
xínɡ zhènɡ sī
  • Administrative Division;Administration Department
  1. 社会发展、能力建设和公共行政司

    Social Development , Capacity-Building and Public Administration Division

  2. 财务、人事和行政司

    Division for Finance , Personnel and Administration

  3. 人事和行政事务司司长办公室

    Directorate of the Division of Personnel and Administration Services

  4. 财务和行政管理司(财行司)公司要求司机正点行车。

    Division of Financial and Administrative Management The company requires the drivers to keep to schedule .

  5. 财务管理和行政政策司此外,有执政官和其它官员掌管各行政部门和司法事务。

    Financial Management and Administrative Polity Division archons and other officials managed the various departments of administration and justice .

  6. 财务和局行政管理司总统办公室预算及管理局统计政策处

    Financial and Central Administrative Services Department Statistical Policy Division of the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office

  7. 施政、公共行政和财政司财务管理和行政政策司

    Division for Governance , Public Administration and Finance

  8. 第六十三条香港特别行政区律政司主管刑事检察工作,不受任何干涉。

    Article 63 The Department of Justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall control criminal prosecutions , free from any interference .

  9. 中央政策组因应行政长官、政务司司长和财政司司长的特别需要提供机密意见,并直接向他们汇报。

    The Central Policy Unit provides a confidential source of advice to meet the special requirements of the Chief Executive , the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Financial Secretary and reports direct to them .

  10. 上海工商行政管理部门公务员职位分类研究财务管理和行政政策司

    Research on Position Classification of Civil Servant of Shanghai Municipal Industry and Commerce Administration Financial Management and Administrative Polity Division

  11. 多视角的公共行政观&评《公共行政学:管理、政治和法律途径》一书施政、公共行政和财政司

    The Pluralistic of Public Administration & Remark on Public Administration : Understanding Management , Politics , and Law in the Public Sector ; Division for Governance , Public Administration and Finance