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zhī mài
  • spur;carbond;offset;branch range;tributary
支脉 [zhī mài]
  • (1) [tributary]∶一条流入较大脉管的支脉管

  • (2) [offset;branch range]∶指山脉的分支

支脉[zhī mài]
  1. 山的支脉一列山或丘的横岭乍看之下,落矶山脉以西的地方似乎是山套山,岭连岭。

    A spur of a mountain range or hills . At first sight , the land west of the Rockies appears to be tumble masses of mountains .

  2. 伏牛山是秦岭的支脉。

    The Funiu Mountains are an offshoot of the Qinling Mountain range .

  3. 最初的基督徒称为Nazoreans(注意不要与Nazarenes混淆),Ebionites即是他们的支脉。

    The first Christians were known as the Nazoreans ( not to be confused with Nazarenes ), and the Ebionites were a direct offshoot from them .

  4. 雪峰山西南支脉丘陵山地森林植物群落类型及结构特征研究

    Flora types and structure characters of the southwestern ridge of Snow-Peak Mountain

  5. 动脉分出许多支脉。肺泡气-动脉血氧分压差

    Arteries give off many branches . alveolar-arterial oxygen difference

  6. 你的心轮需要三倍支脉

    Your heart chakra needs a triple bypass .

  7. 只管融入生活就像河流的支脉

    Lodged in life like branches in the river

  8. 动脉分出许多支脉。

    Arteries give off many branches .

  9. 山的支脉上似乎有它自己的小气候,是很冷的那种。

    Branch hill seems to have it 's own micro-climate and it 's a cold one .

  10. 女性文学研究是新时期以来中国文学研究的一大支脉。

    Feminine literature is a very important branch of Chinese contemporary literature since the New Era .

  11. 西方当代文艺思潮是19世纪后期和20世纪西方文学中的重要支脉。

    Modernism and postmodernism are important branches in western literature from the late of19th century to the20th century .

  12. 同时,又依民族、音调风格分成若干支脉。

    These are in turn subdivided into branches according to the ethnic group which sings them and the musical style .

  13. 文学的发展就像一条大河,家族文学和地域文学则就是其支脉。

    If we say the development of literature like a river , then region literature and family literature are its branches .

  14. 中国民族声乐是音乐文化的细小分支,而音乐文化又是民族文化的支脉。

    Chinese national vocal music culture is the small branches , and music culture and national culture branch of the family .

  15. 位于西湖南岸南屏山支脉的雷峰塔因夕阳西照时塔影横空、金碧辉煌而成为许多游人游览西湖的必选之地。

    Leifeng tower located on the subhill of Nanping mountain is a must of travel to the Westlake because of its sunset sights .

  16. 他们积攒了很久来建造自家的墓穴,而墓穴是他们家族支脉兴旺发达的标志之一。

    They had long been saving money to build their own crypt , a sign that their branch of the family had prospered and risen in prominence .

  17. 唱腔是河北梆子的重要标志,它源于山西、陕西的梆子腔,属梆子腔系的一个支脉。

    The important symbol of Hebei Bangzi is its aria rooting from the Bangzi tune-pattern in Shanxi and shaanxi , which is a branch of Bangzi genre .

  18. “树枝状”免疫细胞将支脉送至我们吸入或者吞下微生物呼吸道和消化道对它们进行采样。

    " Dendritic "( treelike ) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts , where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow .

  19. 一般情况下,家族的每一支脉来的不说几百人,也不下几十人,而按照传统待客之道,需要款待他们含肉的美食。

    Each branch of the family ordinarily invites dozens , if not hundreds of people , and tradition calls for guests to be fed fine meals that include meat .

  20. 由此在人脑里建立起来的概念系统是一个多层次、多支脉的庞大而复杂的金字塔式的结构系统。这个系统应当是人类思维的基础,也应当是逻辑理论的基础。

    The conceptual system reflected into brains is a multi-level and multi-branch profound and complicated pyramid structural system , which is the foundation of human being thinking and logic theory .

  21. 上二棚叶采收最适特征为叶片全黄、主脉全白发亮、支脉2/3至全白、茸毛大部分脱落以及叶尖叶缘呈枯尖枯边。

    Meanwhile , the optimal appearance of upper leaves for picking was yellow in colour , whith maim veins completely white , 2 / 3 to all of the lateral veins turning white , most of tomenta falling off , and the reins and tips of leaves having withered .