
  1. 美国幼儿教师教育标准及启示

    The Standards and Inspiration of Early Childhood Teacher Education in America

  2. 试论《教师教育标准》的构成与结构要素

    Discussion on the Component and Structure of the Teacher Education Standards

  3. 然而,《教师教育标准》应是一个什么样的标准体系?应由那些标准组成?

    However , what kind of system is the Standard for Teachers Education ?

  4. 制定幼儿教师教育标准是幼儿教师教育的基础性工作。

    It 's an essential work to set the standards for early childhood teacher education .

  5. 尽快修改并单独制定专门的学前教师教育标准,已成为我国当前学前教育改革与发展的重要工作。2、课程设置应重视普通知识的准备。

    It is important for the reform and development of pre-school teacher education in China . 2 . Curriculum should pay more attention to the general knowledge .

  6. 教师教育课程标准:设计与实施

    Teacher Education Curriculum Standard : Design and Implement Research Topic Group

  7. 试论美国教师教育信息化标准体系特点

    Upon the Properties of Information-based Standards of American Teachers ' Education

  8. 美国教师教育认证标准的发展历程及对我国的启示

    The Development of Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in America

  9. 计算机应用与软件专业教师教育课程标准研究

    Research on Curriculum Standard of Teacher Education for Computer Application and Software Specialty

  10. 教师教育国家标准的制定与实施:俄罗斯的经验及启示

    The Formulation and Implementation of National Standards on Teacher Education : Experience and Implication of Russia

  11. 德国教师教育新标准的制定是为了确保学校教育的质量。

    New criteria for teacher education in Germany have been formulated with a view to ensuring the quality of schooling .

  12. 本论文进过分析比较认为中美中小学教师教育技术标准存在较多的共性,教师必备的教育技术素养在知识、能力和情感方面有许多共同点。

    In this paper , through the analysis and comparison , the writer find the educational technology teachers required in the technical capacity of knowledge , ability , and emotional aspects have many similarities .

  13. 同时,也不可避免地遇到了一些问题和挑战,例如适用范围受限、标准权威被疑等问题在很大程度上影响着《教师教育者标准》功用的进一步发挥。

    At the same time , the Standards for Teacher Educators also inevitably encountered some problems and challenges , such as limited scope and standards authority suspected , which at a large extent affect the function of the standards .

  14. 德国教师教育的新标准及启示

    New Criteria for Teacher Education in Germany and Their Implications

  15. 美国教师信息技术教育标准述评

    The Commentary on the System of Teacher 's Technology Standards in America

  16. 美国面向中小学教师的教育技术标准研究

    A Study on American Primary and Secondary School Teachers ' Education Technology Standards

  17. 构建的前提是要按照教师教育的专业标准改造我国的教育经验。

    We should reform our teacher education based on the criteria for different majors .

  18. 本论文基于《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》,围绕着中小学教师培训的评价展开了系统的研究。

    This paper carried on research around primary and high school teachers training evaluation system based on the standards .

  19. 在《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》制定的大背景下,中小学教师教育技术培训成为日益关注的焦点。

    The educational technology training of the K-12 teachers is becoming the focus against a background of the issuance of the CETS .

  20. 世界各国相继制定了教师教育技术能力标准,以加强教育技术能力的建设。

    Countries around the world have developed the capacity of educational technology standards for teachers in order to strengthen capacity-building of educational technology .

  21. 2004年12月印发的《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》,进一步明确了中小学教师在教育技术方面的能力要求。

    The Educational Technology Ability Standards for Primary and Secondary School Teachers ( Advance Copy ) issued in December 2004 further defined the ability request of primary and secondary school teachers ' educational technology .

  22. 随着教育部《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的颁发,新一轮的中小学教育技术能力全员培训全面启动。

    Along with " Educational Technology Ability Standards for Elementary and middle schools Teachers "( CETS ) issuing by Ministry of Education , the new turn of the whole staff educational technology ability training is started .

  23. 当前我国教师教育者专业标准领域还基本处于空白状态,应该借鉴美国《教师教育者标准》的有益启示,尽快启动标准制定的相关工作。

    Currently , the professional Standards for Teacher Educators is basically in a blank state in our country . We should draw lessons from the beneficial enlightenment of the Standards for Teacher Educators , and start to do some work as soon as possible .

  24. 在此基础上,结合《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》及配套培训教材,分析了中小学教师教育技术培训发展性评价的内涵和原则。

    Based on this foundation , the author explores the meaning and principle of the developmental evaluation of educational technology training for primary and middle school teachers and combines it with the Educational Technology Competence Standards for Primary and Middle School Teachers and supporting training materials .

  25. 自2004年教育部公布了《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》以来,全国各地借着教育信息化的契机,掀起了一场中小学教师教育技术培训热潮。

    Since 2004 , the Ministry of Education announced the " Educational Technology Competency Standards for Teachers ( Trial )" , it had been all over the country through the " educational information ," the opportunity to set off a boom educational technology training for teachers .

  26. 以《中小学教师教育技术能力标准》为依据,重新定位了高等师范院校教育技术公共课的教学目标,在此基础上提出了优化课程的教学策略,包括采用多元教学模式;

    On the grounds of " Educational Technology Competence Standards for primary and secondary teachers ", the authors relocate the instructional objectives of Educational technology as public class in high school , and propose some instructional strategies in this foundation , including : use multiple instructional modes ;

  27. 论初中数学教师继续教育的课程标准

    On Course Standards of Junior Maths Teachers ' Continue Education

  28. 美国外语教师教育及专业资格标准政策研究

    Historical review of the policies in American foreign language teacher education and qualification standards

  29. 信息化和全球化的浪潮冲击着每一个国家,中国和美国在教育信息化的建设中非常重视教师教育技术能力的提高,分别制定了教师教育技术标准。

    China and the United States in information technology education society attaches great importance to the building of technical capacity of teachers , respectively developed educational technology standards for teacher .

  30. 教师教育技术培训网络课程因国家教育部教师教育技术能力标准的颁布以及新课程改革的教育需要而被设计开发,并且数量逐年增多。

    The Network courses for the training of teachers ' educational technical training were designed and developed to meet the promulgation of teachers ' Educational Technology competency standards by the Ministry of Education and the reform of new curriculum , and the number of them increased year by year .