
  1. 制度化教育下教师教学个性的困境及出路

    The Predicament of Teaching Personality and its Solution in the Institutionalized Education

  2. 教学个性的实然现状与应然追求

    Existent State and Expected Pursuit of Teaching Individuality

  3. 论教师教育的教学个性

    The Teaching Individuality of Teacher Education

  4. 教学个性是当代教育教学研究关注的热点问题之一。

    Teaching individuality is a topic of general interest in contemporary research on education and teaching .

  5. 第四部分论述了语文教师教学个性形成的前提条件、形成的途径和形成的几个阶段。

    Part four discusses about preconditions , methods and several stages in forming Chinese teachers ' teaching personality .

  6. 本文首先对个性、教学个性、教师教育的教学个性等概念进行了界定,以此为逻辑起点阐述了教师教育教学基本组成要素中教学目标、教学内容、教学方法等的个性。

    In the light of this , the thesis elaborates and explores the teaching individuality of teacher education .

  7. 教师缺乏教学个性的表征有教师自我的缺失、教学能力的不突出、教学过程的简单重复。

    The performance of lacking teaching personality are teacher self-missing , mediocre teaching ability and simple repetition of teaching process .

  8. 随着社会的迅速发展,越来越需要学校教育培养出有个性的创新型人才,因此也需要教师具有鲜明的教学个性。

    As the rapidly developing society needs more innovational merits with personality , it need more teachers with teaching personality .

  9. 教师教育的教学个性还有诸多内容与问题留待将来更深入、更细致、更系统地探讨与研究。

    There are still a lot of problems need us to research in the teaching individuality of teacher education in the future .

  10. 结论指出提倡教学个性是语文教学改革的必然趋势,也是语文教育可持续发展的新的增长点。

    Conclusion pointing out that promoting teaching personality is a tendency of Chinese teaching reforming , and a new increasing point for Chinese education sustainable developing .

  11. 本文针对当前教师教育的教学个性研究薄弱和教学实践缺乏个性问题,对教师教育的教学目标、教学内容和教学方法的个性等方面作了一定的阐释和探讨。

    At present , educational theory about the study of the teaching individuality of teacher education is weak and teaching practice of teacher education is short of the individuality .

  12. 本研究是在对教师教学个性进行理论剖析的基础上丰富教师教学理论领域的研究,并拓展教学论研究的问题域以弥补已有研究之不足。

    The research based on theoretical analysis of teaching individuality aims to rich the study on the field of teaching theory , and expand the problem domain of teaching theory research to make up for the insufficiency of existing research .

  13. 在个体利益服从集体利益的年代,教师的个性发展是否需要得到学校的认同并支持?新一轮的课程改革解放了教师的教育思想,使教师的教学个性成为可能。

    In an era where Individual interests subordinate to collective interests , does personality development of teachers needs to be recognized and supported by schools ? New round of curriculum reform emancipates the teachers ' mind which makes characteristic teaching personality possible .

  14. 本文旨在已有研究的基础上对教学个性的实然现状与应然追求作哲学思考,这对我国当前教学个性的理论研究和教学改革的深化具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    Based on the past theories , this study makes a philosophical thinking on existent state and expected state of teaching individuality , which may be have proper theoretical value and true significance to Chinese theoretical study on teaching individuality and the deepening teaching reform .

  15. 教师教学个性与教学风格、教学艺术的相同点表现在本质相同、追求个性发展的目标相同、创造性的劳动手段相同和表现风格相似;差异表现在三者的成熟度不同。

    The common of Teachers ' teaching personality , teaching style and teaching art sums up like : same essence , same goal of pursuing personal development , same labor style of creativity , and similar express style . The differences of these three points are different maturity level .

  16. 现代体育教学中学生个性心理品质的培养

    On Fostering the Students ' Personality in Modern Sports Teaching

  17. 语文教学中学生个性发展的时空观

    Conception of Time and Space of Development of Individuality in Chinese Teaching

  18. 中学语文教学中个性阅读再研究

    The Restudy of Personal Reading about High School Chinese Teaching

  19. 体育教学中个性差异与素质教育

    On Personality Difference and Quality Education in PE

  20. 教学中个性地位的探寻

    The Place Of Personality In Teaching

  21. 篮球教学与个性发展

    How to Develop Personality Basketball

  22. 集中教学与个性教学相结合,提倡问题式,探索式,个性式的教学方法。

    Focus on the combination of concentrated teaching and individual teaching , promoting teaching methods like problem instruction , exploratory learning and personality study .

  23. 第一章主要从课题研究的意义、理论基础、文献综述三方面看课题的研究背景,然后从就业需要、大纲规定以及语文共性三方面对中职语文教学的个性进行界定。

    The first chapter mainly discusses three aspects to look at the research background of the topic , they are the significance , the rationale , the literature summary from topic research . Then from the employment need , the program stipulation as well as the language general character .

  24. 通过EDA教学促进学员个性发展

    Promote Personalities of Cadets through EDA Education

  25. 浅谈体育教学中学生体育个性培养的途径

    On the Approaches of Cultivating Students ' Personalities in Physical Education

  26. 高职学校体育教学发展学生个性的研究

    Research on Developing Students ' Character in Higher Professional PE Education

  27. 论油画教学中学生艺术个性的培养

    On Fostering Students ' Specific Character of Art in Oil-painting Teaching

  28. 体操教学对学生个性培养的研究

    Studying in Students ' Characters Developed by Gymnastics ' Teaching

  29. 体育教学应强化个性教学

    Physical Education Should Strengthen the Teaching of Specific Character

  30. 语文教学发展学生个性的思考与探索

    Research on developing individuality of students in Chinese teaching