
  1. 快速消费品行业中国市场渠道策略分析

    The Channel Strategy Analysis on the Fast Consumable Industry of China

  2. 由此,我们不得不怀疑,行业中国平台的出现是不是会让今后的电子商务模式朝着自主化、多元化发展?

    From this , we must suspect , can the occurrence of industry China platform let the mode of electronic business affairs henceforth be changed independently forward , does diversity develop ?

  3. 即使在铝行业中国传统上是一个净出口国上海铝库存已从年初的44.3万吨降至27万吨。

    Even in aluminium , of which China has traditionally been a net exporter , stocks in Shanghai have fallen to 270,000 tonnes from 443,000 tonnes at the start of the year .

  4. 通用电气表示,该公司将继续与中国领先企业组建合资公司,一定程度上是因为在该公司主要经营的一些领域例如基础设施和发电行业中国对外资实施限制。

    Ge said it would continue to enter into joint ventures with leading Chinese companies , in part because in several of the sectors where the group is active such as infrastructure and power generation there are foreign investment restrictions .

  5. 在电子行业,中国的本土品牌Vivo超越微软和苹果,位列第17。

    In electronics , Chinese local brand Vivo comes in 17th , leaving Microsoft and Apple behind .

  6. 行业老大中国工商银行(ICBC)的股价涨幅超过五分之一。

    ICBC , the sector granddaddy , was up by more than a fifth .

  7. 不过,该行业受到中国铁道部(ministryofrailways)的控制,外界认为这是中国最为官僚的机构之一。

    But the sector is dominated by the Ministry of railways , which is viewed as one of the most bureaucratic in the country .

  8. 保安押运行业在中国是一门新兴的但发展带有浓厚计划经济色彩的特殊行业,面临中国加入WTO,保安押运业的对外开放势不可当。

    The modern Security Escort Industry in China is a newly developed business since 1996 . It was born under the circumstance of planned economy in China , which is hindering its further development .

  9. 在中国,人们知道巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)的首席执行官、引人瞩目的比亚迪(BYD)投资者。比亚迪是希望引领中国电动汽车行业的中国汽车公司。

    China knows Mr Buffett as chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway , and a high-profile investor in BYD , the Chinese car company that hopes to lead the Chinese electric vehicle industry .

  10. 有关电力供应以及可能对电网进行重大改革的问题在中国尤为敏感。在中国,用电大户行业对中国经济增长非常关键,而可靠的电力供应对于各类生产企业来说都是一项基本要求,无论其制造的是服装还是iPhone。

    Questions over electricity supply and a potential overhaul of the power grid are particularly sensitive in China , where power-intensive industries are crucial to economic growth and a reliable power supply is a basic requirement for manufacturers of everything from clothing to iPhones .

  11. 在汽车行业,中国企业占据了2006年国内市场27%的份额,而在上世纪90年代中期,在它们与通用汽车(gm)或大众(volkswagen)等巨擘竞争的时候,其市场份额接近于零。

    In the automotive sector , Chinese companies controlled 27 per cent of the domestic market in 2006 , compared with the mid-1990s , when they were competing with powerhouses such as GM or Volkswagen , and their share was close to zero .

  12. 纳斯达克执行副总裁约翰•雅各布(JohnJacobs)称:这个指数将使全球投资者能够跟踪分布于众多行业的中国公司的表现。过去20年,这些企业帮助塑造了全球增长最快、最成功的经济体之一。

    John Jacobs , executive of Nasdaq , said : This index will enable investors worldwide to follow companies in a broad range of industries that have helped propel one of the world 's fastest growing and most successful economies over the last 20 years .

  13. 国内行业组织中国汽车工业协会(CAAM)数据显示,5月汽车销量同比增长8.5%,至190万辆。

    May vehicle sales increased 8.5 per cent year - on-year to 1.9m units , according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers , a domestic lobby group .

  14. 例如,在汽车行业,中国企业能够竞购萨博(saab)、沃尔沃(volvo)或悍马(hummer)的全部股权,而外国公司却只能在与中国本地汽车制造商成立的合资企业中持股50%以内。

    In the car sector , for example , while Chinese companies are able to bid for all of Saab , Volvo or Hummer , foreign companies are limited to 50 per cent stakes in joint ventures with local producers .

  15. 但代表大型钢厂的行业组织中国钢铁工业协会(cisa)的数据显示,去年中国钢铁需求增速放缓至8%,今年则可能放缓至4%。

    But last year steel demand growth slowed to 8 per cent and this year it could slow to 4 per cent , according to the China Iron and Steel Association , an industry body representing big mills .

  16. 网吧行业是中国一个独特的文化领域。

    The Net-cafe business is a typical culture field in China .

  17. 汽车行业属中国的黄金产业。

    The auto industry is the gold industry in china .

  18. 电力行业是中国七大高能耗产业之一。

    Electric industry is one of the seven major energy-intensive industries in China .

  19. 信息技术行业在中国的发展:对亚太地区的影响

    Development of the IT Industry in China : Implications for Asia Pacific Economies

  20. 假如你能和电力行业的中国财团讨论这个事情。

    If you can discuss this matter with Chinese Syndicate of electrical industry .

  21. 第二部份:广东外贸行业及其中国电子商务概况分析。

    Part two : Survey analysis about Guangdong foreign trade and China E-commerce .

  22. 茶叶行业在中国占有很重要的地位。

    Tea trade occupies very important status in China .

  23. 行业动态中国涂料企业竞争力在哪?

    Chinese paint industry dynamics in which enterprise competitiveness ?

  24. 酒店行业是中国改革开放后最先与国际接轨的行业之一。

    Hotel industry was the first one after the opening reform of China .

  25. 零售行业在中国经济中占据越来越重要的地位。

    Retail Industry is becoming more and more important in China 's Economy .

  26. 啤酒行业是中国目前竞争异常激烈的行业。

    The beer industry is the industry that has abnormal competes in China .

  27. 服务行业在中国仍然有做很多的改善。

    The service industry in China still have a lot of improvements to make .

  28. 近年来家电行业在中国发展迅猛。

    In recent years , the electronic industry enjoys a rapid development in China .

  29. 景观行业在中国风生水起!

    Landscape architecture takes root in china .

  30. 但在纺织、家居等行业,中国一直在大跨步前进。

    But in areas such as textiles and household goods China has been making big strides .