
  • 网络David Barboza;david chang;David Jang
  1. 为了向张大卫致敬,纽约超酷的鸡尾酒餐厅PDT甚至专门推出了一款“张氏热狗”。

    The ü ber-cool New York cocktail lounge PDT offers the Chang dog , a deep-fried , bacon-wrapped , kimchi-slathered Ode to his changness .

  2. 来自哥本哈根知名餐厅Noma的名厨安东尼•伯尔顿和雷内•雷哲皮与张大卫称兄道弟。

    He pals around with Anthony Bourdain and Rene redzepi of the renowned noma in Copenhagen .

  3. 凡是住在纽约并且关心美食的人,对于张大卫所带来的刺激肯定记忆犹新。

    And anyone that lives in New York and cares at all about food has probably suffered from Chang overload at some point .

  4. 今年秋天,张大卫在多伦多的福桃大楼开业,里面有三家不同的餐厅和一家酒吧,算是他到目前为止的最大手笔。

    This fall , Chang makes what is perhaps his biggest move yet , opening an all-momofuku building in Toronto that houses three different restaurants and a bar .

  5. 张大卫:这两天,我还前往西海岸的海口,这是完全不同的城市,不像做海口混乱。

    Zhang David : This is two days , I also went to visit the west coast of Haikou , it is totally different with the urban area , unlike so Haikou chaos .