运行目标,将教师专业标准转化为教师职位标准,教师专业化和人事管理可以有机地统一起来。

    However , through integrating with development goal of school , teachers ' professional standards can be changed into job standards .

  14. 教师专业标准应该是一种具有综合性、整体性、动态性、层次性、具体性、文化性的标准,也是一种底线的、有遗憾的标准。

    Teacher 's professional standards should be synthetic , overall , dynamic , level , Concrete , cultural as well as basic with some regret .

  15. 我国高等教育的发展是从较低水平上起步的,随着高等教育大众化的来临,对教师专业标准的要求也更高。

    In our country , although the system for teachers professional development is guaranteed , there is still one problem , that is , the professional standards are deficient .

  16. 基于对教师专业标准重要性的认识,澳大利亚在21世纪初确立了国家教师专业标准。

    Based on the awareness of importance of professional standard for teachers , the government of Australia established the national standard for teachers ' professional development in the beginning of this century .

  17. 幼儿教师专业标准的建立是提高幼儿教师专业地位的基本前提,是评估幼儿教师保教质量的重要依据。

    Early childhood teacher professional standard is the premise for improving early childhood teachers ' professional status and is the important evidence of evaluating early childhood teachers ' caring and teaching quality .

  18. 本文主要提出我国建立教师专业标准的政策建议,以全面提高我国教师培养培训的质量;

    This article mainly puts forward some policy suggestions for the establishment of the standards of teaching profession in our country in order to improve the quality of teacher education in China ;

  19. 随着社会的发展和基础教育新课程的实施,以及幼儿园教师专业标准的即将出台,对幼儿园教师专业能力提出了新的要求。

    Along with the development of social and implementation of the new curriculum of basic education , and early childhood teachers ' professional standards will be published , on preschool teachers ' professional competence put forward new demands .

  20. 本文在介绍美国国家层面的教师专业标准产生与发展的背景的基础上,对美国国家层面两个具有影响力的标准:国家专业教学标准及社会学科教师专业标准进行了解析。

    Based on introduction to the origination and development of American teachers ' professional standards at national level , the author makes research into two American Professional Standards : National Professional Teaching Standards and National Standards for Social Studies Teachers .

  21. 科学教师专业发展标准的研究

    The Study on Professional Development Standards for Teachers of Science

  22. 建立中国教师专业化标准的思考

    Reflections on the Development of Teacher Professionalized Standards in China

  23. 美国伊利诺伊州地理教师专业知识标准简析

    Analysis on the Standards of Professional Knowledge of Geography Teachers in Illinois in America

  24. 我国中小学体育教师专业能力标准的制定

    Institution of Professional Ability Standards of Physical Education Teachers in Middle and Primary Schools of Our Country

  25. 我国应加快研制自己的科学课程教师专业发展标准,使我国科学课程教师专业发展体现终身性、综合性、探究性与创新性。

    We should design the standards for professional development for science teachers of our country which will pay much attention to foster science teachers ' abilities in integration , inquiry and innovation and be with teachers lifelong .

  26. 为初任教师专业发展定标准;

    Set up the standards for newly appointed teachers professional development ;

  27. 教师专业化的标准和社会化的意义

    The Standards of Teaching Profession and Meaning of Teachers Socialization

  28. 构建的前提是要按照教师教育的专业标准改造我国的教育经验。

    We should reform our teacher education based on the criteria for different majors .

  29. 湖南省中学体育教师专业素质合格标准研究

    Study of the Quality Standards on the Professional PE Teachers in Secondary Schools in Hunan

  30. 从教师专业化的标准看,教师职业离成熟专业的标准还有一定差距,教师专业化是一个不断深化的过程。

    The standards of teachers professionalization indicate that the profession need further development into maturity . The professionalization is a deepening process .