
  • 网络Industry Statistics
  1. 汽车维修事务与行业统计综合管理系统

    Integration management system of automobile-maintenance transaction and industry statistics processing

  2. 行业统计表明,匈牙利铝厂产量在全世界位居第53位。

    The plant in Hungary ranks53rd in the world in production , according to industry statistics .

  3. 气缸套行业统计资料浅析该分析方法简便、快速、经济;

    Simple Analysis on Stat Data for Cylinder Sleeve Industry The method was simple .

  4. 世界各国机床行业统计数字

    Statistics of worldwide machine tool industry

  5. 根据行业统计,销售人员挣的钱常常比包括医生,律师,建筑师在内其它职业更多。

    According to industrial statistics , sales people often earn more than many other professionals including doctors , lawyers and architects .

  6. 三高事故依然比较集中,占整个行业统计死亡案例数的46.32%;

    The high probability accidents take place so densely that they occupy 46.32 % of death cases in this field according to statistics .

  7. 然而行业统计数据显示,在线交易相较于线下交易其实际交易量仍处于相当低的水平。

    But trade statistics show that , comparing with the off-line business , the actual volume of the on-line trading still keeps at a fairly low level .

  8. 不足之处在于受行业统计资料限制,计量分析还不够全面、深入,部分定性分析缺乏实证的检验。

    The downside of the thesis is that the quantitative analysis is not very completed due to the shortage of the industrial statistic materials , and still some qualitative analysis is lack of verification of practice .

  9. 介绍了汽车维修事务与行业统计综合管理系统概念、网络连接拓扑结构、业务流程、数据流程与功能结构,还介绍了子系统之间的耦合与数据传递的实现方式等。

    This paper introduced the concept of integration management system of automobile-maintenance transaction and industry statistics processing , the business process , data flow process and function structure , especially the coupling and data exchange between two subsystems .

  10. 以科学发展观为指导,尽快建立健全工程造价的统计信息体系,逐步完善工程造价行业统计信息工作制度,将会更好地提高建设部门统计工作的业务水平。

    With scientific development as the guideline to establish and complete cost statistical information system as soon as possible and to progressively complete its working system would better improve the professional level of the statistical work of the construction department .

  11. 环境统计机构间工作队各工业行业环境统计表

    Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics Environmental Statistics by Industry Branch

  12. 专用汽车行业产销统计对本行业发展的影响

    Sales and Production Statistics for the Special Purpose Vehicles Industry

  13. 如何做好新形势下种子行业财务统计汇总工作

    How to do Seed Industry 's Financial Statistics Collection well in the new Situation

  14. 用智能数据统计平台优化制造行业数据统计分析报表的研究及应用

    Study and Application on Optimizing Data Statistics and Analysis of Manufacturing with Aptitude Statistics Platform

  15. 注:本表按2002年修订的国民经济行业标准统计。

    Note : Statistics in this table are classified as the national economic category that was modified in2002 .

  16. 根据我国风机行业协会统计,输送气固两相混合物的风机约占年产量40%,因此研究气固两相流风机磨损问题具有重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    According to fan industry association statistics of China , 40 % of fans is conveying gas-solid two-phase mixture type .

  17. 通过以麻省理工对行业领导者统计结论为出发点,本文建立行业进入策略框架,细化了自建模式与并购模式的发展途径。

    This paper let the conclusion as the starting point , sets up the strategic frame of entry in the industry .

  18. 对A股上市公司的业绩和股价行为月特征进行了分行业的统计分析,检验了业绩、股价收益及风险的行业效应,并对股份收益与公司业绩、风险分别进行了相关性分析和回归分析。

    This paper conducts an empirical study on the relationship between stock returns , risk , and corporate from the industry perspective in the Chinese stock market .

  19. 由行业数据统计得出,保险公司车险经营风险已十分明显,所以,对车险经营效益影响因素的分析研究有非常重要的现实意义。

    According to the industry data , the risk of insurance companies operate vehicle insurance is very obvious , Therefore , the Analysis of influencing factors of vehicle insurance operational efficiency has an important practical significance .

  20. 据北京演出行业协会统计,2013年,超过1千万人走进首都各大剧院,共计观看了约23155场演出,总票房逾14亿元。

    According to the Beijing Trade Association for Performances , in 2013 , over 10 million people went into theaters in the country 's capital to see its 23155 stage performances . Total box office revenues exceeded 1.44 billion yuan .

  21. 石油天然气行业的统计数字表明,承包商普遍存在着作业风险级别高,员工流动性强,不熟悉相关程序和规定等问题,这也成为业界大量重大事故的根源。

    According to the statistics of petroleum industry , some common defects exist in contractor HSE management , such as high operation risk , frequent crew change , and not familiar with the operation procedure , which all contribute to the major accident of petroleum operation .

  22. 民航局发布的《2015年民航行业发展统计公报》显示,去年,全国客运航空公司共执行航班337.3万班次,航班正点率仅为68%左右,这意味着有近1/3的国内航班遭遇延误。

    Only about 68 percent of the 3.37 million flights by domestic carriers in 2015 were on time , meaning nearly one-third of Chinese flights were late last year , according to the 2015 Annual Report on Civil Aviation Industry Development released by the Civil Aviation Administration .

  23. 公路交通行业宏观管理统计与分析指标体系研究

    Study of Macro-managerial Statistic and Analytical Index System for Road Communications Vocation

  24. 本表按新的国民经济行业划分标准统计。

    The data in the table is count up according to new division standard .

  25. 基于人力资本视角的行业收入差距统计研究

    Statistics Research on Income Disparities among Different Industries Based on the Viewpoint of Human Capital

  26. 然而,目前保险行业总部数据统计方式容易造成差错,甚至导致应用服务器崩溃。

    However , the current statistical methods of the insurance industry headquarters prone to errors easily , and even leades to the application server crash .

  27. 当然,比较的只是某几个行业的每周统计,一般来说欧洲的工人工时没有那么糟糕。

    Of course , compared to the hours certain professions tally on a weekly basis , the average worker in Europe doesn 't have it so bad .

  28. 第五章,对发包企业的地理分布和行业分布进行统计,以求进一步明确我国软件服务外包行业收入的来源,并对分布现象进行解释。

    In the fifth chapter , though statistics of geographical distribution and industry distribution about contract awarding corporations , I gave a further clarify about the main source of income and explained the phenomenon .

  29. 玻璃行业上市公司的统计分析

    Statistics and Analysis of Listed Companies in Glass Industry

  30. 简述当前测量行业通常采用的统计空间多面域面积的方法及其所存在的弊端。

    It 's introduced simply the way of calculating the multi-surface area in current survey vocation .