
  1. 动漫企业更名的,原认定机构为其办理变更手续后,重新核发证书,编号不变。

    Animation company changed its name , the original identification process the change of its institutions , the re-issuance of a certificate , numbered the same .

  2. 企业补充养老保险由劳动保障部门治理,单位实行补充养老保险,应选择劳动保障行政部门认定的机构经办。

    Enterprise complement endowment insurance ensures sectional government by labor , the unit executes compensatory endowment insurance , should choose labor to ensure the orgnaization agency that service maintains .

  3. 金融侵权行为是一种特殊的行业性侵权行为,必须依法认定金融机构的储蓄侵权行为、借贷侵权行为、贷款欺诈行为、证券欺诈行为、票据欺诈行为等。

    Financial rights violations are special industrial criminal actions which can be defined according to the law as violations of saving rights , loan rights ; loan fraud , bond fraud and voucher and receipt fraud .

  4. 基于客观说的标准,如果评机构在职业过程中,能够做到独立、客观、诚信、公开的发布信息,那么就认定评级机构没有过错,否则即为有过错,应承担民事责任。

    According to the standard of objective theory , if the agency can publish the information independently , objectively , credibly and publicly during it works , it could be identified to be no fault , otherwise the agency should shoulder the responsibility .

  5. 奥伯伦•泽尔•瑞文哈特开办的格瑞魔法学校被认定为学术机构,成为首个被正式认可的魔法学校。

    Today , Oberon Zell-Ravenheart 's Grey School of Wizardry is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establishment .

  6. 探矿权、采矿权转让的评估工作,由国务院地质矿产主管部门会同国务院国有资产管理部门认定的评估机构进行;

    Evaluation of the transfer of mineral exploration right and mining right shall be carried out by evaluation agencies certified by the competent department of Geology and mineral resources under the State Council in conjunction with the Department of state assets management under the state council ;

  7. 本法施行前经国务院有关主管部门批准设立或者经依法认定的食品检验机构,可以依照本法继续从事食品检验活动。

    A food inspection agency established upon approval of the relevant competent department of the State Council or has been accredited according to law prior to the implementation of this law may carry on the food inspection activities under this law .

  8. 所谓驰名商标司法认定制度,就是关于驰名商标司法认定的范围、认定机构、认定效力、认定标准和原则、证据材料等各项具体法律制度的总和。

    The system of The Well-known Trademark judicial confirmation is referred to the all specific legal systems on the Judiciary which contains the scope , the organization , the effectiveness , the principle , the criteria , the evidence , and so on .