
The Standards and Inspiration of Early Childhood Teacher Education in America
Discussion on the Component and Structure of the Teacher Education Standards
However , what kind of system is the Standard for Teachers Education ?
It 's an essential work to set the standards for early childhood teacher education .
It is important for the reform and development of pre-school teacher education in China . 2 . Curriculum should pay more attention to the general knowledge .
Teacher Education Curriculum Standard : Design and Implement Research Topic Group
Upon the Properties of Information-based Standards of American Teachers ' Education
The Development of Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Education in America
Research on Curriculum Standard of Teacher Education for Computer Application and Software Specialty
The Formulation and Implementation of National Standards on Teacher Education : Experience and Implication of Russia
New criteria for teacher education in Germany have been formulated with a view to ensuring the quality of schooling .
In this paper , through the analysis and comparison , the writer find the educational technology teachers required in the technical capacity of knowledge , ability , and emotional aspects have many similarities .
At the same time , the Standards for Teacher Educators also inevitably encountered some problems and challenges , such as limited scope and standards authority suspected , which at a large extent affect the function of the standards .
New Criteria for Teacher Education in Germany and Their Implications
The Commentary on the System of Teacher 's Technology Standards in America
A Study on American Primary and Secondary School Teachers ' Education Technology Standards
We should reform our teacher education based on the criteria for different majors .
This paper carried on research around primary and high school teachers training evaluation system based on the standards .
The educational technology training of the K-12 teachers is becoming the focus against a background of the issuance of the CETS .
Countries around the world have developed the capacity of educational technology standards for teachers in order to strengthen capacity-building of educational technology .
The Educational Technology Ability Standards for Primary and Secondary School Teachers ( Advance Copy ) issued in December 2004 further defined the ability request of primary and secondary school teachers ' educational technology .
Along with " Educational Technology Ability Standards for Elementary and middle schools Teachers "( CETS ) issuing by Ministry of Education , the new turn of the whole staff educational technology ability training is started .
Currently , the professional Standards for Teacher Educators is basically in a blank state in our country . We should draw lessons from the beneficial enlightenment of the Standards for Teacher Educators , and start to do some work as soon as possible .
Based on this foundation , the author explores the meaning and principle of the developmental evaluation of educational technology training for primary and middle school teachers and combines it with the Educational Technology Competence Standards for Primary and Middle School Teachers and supporting training materials .
Since 2004 , the Ministry of Education announced the " Educational Technology Competency Standards for Teachers ( Trial )" , it had been all over the country through the " educational information ," the opportunity to set off a boom educational technology training for teachers .
On the grounds of " Educational Technology Competence Standards for primary and secondary teachers ", the authors relocate the instructional objectives of Educational technology as public class in high school , and propose some instructional strategies in this foundation , including : use multiple instructional modes ;
On Course Standards of Junior Maths Teachers ' Continue Education
Historical review of the policies in American foreign language teacher education and qualification standards
China and the United States in information technology education society attaches great importance to the building of technical capacity of teachers , respectively developed educational technology standards for teacher .
The Network courses for the training of teachers ' educational technical training were designed and developed to meet the promulgation of teachers ' Educational Technology competency standards by the Ministry of Education and the reform of new curriculum , and the number of them increased year by year .