
zhī zuǒ
  • support the Left
支左 [zhī zuǒ]
  • [help the Left] 指文革中人民解放军支持当时被称为左派群众组织的行动

  1. 支左部队撤出地方,人走了,影响还在。

    Although the army comrades who were sent to " support the Left " have been withdrawn from the civilian units , their influence persists .

  2. 然后我只能回击一个平击球,对你来说那是一个再打斜射球的好机会。击球手击出一支左外野平飞球。

    Then I could only return it as a flat-shot , an easy opportunity for you to slice again . The batter hit a line drive to left field for a single .

  3. 结果所有患者均可见冠状静脉窦和心大静脉,绝大多数患者可见心中静脉及1~3支左室后静脉。

    Results The CS and great cardiac vein ( GCV ) were visualized in all patients ; middle cardiac vein ( MCV ) and 1 ~ 3 left posterior vein ( LPV ) were visualized in almost all patients .

  4. 我们的实验比较在未经治疗的三支或左主干冠脉病变中PCI和CABG的治疗效果。

    Our trial compared PCI and CABG for treating patients with previously untreated three-vessel or left main coronary artery disease .

  5. 方法在犬应用心导管技术记录对照状态和结扎冠状动脉前降支后左房压力曲线,应用超声心动图AQ技术同步测量左房容量,应用计算机处理资料,获得左房压力-容量环。

    Methods In 10 dogs left atrial pressure by catheter and left atrial volume by echocardiography AQ technique were recorded , then left anterior descending ( LAD ) of the coronary arteries were ligated completely .

  6. 结果血清SA在病例组显著高于对照组(P0.01),三支或左主干病变组显著高于单支病变组(P0.01);

    Results : The serum SA level in treatment group was significantly higher than that in control group ( P 0.01 ), and in patients with triple-vessel disease or left main coronary artery disease it was significantly higher than that in patients with single-vessel disease ( P 0.01 ) .

  7. 结果:本文资料显示,70例高血压病患者心电图有STT改变,伴有不典型胸痛时,冠脉造影证实有冠心病者占40%(2870),且以单支和左前降支病变为主。

    Result : Of the 70 cases , 40 % ( 28 / 70 ) were confirmed by CAG as with coronary heart disease and in most cases the involved branches were one branch and left anterior descending branch .

  8. 定向动脉粥样斑块旋切术可简化介入治疗并降低冠状动脉左前降支和左回旋支动脉口狭窄的复发率:FLEXI-CUT研究的亚组分析

    Directional atherectomy facilitates the interventional procedure and leads to a low rate of recurrent stenosis in left anterior descending and left circumflex artery ostium stenoses : Subgroup analysis of the FLEXI-CUT study

  9. 右支气管动脉与肋间动脉共干35支,左支气管动脉与肋间动脉共干1支,左、右共干23支。

    35 right bronchial arteries were co-originated with intercostals arteries , and 1 left side co-originated .

  10. 结扎兔冠状动脉前降支与左室支的急性心肌梗塞比较

    Comparative Study on Experimental Acute Myocardial Infarction Models in Rabbits Established by Ligation of Left Anterior Descending Artery and Left Ventricular Artery

  11. 胆道引流属支有左外叶上段胆管支、左外叶下段胆管支。

    The branches were the bile duct of the upper segment of the left lateral and the inferior segment of the left lateral lobe .

  12. 老年组同时累及右肺动脉主支或左肺动脉主支者与非老年组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The pulmonary embolism incidence of both the main right and left pulmonary artery at the same time was no significant difference in the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 术后再次冠状动脉造影4例,1例吻合口狭窄50%,余3例前降支与左乳内动脉吻合口通畅。

    Postoperative coronary angiography in 4 cases found 1 case of 50 % stricture of anastomosis and 3 cases of anastomotic patency between the anterior descending artery and left internal mammary artery .

  14. 左冠状动脉主干、左前降支、左回旋支和右冠状动脉显示较好且能满足影像学评价分别占93.3%,80%,60%和42.2%。

    The proportion of the left main , left anterior descending , left circumflex and right coronary artery that could be evaluated were 93.3 % , 80 % , 60 % and 42.2 % , respectively .

  15. 在心率<60次/分的16例中,左前降支、左回旋支和右冠状动脉显示较好且能满足影像学评价分别占93.8%,75%和62.5%。

    In the 16 patients with heart rate < 60bpm , the proportion of the left anterior descending , left circumflex and right coronary artery that could be evaluated were 93.8 % , 75 % and 62.5 % , respectively .

  16. 结果动脉圆锥的动脉大都来源于右冠状动脉的圆锥支和左冠状动脉前室间支的动脉圆锥支,它们大都在动脉圆锥部吻合。

    Results Arteries of conus arteriosus were mainly branches of conus arteriosus from right coronary artery and branches of conus arteriosus from anterior interventricular artery of left coronary artery . These branches of conus arteriosus were mostly anastomosed in this area .

  17. 心肌梗死急性期出现的房颤一部分就是由于出现了心房梗死,常发生在右冠脉于窦房结动脉发出前闭塞或回旋支于左心房回旋支发出前闭塞的病例。

    A part of new-atrial fibrillation in the acute phase of myocardial infarction results from atrial myocardial infarction because of the occlusion of the right coronary artery before the sinus node branch or the circumflex coronary artery before the left atrial circumflex branch .

  18. 10年以上为2.56%。39例患者共移植血管101支,其中左乳内动脉桥(LIMA)36支,大隐静脉桥54支,桡动脉桥11支。

    Totally there were 101 bypass grafts including 36 left internal mammary arteries ( LIMA ), 54 great saphenous vein grafts and 11 radial artery grafts .

  19. 两组兔均于左心耳下缘结扎前降支冠状动脉左前降支建立心肌梗死模型,心电图出现S-T段弓背样抬高为结扎成功。

    Rabbits in both groups were ligated of the left anterior descending coronary artery below the left auricular appendage to establish myocardial infarction models . The successful myocardial infarction models were recognized by arc-like elevation of the S-T segments in electrocardiogram ( EKG ) .

  20. 70%的患者为多支血管或左主干病变。

    70 % had multi vascular or left main artery diaease in the angiography .

  21. 左主干狭窄≥50%定义为2支病变,左主干合并右冠病变定义为3支病变。

    Left stem stenosis ≥ 50 % was defined as 2-vessel while left stem merging right coronary affection were taken as 3-vessel .

  22. 结果:用升阳法治重症肌无力(全身型),完全性右束支传导阻滞左前半支传导阻滞,酒精性肝硬化腹水,慢性肾炎尿毒症,皆取得可靠疗效。

    Results : it is effective to treat with myasthemia gravis , chronic glomerulonephritis , Right bundle branch block , ethanol liver cirrhosis .

  23. 治疗后有4例出现多种快速室上性及室性心动过速,3例出现完全性右束支阻滞或左前分支阻滞,均呈动态改变。

    Episodes of various supraventricular tachycardia and ventricular tachycardia occured in 4 cases , and complete right bundle block and left anteior hemiblock in 3 cases .

  24. 目的评估门静脉右支栓塞诱导左肝叶代偿性增生临床应用的可行性、安全性、有效性。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical feasibility , safety , and effectiveness of percutaneous right portal vein embolization ( PVE ) inducing compensatory hypertrophy of the left liver .

  25. 浅支先分出左心房支布于左心房,主干分支分布左心室的左缘壁和隔壁及右心室隔壁的部分;

    The superficial branch ( circumflex branch ) gives off branches to the left atrium , lateral and diaphragm wall of the left ventricle and part diaphragm wall of the right ventricle .

  26. 在左冠状动脉旋支分布的左室前壁取心肌,透射电镜观察心肌间质胶原纤维。

    Myocardial block was cut from anterior wall of left ventricle which distributed in circumflex branch of coronary artery , and the collagen of myocardial interstitium was observed by transmission electron microscope .

  27. 魁魁格一言不发,野里野气地跳上了舷墙,又从舷墙上跳到一艘吊在船侧的捕鲸艇头上,然后支起他的左膝头,平举着他的标枪,好象是这样的叫嚷起来:

    Without saying a word , Queequeg , in his wild sort of way , jumped upon the bulwarks , from thence into the bows of one of the whale-boats hanging to the side ; and then bracing his left knee , and poising his harpoon , cried out in some such way as this :

  28. QRS离散度:左束支传导阻滞患者左心室收缩功能障碍的一个心电图指标

    QRS dispersion : An electrocardiographic index of systolic left ventricular dysfunction in patients with left bundle branch block

  29. DSA造影发现病变支气管动脉63支,起自左主支气管影内或接近左主支气管影58支。

    DSA showed 63 bronchial arteries contributing to bleeding , 58 of which were within or near the shadow of the left main bronchus .

  30. 结果与<60岁组相比,≥60岁组冠状动脉四支血管病变及左主干(LM)受累多,糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR)严重,24h尿微量蛋白定量高;

    Results Compared with < 60 year group , ≥ 60 year group had more four-vessel coronary artery disease , more left main coronary artery ( LM ) involvement , more severe diabetic retinopathy ( DR ) and higher 24-hour microalbumin quantity in urine .