
  1. 甲方按照国家法律有关规定向乙方支付经济补偿。

    Party A shall make economic compensation to Party B pursuant to relevant provisions of laws .

  2. 解除或者终止劳动合同,未依照本法规定向劳动者支付经济补偿的。

    Terminates or ends an employment contract without paying the Employee severance pay pursuant to this Law .

  3. 对于在册职工,按照有关政策对其国有身份进行补偿,以国有净资产或现金形式支付经济补偿金;

    For employees in active service , their state-owned statue will be compensated according to related policies ;

  4. 终止用工,用人单位不向劳动者支付经济补偿。

    When terminating any non-full-time labor , the employer will pay no economic compensation to the worker .

  5. 甲方依照本合同有关规定应当向劳动者支付经济补偿的,在办结工作交接时支付。

    Party A should pay economic compensation to Party B in accordance with the relevant provisions of this contract when transferring the work .

  6. 本法施行前按照当时有关规定,用人单位应当向劳动者支付经济补偿的,按照当时有关规定执行。

    Prior to the implementation hereof , an employing unit shall make economic compensation to the laborer in accordance with the prevailing provisions .

  7. 如果劳动者不要求继续履行劳动合同或者劳动合同已经不能继续履行的,应支付经济补偿金。

    If employees are not required to continue to carry out labor contracts or labor contracts can not continue to be carried out , employers should pay compensation .

  8. 将于明年1月1日起开始实行的劳动合同法第四十八条明确规定了用人单位应当支付经济补偿金的情形。

    The labor contract law which will come to effect in1st , January , 2008 has made a clear regulation that in which situation that the employer should pay the compensation to the employee .

  9. 双方协商一致解除劳动合同,但是由用人单位提出解除动议的,用人单位支付经济补偿。

    The employee can get the compensation in the condition of the employer and the employee come to agreement to relieve the labor contract between them and the motion was raised by the employer .

  10. 在此情况下终止劳动合同,雇主须给雇员支付经济补偿金,金额一般是雇员为该雇主每服务一年补偿一个月薪金。

    In the case of such a termination , the employer shall pay economic compensation to the employee , which will generally amount to one month 's salary for each year of service for that employer .

  11. 在本次改制方案的设计过程中,既肯定了国有企业员工打破国企身份时应给予经济补偿,而且也适用了用企业净资产支付经济补偿金的做法,具有一定的历史意义。

    The design of the institutional restructure has historic significance in that it affirms the economic compensations for the employees arising from the breakthrough of the state-owned enterprise station and it also applies to the practice of paying economic compensations through net capital of the enterprise .

  12. 因此,用人单位支付了经济补偿金,劳动者仍然可以领取失业救济金。

    Accordingly , unit of choose and employ persons paid economy to compensate gold , laborer still can get a dole .

  13. 竞业限制协议中的经济补偿是指,用人单位通过竞业限制协议要求掌握其商业秘密的劳动者承担竞业限制义务而支付给劳动者的经济补偿。

    The economic compensation in non-competition agreement refers to the compensation that employers pay to the employers who know the employers ' business secrets .

  14. 劳动者已经付出劳动的,该单位或者其出资人应当依照本法有关规定向劳动者支付劳动报酬、经济补偿、赔偿金;

    If the workers have already worked for the employer , the employer or its capital contributors shall pay the workers remunerations , economic compensations or indemnities as prescribed in this Law .