
  1. 与那些更为典型的晚清官僚相对照,在许多地方张鸣岐更是一位真正富有革新精神又勇于实践的地方官僚。

    Compared with those more typical bureaucratic of the late Qing Dynasty , Zhang Mingqi in many places is truly innovative and willing to do the practice of revolution .

  2. 清末两广总督张鸣岐是一个动荡时代的复杂历史人物,学界对其一生行迹与活动的认识,虽多以否定为主,然也颇多歧异。

    Zhang Mingqi is a complicated historical figure in the turbulent times in the late Qing Dynasty . Although the academic circles mainly deny his activities and his life , there are different opinions .

  3. 张鸣岐的前半生在他所处的那个时代,顺应历史发展趋势,积极参与新政,希望通过改良来维护清政府的统治,作为封建官僚无可厚非。

    In his former life , Zhang Mingqi goes with the historical trend of development , participates in the new measures actively , and he hopes to maintain the rule of the Qing government . As a feudal bureaucratic in the late Qing Dynasty , it is understandable .